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"I would help the Chinese to pull Uygurs away from Islam". You should be ashamed if you still consider yourself a Turk.

What he says is true.

The fact is that Uighurs are the most adamant fighters in Syria. They make excellent terrorists. Luckily, their number is not that many and getting fewer day by day.

We believe Abraham, Moses, Jesus and other Prophets are all Muslims.

You believe; but, others do not.

I do not think Jews or Christians would share their god with you. You are heretics to each other and are deemed to go to hell.

You are rivals.

Arabization of Turks had long ago destroyed our warlike culture.

That's hardly correct if you consider their jihadists. They are very warlike. But, of course, against Russian high-tech, they are powerless.

If one is secular, one is hardly to die for fairy tales. This is what they are resisting against. Because, if secular culture is well-set, you cannot mobilize crowds into jihad with the promise of heaven in the after-world.

Secular people will prefer what they can see and actually have over what they cannot and do not have.
What he says is true.

The fact is that Uighurs are the most adamant fighters in Syria. They make excellent terrorists. Luckily, their number is not that many and getting fewer day by day.

You believe; but, others do not.

I do not think Jews or Christians would share their god with you. You are heretics to each other and are deemed to go to hell.

You are rivals.

That's hardly correct if you consider their jihadists. They are very warlike. But, of course, against Russian high-tech, they are powerless.

If one is secular, one is hardly to die for fairy tales. This is what they are resisting against. Because, if secular culture is well-set, you cannot mobilize crowds into jihad with the promise of heaven in the after-world.

Secular people will prefer what they can see and actually have over what they cannot and do not have.

Religion can breed brutal warriors. Pagans were brutal warriors who marched with their war gods. Aztecs marched with their war gods.

Then you have Muslims, Christians and Jews. I can say majority of religions have some sort of militarist culture within them.

Did the Chinese have any examples of their warriors and soldiers being motivated by religion did the Chinese have any gods dedicated to war?
Religion can breed brutal warriors. Pagans were brutal warriors who marched with their war gods. Aztecs marched with their war gods.

Then you have Muslims, Christians and Jews. I can say majority of religions have some sort of militarist culture within them.

Did the Chinese have any examples of their warriors and soldiers being motivated by religion did the Chinese have any gods dedicated to war?

It is the human instinct, not the third parties.

The morality or religion is roughly guiding the soul over the body; however, the human instinct always finds the way to express itself in the motives that she is hunger of.

That is why Prisons in countreis of any nation with any morality or religion are full of the human instinct.

The Islam is the perfect guide for human beings in the world of test.
Did the Chinese have any examples of their warriors and soldiers being motivated by religion did the Chinese have any gods dedicated to war?

We have ancestors that are exemplified for their virtues and we pay respect to. Ancients associated with virtues such as valor, justice, filial piety, love for learning, etc.

Their motivation is indeed in part spiritual, but, not necessarily for a higher deity, and definitely not based on a scripture.

They are (real or folkloric) later deified and become objects for worship.

For instance, the god of gate guard, or Door God (Menshen), is a guardian god for households to push away evil spirits, ensure harmony at home and protect peace. You will see its picture to be put on almost all households across China, including Taiwan and HK.


That is why Prisons in countreis of any nation with any morality or religion are full of the human instinct.

