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This is Debka file view (not my view):

Turkey badly needed to end row with Israel. Netanyahu

Turkey badly needed to end row with Israel. Netanyahu’s apology gave Obama a diplomatic breakthrough

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu granted the Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan a face-saver for ending their three-year rift out of willingness to crown US President Barack Obama’s three-day visit with an impressive diplomatic breakthrough. He swallowed Israel and its army’s pride and, at the airport, with Obama looking on, picked up the phone to Erdogan and apologized for the killing by Israeli soldiers of nine Turkish pro-Palestinian activists in 2010 aboard the Mavi Marmara, which was leading a flotilla bound on busting the Israeli blockade of the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip.

The crowing comment by Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu - “Turkey’s basic demands have been met; we got what we wanted” – was out of place, spiteful and ill-mannered.

He knows perfectly well that for the past year, amid a constant stream of ranting abuse from Ankara, Israel has been quietly responding to Turkey’s desperate need for cooperation in four essential fields, which are disclosed here by debkafile:
1. The Turkish armed forces are heavily dependent on Israeli military technologies from the long years of the close alliance between the two countries, which Ankara cut short. This dependence applies most particularly to its drones, the backbone of today’s modern armies. It is also holding up the huge transaction for the sale of American Boeing Awacs electronic warning airplanes to Turkey.

Boeing was unable to deliver the aircraft without Jerusalem’s consent, because a key component, the early warning systems, is designed in Israel. This consent has been withheld in the face of Turkey’s urgent need and the US aviation firm’s impatience to consummate the deal.

Turkey is in need of those planes - not just to monitor events in neighboring wartorn Syria, but to complete its air defense lineup against Iranian ballistic missiles. Without the AWACs, the advanced FBX-radar system the US has stationed at the Turkish Kurecik air base is only partly operational. The Kurecik battery is linked to its equivalent at a US base in the Israeli Negev, a fact which Ankara chooses to conceal.

2. In view of the turmoil in Syria, the bulk of Turkey’s exports destined for the Persian Gulf and points farther east have been diverted to the Israeli ports of Haifa and Ashdod, whereas just a year ago, they went through Syria, Jordan and Saudi Arabia.

Since no end is seen to the Syrian conflict and the closure of the Turkish-Syrian border, more and more export traffic from Turkey is making its way through Haifa port and thence by rail across Israel to Jordan. Turkish goods bound for destinations in Europe and the US are diverted to Israeli ports too as Egyptian ports are made increasingly dysfunctional by that country’s economic crisis..
3. In the first year of the Syrian uprising, when Davutoglu was still a frequent traveler to Damascus for talks with Bashar Assad, Ankara entertained high hopes of becoming a major player for resolving the Syrian debacle. But he also sought to strike a deal with the Lebanese Hizballah, Assad’s ally, for obstructing Israeli gas and oil exploration in the eastern Mediterranean
Three years on, Turkish leaders have woken up to the realization that they had better hurry up and jump aboard the US-backed Israeli energy bandwagon or else they will miss out on an outstanding and lucrative economic development, namely, the forthcoming opening up of a Mediterranean gas exporting route to Europe.

4. Turkey, Israel and Jordan are all in the same boat as targets for the approaching large-scale use of Syria’s chemical and biological weapons.
This topic was high on the agenda of President Obama’s talks with Jordan’s King Hussein Friday, March 21, in Amman, after he had explored the subject with Israel’s prime minister in Jerusalem.
Obama presented them with his plan to consolidate into a single US-led Turkish-Israeli-Jordan HQ the separate commands established six months ago in each of those countries to combat the use of unconventional weapons.
This unified command would stand ready to launch units of the four armies into coordinated land and air action inside Syria upon a signal from Washington.
The US president used his visits to Jerusalem and Amman to tie up the ends of this contingency plan with Netanyahu and Abdullah, while Secretary of State John Kerry got together with Erdogan in Ankara.

However, this four-way military effort to combat the Syrian chemical threat could not have taken off with Ankara and Jerusalem not on speaking terms.
This had been going on for three years, ever since Erdogan suspended military ties with Israel and downgraded diplomatic relations pending an Israeli apology for the Marmara incident, compensation for the victims and the lifting of its naval blockade on Gaza.

