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Turkish police set to face probe over Istanbul protest


Dec 27, 2009
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Thursday, December 16, 2010
ISTANBUL - Daily News with wires

An Istanbul public prosecutor has requested permission to investigate high-ranking police officers following accusations of the use of excessive force against protesting students, daily Habertürk reported Thursday.

The public prosecutor’s office in the central Istanbul district of Beyoğlu asked the Justice Ministry for permission to begin investigating Hüseyin Çapkın and Osman Yıldırım, the chiefs of police for the city and the district. Student protesters filed a criminal complaint against both chiefs, as well as Çapkın’s deputy, Gökhan Özsavaş, following a Dec. 4 demonstration outside Dolmabahçe Palace.

Students trying to march to the palace, where Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was holding a meeting with university rectors, were stopped by police, who reportedly hurt many protesters with batons or pepper spray. One student claims to have had a miscarriage after being beaten by police. Her case is being investigated separately.

Since the pregnant victim could not identify her alleged attacker, the prosecution has asked for photographs of the 200 officers assigned to Dolmabahçe on the day of the protest. The Supreme Board of Radio and Television, or RTÜK, was also asked to collect and submit all recordings made at the scene.

Özsavaş is being accused of giving officers the order to charge without warning while protesters were still engaged in talks with a police arbiter. The deputy chief is already under investigation on charges of torture in connection with an alleged battery incident during May Day demonstrations in Istanbul.
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