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Turkish PM’s ‘Zionist’ comment sparks international outcry


Dec 30, 2011
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
Iran, Islamic Republic Of

Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan during a news conference after the opening session of the fifth United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Forum in Vienna February 27, 2013. (Reuters / Heinz-Peter Bader)

The Israeli premier, the UN Chief and US officials criticized the Turkish PM’s claim that Jewish nationalism is a "crime against humanity," and rejected comparisons to fascism, the ideology behind the Holocaust, which targeted European Jews.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu labeled Wednesday’s statement by the Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan as “dark and libelous.”

“I strongly condemn the comparison that the Turkish prime minister drew between Zionism and fascism,” Netanyahu was quoted as saying by Haaretz, adding that he “thought that such dark and libelous comments were a thing of the past.”

Netanyahu was responding to a speech by Erdogan at the opening of the fifth United Nations Alliance of Civilizations in Vienna on Wednesday, where in passing the Turkish leader compared modern Zionism to fascism, in the way it treats Muslims.

“Just like Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it becomes unavoidable that Islamophobia must be regarded as a crime against humanity,” Erdogan said in his address to high-ranking officials including UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

Following the speech, UN Watch, a Geneva-based non-governmental organization that monitors the treatment of Israel and Jews in general in the UN, asked Ban Ki-moon to condemn the speech and called on Erdogan to apologize for the statement, which it described as an “Ahmedinejad-style pronouncement.”

“We remind Secretary-general Ban Ki-moon that his predecessor Kofi Annan recognized that the UN's 1975 Zionism-is-racism resolution was an expression of anti-Semitism, and he welcomed its repeal,” the lobby group stated.

The group argued that such statements by the Turkish leader “will only strengthen the belief that his government is hewing to a confrontational stance, and fundamentally unwilling to end its four-year-old feud with Israel.”

In its request to the UN General Secretary, UN Watch was referring to a November 1975 General Assembly resolution which said that Zionism, a multifaceted ideology that opposes the assimilation of Jews into other societies, was “a form of racism and racial discrimination.” In 1991 the resolution was repealed.

Following criticism over the UN chief’s silence, Ban spoke out on Friday, condemning Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s statement that Jewish nationalism is a “crime against humanity.”

"The secretary-general believes is it is unfortunate that such hurtful and divisive comments were uttered at a meeting being held under the theme of responsible leadership," Reuters quoted Ban’s spokesperson as saying.

The US also rejected Erdogan’s comments – National Security Council spokesperson Tommy Vietor said the characterization was "offensive and wrong," and that people of all religions should “denounce hateful actions and overcome... differences,” AP reported.

This issue will likely be discussed Friday when US State Secretary John Kerry meets with Erdogan and other Turkish leaders in Ankara.

Turkey and Israel have been at diplomatic loggerheads since the Mavi Marmara flotilla raid in 2010, when Israeli commandoes stormed a humanitarian ship trying to bring aid to victims of the siege on Gaza. Israeli forces killed nine Turkish civilians in the ordeal.

Turkish PM?s ?Zionist? comment sparks international outcry ? RT News
Yup, I am out. This man is the next ahmedinejad, starts barking about 'Zionist' and such... :fie:

What Erdogan says is well taken by outside world and weighs much more in international diplomatic parlays. It remains to be seen that whether it was a planned satire or the slip of tongue.
in a way its kind of fun.... I will defintly vote for him in the next election

we should abolish the seperation of inter-national politics and religon :smitten: there is no national interest but the interest of the musllim word...
in a way its kind of fun.... I will defintly vote for him in the next election

we should abolish the seperation of inter-national politics and religon :smitten: there is no national interest but the interest of the musllim word...


Anyway, This man has a Great achievement record but is getting way over its head. He finally understood the concept of secularisme, Religion should be invidual, Not a state thing. But now he starts another dramatic scene with this 'Zionisme' barking, My biggest fear is that he will eventually become like Ahmedinejad, seriously i am crapping my pants at the idea, He will damage Turkeys international image beyond repair :blink:
what dammage?Explain yourself first with what wil damage Turkey see? He dont say like ahmedinjad we wil destroy israel.
what dammage?Explain yourself first with what wil damage Turkey see? He dont say like ahmedinjad we wil destroy israel.

Damage of our image, dont get me wrong i praised Erdogans achievement many times and without him we wouldnt be here, A true leader. I am highly against zionismes. But lately he is become the barking politician type, Like Ahmedinejad, Starting barking about 'Zionisme' this and 'Zionisme' that, Next thing every single mistake he makes is because of 'Zionisme'. People will take abuse and take advantace of things like these, Thats what i fear, Using it for pure propaganda and brainwashing naive simple minded people
Looks like Turkish libs already forgot about the Flotilla incident.

NO NO. Don't say anything about Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is furious at his Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, for describing Zionism “a crime against humanity.”

"I strongly condemn the comparison that the Turkish prime minister drew between Zionism and fascism," Netanyahu said on Thursday, adding, "I had thought that such dark and libelous comments were a thing of the past."

He made the remarks in response to Erdogan’s Wednesday speech at the opening session of Fifth Alliance of Civilizations Forum in the Austrian capital city of Vienna, where he said, “Just like Zionism, anti-Semitism and fascism, it becomes unavoidable that Islamophobia must be regarded as a crime against humanity.”

The Turkish premier further decried the rising racism in Europe as “a serious problem for the Alliance of Civilizations Project.”

The development comes as, Turkey severed all ties with Israel over the 2010 killing of nine Turkish activists on a flotilla aid headed to Gaza, setting an official apology, paying compensation to the families of the victims and ending the blockade of the Gaza Strip as preconditions for the normalization of relations with the Israeli regime.

Meanwhile, Turkish newspaper Radikal said recently that secret meetings had been held between Israeli and Turkish officials and Tel Aviv might apologize for “operational errors” during the fatal raid.

Israel has also expressed readiness to meet the second condition, offering compensation, the report said, adding that Turkey has decided to overlook the third condition.

PressTV - Netanyahu fumes over Erdogan?s anti-Zionism remarks
Looks like Turkish libs already forgot about the Flotilla incident.
Nobody forgot what happened. But i don't see how whining about zionism helps things :) If he really cared we'd be REALLY going after Israel. Please ...We can't even invade a small country like Syria

Frankly because Erdo is a puss :)
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