The Turkish prime minister insisted on the Israeli prime minister paying obeisance to Turkish national honor. And finally Netanyahu relented. But Israel stood its ground on the last condition; a UN probe had pronounced the Israeli blockade legal and legitimate although its raid on the Turkish ship was deemed “excessive.” So the blockade remains in place and, indeed, Friday, March 23, Israel’s new defense minister, Moshe Yaalon, tightened it by restricting the Gaza offshore areas open to Palestinian Mediterranean fishermen.

This was punishment for the four-rocket attack staged from Gaza on the Israeli town of Sderot Thursday, the second day of President Obama’s visit to Israel.
debkafile’s military sources comment that the new defense minister may have also been directing a reproach at the prime minister for apologizing to Turkey and admitting to “operational errors,” thereby casting aspersions on the professionalism of the Israel Navy’s Shayetet 13 commando unit and its legitimate action in defense of Israel’s legal Gaza blockade.


Debka file posted a picture of ANKA as a sign of Turkey's military dependence on Israel.

Of course they will try to show that the one who wanted to resume the relationship was Turkiye. But we all know that, Israel many times tried to resume the relationship and asked help from the US and EU governments. The current situation is not favor of Israel but a threat for them in ME. After the Arab Spring in Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood came to power. Syrian crisis affected Jordan so badly and the crisis destabilized Jordan (Also many protests took place against to King in Jordan as well). So all of these scared Israel and she felt unsafe so that Israel was alone and needed turkish support so badly. In addition, when Assad collepses, it is highly possible that the ruling power in Syria will be under turkish influence and Turkiye will be very powerful in Syria. Therefore, the Golan Heights will be another problem for Israel to deal with. Besides the possibility of falling the chemical weapons into Hezbollah's hands assured that rapprochement with Turkiye has become increasingly important for Israel.

About the UAV claim, in the past Turkiye may have needed Israeli UAV. But today we have closed this gap and now is able to make our own UAV. Contrary to debka claim, our dependence reduced significantly.

Regarding the Boeing Awacs electronic warning airplanes we bought this plane from the USA not from the Israel. Israel was sub-contractor who was providing some equipments for Boeing. If Israel insisted to not deliver those equipments to Turkiye, they might have faced to lose their position in Boeing and Boeing will hire different company to provide those equipments for Turkish AWACS.

As a result, if we were the one who needed to end row with Israel, then we would not reject all efforts made by Israel to resume the relationships. That much simple. Every one know that this kind of news is just to ease the wrath of the some oppositions and some people who opposed any kind of apology.
BBC News - Israel PM apologies for Gaza flotilla deaths

On here it says it was "done last minute, when air force one was about to set off" meaning Obama the lazy sleaze pursuaded the zionists to apologise its nothing big saying "sorry" sorry doesnt do anything does it. They done this in the hope that Turkey might help Israhell if it decides to invade Iran.

Compensation nor sorry brings back dead people - not even $100 million!

Netanyahu or whatever his ugly face is literally trying to buy the Turks now. Desperate git.

Look at netyanhu in the pic he looks like a crafty devil just like all of his predecessors especially Sharone.

No way israhell is going to lift the blockade and hope Turkey doesn ar$e lick them and talk to them.

Turkey needs Iran than israhell just like Turkmenistan and Pakistan. Iran is helping them what does israhell do? Tie you up like a bull and fire at you...

They agreed to pay money to the families of killed activists. They apologised. They self-agreed to remove the gaza blockade. That's more than "sorry". We should NOT ally with Iran,Iraq,Syrian Gov't. Just watched a video at bbc.uk. A british defence analyst and an Israeli one were talking about early relations with them. It wasn't as close as pakistan. It was very close in military terms, even I saw that with my eyes.
First of all, i'm supporting my country to have good and stable relationship with Israel, but i don't agree with you. Having a resourceful friend like Israel would be beneficial for Turkey and vice versa, but do we need them? Nope.

