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Which means gas should be wasted for the crematorium to burn the bodies... Too much money spent on a pile of shit. Let them rot in the mountains.
Meral Akşener is Fethullah Gülens wife.
They are still happily married today.

Ayakkabı kutuları skandalı patlak vermeden önce düzenli aralıklarla Amerika'ya gidip Fetullah Gülen'e blowjob çeken ve methiyeler düzen AKP'li siyasilerin yanında bu devede kulak kalır ama yine de Meral Hanım'a olan güvenim az da olsa sarsıldı...Bu konuşmasını dinlememiştim.
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Is this for real ?

If thats a measure for being fetö member then i dont know what all AKP politicians are.

They are just afraid of Meral Akşener like dogs....they are trying to slander her with everything they got....but it's vain.

The only thing that would stop her, is to imprison her and i'm sure that Erdoğan will imprison her till 2019.
Ayakkabı kutuları skandalı patlak vermeden önce düzenli aralıklarla Amerika'ya gidip Fetullah Gülen'e blowjob çeken ve methiyeler düzen AKP'li siyasilerin yanında bu devede kulak kalır ama yine de Meral Hanım'a olan güvenim az da olsa sarsıldı...Bu konuşmasını dinlememiştim.

Ne anlatiyon sen hanımefendi..!!
Is this for real ?


They are just afraid of Meral Akşener like dogs....they are trying to slander her with everything they got....but it's vain.

The only thing that would stop her, is to imprison her and i'm sure that Erdoğan will imprison her till 2019.
Muhahaha sen hiç akşenevvi dinledin mi, bence Erdoğan sizi bunun peşine takılacak şekilde dizayn etmiş, bu kemalden bile yeteneksiz.. Neyse devam edin böyle sıkıntı yok.. :D
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Frankly everybody must stop about he/her is fetocu.... simply making a good remark about Gulen don't make a fetocu, only a politician who want to court a powerfull and influence man at this time. Anyway AKP has certainly not right to accuse any other party member to be fetocu after their past relationship and not before to clean the fetocu AKP's deputy.
But of course other party too should make attention, because Gulen has certainly not placed all his men in AKP.
She is a Fetullahist. There is a video of her saying dear hocaefendi.

If I ever meet him, I will try to call him "hocaefendi". Will I get some trouble if I want to enter Turkey after next? Does it mean I am at Turkish terrorists list than? To saying someone as hocaefendi is not a proof of a membership to any organization. Maybe she is one or maybe not, but calling hocaefendi is everything than a proof. It's a ridiculous argument. And it seems your country does not need such thing (proof or rule of law) you need just Erdogan and some sura. You don't even need a brain. Erdogan will think for you all.

No offense Soul, but I am a little bit sick of your (Erdogan fanboys) stupid mentality! You jailed a journalist because he interviewed Ocalan (which is his job). You called people as terrorists when they have a different views. You called people Nazi because they don't allowed Erdogan to speak in Germany. You run an unprecedented witch-hunt which against everyone and everything which is not conform with Erdogan.

Even Erdogan said, he was deceived by Gülen. So why not other people? 3-4 years ago, they were best friends. God know why they disunited.
If I ever meet him, I will try to call him "hocaefendi". Will I get some trouble if I want to enter Turkey after next? Does it mean I am at Turkish terrorists list than?
If you were a Turkish person and supposed to know the meaning of Hocaefendi, and if you were a popular person, yeah.

To saying someone as hocaefendi is not a proof of a membership to any organization.
No, it is not. But it is enough proof of the sympathy towards Islamist Terror Organisation's leader o_O

No offense Soul, but I am a little bit sick of your (Erdogan fanboys) stupid mentality!
He is not an AKP fanboy, he is not even AKP supporter. You are making AKP propaganda by calling anti-Fethollah people as "Erdoğan fanboys". Dude, we Kemalists were the biggest hater of Fethollah in the beginning with o_O Even, Fethollah was the main reason why we hated AKP in first place lmao. How come being against Fethollah scum is enough proof for you to call him as Erdoğan fanboy o_O It is autistic.

Even Erdogan said, he was deceived by Gülen.
Just because he lied and he has power to get away with this, it doesnt mean all other criminals have right to do so o_O We are a law state. If one crime didn't justified, it doesnt mean Laws are deleted. They still exist and if someone else commited even same crime, we will keep demanding justice.
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No offense Soul, but I am a little bit sick of your (Erdogan fanboys) stupid mentality! You jailed a journalist because he interviewed Ocalan (which is his job). You called people as terrorists when they have a different views. You called people Nazi because they don't allowed Erdogan to speak in Germany. You run an unprecedented witch-hunt which against everyone and everything which is not conform with Erdogan.