Are prisons proliferating in Turkey or becoming less?
This man will rule the country in the near future.
Is that necessarily a good thing? I mean what do we really know about him, what his policies will be, what he stands for on national issues and so on? What is his concept of the national interest? Or would he just try to prove his liberal credentials by bowing to every western demand. How will he deal with the PKK, our security interests in Syria, or our sovereignty in the Aegean and east med, the economy and all the bigger issues which the AKP has messed up.
He may be good at exposing the corruption of the AKP in Istanbul, but maybe that's where he should stay. If he can prove during his tenure as mayor that he can handle the job responsibly, effectively without being partisan then okay otherwise we don't need another councillor trained in petty party politics leading the country.
I would much rather a proven non politician who can put the country first before a party lead the country, like Hulusi Akar than another personality cult.
Just because he can potentially smash the AKP corruption and exploitation of Istanbul doesn't make him a future leader of the country. Let him prove himself first, only time will tell if he's up to it for a bigger job.
Is that necessarily a good thing? I mean what do we really know about him, what his policies will be, what he stands for on national issues and so on? What is his concept of the national interest? Or would he just try to prove his liberal credentials by bowing to every western demand. How will he deal with the PKK, our security interests in Syria, or our sovereignty in the Aegean and east med, the economy and all the bigger issues which the AKP has messed up.
He may be good at exposing the corruption of the AKP in Istanbul, but maybe that's where he should stay. If he can prove during his tenure as mayor that he can handle the job responsibly, effectively without being partisan then okay otherwise we don't need another councillor trained in petty party politics leading the country.
I would much rather a proven non politician who can put the country first before a party lead the country, like Hulusi Akar than another personality cult.
Just because he can potentially smash the AKP corruption and exploitation of Istanbul doesn't make him a future leader of the country. Let him prove himself first, only time will tell if he's up to it for a bigger job.
So you think Hulusi Akar is the non-partizan guy and hes not part of personality cult of Tayyip Erdoğan ? :rofl::rofl: :rofl:

Değerli arkadaşlar mesajlarınızı verdiniz,tepkinizi gösterdiniz

Yeah looks like a really non-partizan and objective guy :-)
So you think Hulusi Akar is the non-partizan guy and hes not part of personality cult of Tayyip Erdoğan ? :rofl::rofl: :rofl:

Yeah looks like a really non-partizan and objective guy :-)
I didn't say he was flawless. The crowd was angry, what did you expect him to say? He's a military man, he will have his biases especially when soldiers are killed. But you're right in a sense, he needs to moderate his words sometimes. I remember when he said how they would bury the ypg in their trenches. This was translated as burying Kurds and didn't look good for a minister. Even when I agree with the sentiment. Kilicdaroglu is also a good example of personality cult as well. He should do the right thing and step down yesterday, instead he hangs on.

The point was the President should be above party politics and not put party decisions before the nation. A clear example of that is the rerun for Istanbul. Erdogan put his party before the best interests of the country which will cause unnecessary and unneeded harm.
Imamoglu would do a good job cleaning up Istanbul, but if he's to go further than that he has to prove himself first.
Erdoğan once said "the poor is poor because he does not know how to steal..."

He was right.

Is that necessarily a good thing? I mean what do we really know about him, what his policies will be, what he stands for on national issues and so on? What is his concept of the national interest? ...

Just because he can potentially smash the AKP corruption and exploitation of Istanbul doesn't make him a future leader of the country. Let him prove himself first, only time will tell if he's up to it for a bigger job.

He needs a chance to prove himself. Did you vote for him?
S-400 effect in Syria, Medieterranean Sea, no problem into NATO integration with Turk engineers, F35 hit in Syria with S-200 in Syria... is explained by the Rtr. Staff Colonel Osman Başıbüyük.

Lockheed Martin Bribery, F-35 weakness, disadvantages and cost of 64 billion USA dollars in 30-35 years, high rank Turk soldiers who oppose it and get eliminated in Balyoz, Ergenekon etc. plot cases... is explained by the Rtr. Staff Colonel Osman Başıbüyük.

Everybody wins since 2002... how about Turkey?

...ABD IŞİD bahanesiyle Suriye'nin üçte birini işgal etti, PKK/YPG'ye teslim etti.

...Suriye'deki 3 bin, Afganistan'daki 15 bin askerini çekme kararı açıklayan Trump'ın Ortadoğu'ya 120 bin asker göndereceğini beklemek şuanda mümkün değil.

...ABD bölgede Irak üzerinden etki odaklı yeni bir önleyici işgale hazırlanıyor.

...Türkiye'nin Suriye'de ABD planlarına dahil olduğunu

...Türkiye artık Suriye'ye operasyondan bahsetmiyor. S-400 konusunda yabancı medyada çıkan haberleri yalanlamıyor.

...S-400 projesi Türkiye'ye karşı bir silaha dönüştü

Kısacası S-400'ler gelmiyor.

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