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Turkish PM’s ‘Zionist’ comment sparks international outcry

Nobody forgot what happened. But i don't see how whining about zionism helps things :) If he really cared we'd be REALLY going after Israel. Please ...We can't even invade a small country like Syria

Frankly because Erdo is a puss :)

what has syria done to turkey to get invaded by it? in contract israel killed turks in flotilla, believe me, if UK or france or any country in EU had got attacked they would have considered it attack on their nation and dealt like one

Turkey seems to be rapidly Islamising, not a good sign. I hope other parties come to power in the next election who will uphold Mustafa Kemal's secularist ideals.

well if this islamist regime was more friendly to israel than the ones you mentioned i think you would have preferred the islamists
Turkey seems to be rapidly Islamising, not a good sign. I hope other parties come to power in the next election who will uphold Mustafa Kemal's secularist ideals.

don't worry , Erdogan only wants to fool simple minded Muslims .... nothing more nothing less ...

any way , his policies won't cause any harm to Zionists ( you said you are a zion , right !? ) and USA ....
don't worry , Erdogan only wants to fool simple minded Muslims .... nothing more nothing less ...

any way , his policies won't cause any harm to Zionists ( you said you are a zion , right !? ) and USA ....

We know, Observing your nation is more then an example for that...
People do not go after the press TV propaganda... they always distort the facts... lets find, what Erdogan really said?
@Era_923 can you also post... statement of Erdogan.. to put things in perspective!
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People do not go after the press TV propaganda... they always distort the facts... lets find, what Erdogan really said?
@Era_923 can you also post... statement of Erdogan.. to put things in perspective!

If you look better, you will see it's Russia Today, not Press TV. ;)
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If you look better, you will see it's Russia Today, not Press TV. ;)

Apparently,,,, there's too much condemnation news...... that it is impossible to find the real remarks or to find if there were any remarks on the first place.

I hope this does not mean..... US will change its sides now!
Turkey seems to be rapidly Islamising, not a good sign. I hope other parties come to power in the next election who will uphold Mustafa Kemal's secularist ideals.

Define 'Islamising', what ever the hell that is.
If you mean non-secular.

I would have to disagree with regards to the topic of this thread.
Being secular has nothing to do with being pro/anti-Israeli.
Someone please stop this nightmare. He's damaging the country.
what has syria done to turkey to get invaded by it? in contract israel killed turks in flotilla, believe me, if UK or france or any country in EU had got attacked they would have considered it attack on their nation and dealt like one
First of all, you little sh.t don't get to quote me and expect an answer.
Why should we invade Syria?
They shot down our plane, executed our pilots, struck our territory with artillery. Because thousands of refugees still coming to Turkey and we need them deported, because we need to establish military presence in Syria in order to get to Israel.

We got both moral and strategic grounds and needs to bomb Syria and hang al-asad publicly. Anyway, it won't happen because we've got a bunch of old farts running the country. We need a young and courageous leader. Erdo is a fvckin puss :)
everybody fears this little country israel.
if you muslim ummah is so afraid of tiny little jewish country.
then why not invade it???
Turkish PM’s is a drama queen. He became the laughing stock of the west. I think most of the turrks disagree with him& Most of the turkish newspapers attack him.
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