With its population, Israel has not much to offer to Turkish tourism. For now, we are interested in their business/military technology. Two or three decade later, it won't matter either. So...
I see there are sane men in PDF too! :tup:
The Only Reason for a good Relationship with Turkey is the Syria Problem.

Today Israel starts again a Strike against Syria on the Israel-Syria Border.

This Time we see truth faster then 24 h !!!
Do our Turkish friends really trust this man? They killed your people and apologize?
If they really meant their apology then they would had apologized much earlier.

I am sorry but, a life is worth much more than a apology from these satanic Zionists.
They agreed to pay money to the families of killed activists. They apologised. They self-agreed to remove the gaza blockade.
Last part not true, and Erdo never corrected that. Which means he's keeping an excuse open for resuming cold shoulder or open naval war at his convenience - probably when his next attempt to increase his power meets resistance at home. Erdogan can always count on the Green Faces out there to support tyranny at the expense of democracy and human rights, yes?
Last part not true, and Erdo never corrected that. Which means he's keeping an excuse open for resuming cold shoulder or open naval war at his convenience - probably when his next attempt to increase his power meets resistance at home. Erdogan can always count on the Green Faces out there to support tyranny at the expense of democracy and human rights, yes?

whoa whoa whoa, w8 there! You think I like that guy, or his fellow palestinians? :rofl:. Now please rewrite your statement my friend. My eng is not as good as you.
whoa whoa whoa, w8 there! You think I like that guy, or his fellow palestinians? :rofl:. Now please rewrite your statement my friend. My eng is not as good as you.
No need, this guy writes better:

...Turkey had previously demanded that, in addition to apologizing and paying compensation, Israel lift the blockade. In order to get around this last -- and thorniest -- condition, Netanyahu stressed that Israel has recently eased restrictions on civilian goods coming into Gaza, and he agreed to work with Turkey on improving the humanitarian situation there. The details of the arrangement still need to be worked out -

...the politics in Turkey are a different story. The Palestinian issue has made Israel deeply unpopular there, and the feud has been politically valuable for Erdogan, who has been able to blast Israel any time he has wanted to divert attention away from sensitive domestic issues.
I hoped once that Muslim unity may resist against US-Israel-Kurdish-AKP alliance, but unfortunately didnt happen. Shias are our last stronghold. Sunnis and Seculars should be ashamed.
Funny statement, considering that Shia Syria is father of Kurdish terrorism.

Do our Turkish friends really trust this man? They killed your people and apologize?
If they really meant their apology then they would had apologized much earlier.

I am sorry but, a life is worth much more than a apology from these satanic Zionists.
Bum is burning? Suck it up
No need, this guy writes better:

...Turkey had previously demanded that, in addition to apologizing and paying compensation, Israel lift the blockade. In order to get around this last -- and thorniest -- condition, Netanyahu stressed that Israel has recently eased restrictions on civilian goods coming into Gaza, and he agreed to work with Turkey on improving the humanitarian situation there. The details of the arrangement still need to be worked out -

...the politics in Turkey are a different story. The Palestinian issue has made Israel deeply unpopular there, and the feud has been politically valuable for Erdogan, who has been able to blast Israel any time he has wanted to divert attention away from sensitive domestic issues.

got that loud and clear, but what's the point that?

Israel should also apologize for supporting PKK

democrasy is a dirty job :P
As I said before:

Increased cooperation in energy expected after Israel's apology

Meanwhile, many speculations have emerged in the media that Turkey and Israel will soon be in talks to build a natural gas pipeline between the countries and the gas would then be carried to Europe. Last month, there were also speculations that Zorlu Group was in discussions with both governments to begin the project, however, Turkey's Energy and Natural Resources Minister Taner Yıldız said, “Certain conditions needs to be met before the construction of a pipeline could happen," -- referring to the conditions that were demanded by Turkey after the flotilla incident.
Kurdish Terrorism has many fathers, one of which is Israel.
Israel has nothing to do with Kurdish terrorism.

If Israel had a role in that vulcano eruption, yes, but I you and me both know that is absurd. Lets just keep it at the things we know.
Israel's role in vulcano erruption is same exactly as its role in PKK terror.
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