No, I am sick and tired of the attitude of people like you! Even though I am a Kemalist you called me Erdogan fanboy (which I reported for). People like you, even though not knowing anything, still do not hesitate calling others names just because they dont fit in your narrative of hatred!

Yes, if someone calls him hocaefendi, it indeed means they are his supporter! You dont even know the word, yet you see at yourself the right to judge and insult others based on things you have no knowledge of!

If you had watched the video you could see that there are hundreds of sings all around to figure out she was at least at some time a Fetullahist. Period.

And oh, about why not other people being decieved too like Erdogan.. As I said before:


Just us having lots of fetullahists in the parliament and government shouldnt mean that we should tolerate electing a different group of fetullahists.

What about not electing any fetullahist at all? Why is that not an option?

Why not just electing a normal person for a change with no fetullah background?

Is that not allowed?
Here she doesnt say it but says even more that show her views:

I will look at the hocaefendi video later and put it here if I can find it, but the video above alone should be enough for the point of this discussion.

All world leaders have blood in their hands, including Erdoğan. Should we take them all down?

Why dont you just take the bakla out of your mouth and talk what you actually want to talk about, which is about the Qatar-Turkey natural gas pipeline?

Mate that Video is from the "Turkish Olimpiyad", and if I remember correctly it was something that was started to spread the turkish language to many nations, and until RTE went rabid it was always held in Turkey.

Another thing it's from the "S" channel, I think that's Samanyolu with is religious oriented and Fetullah Gülens "channel" or sponsored by ppl supporting him.

The content of the video what Meral says shows a respectful stance as someone invited to give a speech. I don't hear anything she says to incriminate her.

And when was that video from ? before RTE and Feto went mad at each other ?

all I want to say is that you don't need to go rabid in order to disagree with other peoples political views and everyone plays nice as long as there is no need to go rabid, only exception to this is RTE and his ilk who goes rabid to SUPPRESS free speech and scare people, that's why he has his army of prosecutors to drag ppl into the justice system even if they are innocent.

EDIT: I should probably add that there are many among us who jump to conclusions and scream "fanboy" because it's difficult to keep track of every conversation and discussion. Confusion and accusations is the best defense in here..... lol
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The content of the video what Meral says shows a respectful stance as someone invited to give a speech. I don't hear anything she says to incriminate her.
What the fúck? Even attending that organisation is enough reason to be imprisoned for life o_O It's like PKK invites X guy into one Pan-Kurdist meeting, that guy shows his respect to PKK officers due to he is invited. Holy shit, that is why we cant win against Erdoğan. Most of our opposition comrades are even more retarded than AKP fanboys o_O
"It has been 11 months since my son has been killed. I shed tears of blood, not only for my son but for all the martyrs."

We walk with millions on the streets of Istanbul as they remember Turkey's failed coup while sharing their hopes for the future.

The final version of Turkey’s national school curriculum has left evolution out and added the concept of “jihad” as part of Islamic law in books, Education Minister İsmet Yılmaz said on July 18.

The new curriculum will be put into execution for first, fifth, and ninth graders starting from this year, and it will extend to other classes in the 2018-2019 academic year. Accordingly, a total of 176 class curricula have been renewed.

“Jihad is an element in our religion; it is in our religion… The duty of the Education Ministry is to teach every concept deservedly, in a correct way. It is also our job to correct things that are wrongly perceived, seen or taught,” Yılmaz announced at a press meeting in the Turkish capital Ankara.

“In this manner, in the lessons on Islamic law and basic religion sciences, there will be [the concept of] jihad. But what is this jihad? What our Prophet [Muhammad] says is that while returning from a war, we are going from a small jihad to a big jihad. What is this big jihad? It is to serve our society, to increase welfare, to ensure peace in society, to serve the society’s needs. The easiest thing is to wage war, to fight. The skill is the difficult one, which is to ensure peace and tranquility,” he said.

Speaking about the controversial decision to exclude evolution, Yılmaz said it was not included in the national curriculum “because it is above the students’ level and not directly relevant.”

Information on last year’s failed coup attempt will also be included in the curriculum. “When the subject of winning democracy is covered in social sciences classes, we will want the July 15 National Unity Day to be covered, too,” Yılmaz said.

“In Turkish language classes, when topics on the national struggle led by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk [founder of modern Turkey] are being discussed, July 15 [2016 coup attempt] will also be touched on,” the minister noted.

Yılmaz said the new curriculum will also include topics on the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ), the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

The chairman of a teachers’ union described the changes as a huge step in the wrong direction for Turkey’s schools and an attempt to avoid raising “generations who ask questions.”

“The new policies that ban the teaching of evolution and requiring all schools to have a prayer room, these actions destroy the principle of secularism and the scientific principles of education,” said Mehmet Balık, chairman of the Union of Education and Science Workers (Eğitim-İş).

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