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Turkish PM Erdoan goes to Pakistan,Syria


Dec 27, 2009
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Sunday, October 10, 2010
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will go to flood-ravaged Pakistan Tuesday. Erdoğan also will pay a one-day visit to Syria on Monday.

Erdoğan postponed his visit to flood-hid Pakistan due to his Sept. 12 referendum campaign. However, his spouse Emine Erdoğan visited Pakistan in September.

Erdoğan previously criticized oil-rich Islamic countries for reluctance to help Pakistan. “It is not possible to comprehend the suffering there while sitting here,” he said during a symposium in September.

“What is the Muslim world, who say they own oil resources, doing? How much of their oil have they sent to Pakistan? I do not want them to be offended, but they were not the ones who discovered the oil resources. The resources are a blessing,” Erdoğan said.

Monsoon rains has hit Pakistan in August and floods destroyed much of the country. Nearly 1,600 people died and millions have been forced to relocate.
Sunday, October 10, 2010
ANKARA - Hürriyet Daily News


Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will go to flood-ravaged Pakistan Tuesday. Erdoğan also will pay a one-day visit to Syria on Monday.

Erdoğan postponed his visit to flood-hid Pakistan due to his Sept. 12 referendum campaign. However, his spouse Emine Erdoğan visited Pakistan in September.

Erdoğan previously criticized oil-rich Islamic countries for reluctance to help Pakistan. “It is not possible to comprehend the suffering there while sitting here,” he said during a symposium in September.

“What is the Muslim world, who say they own oil resources, doing? How much of their oil have they sent to Pakistan? I do not want them to be offended, but they were not the ones who discovered the oil resources. The resources are a blessing,” Erdoğan said.

Monsoon rains has hit Pakistan in August and floods destroyed much of the country. Nearly 1,600 people died and millions have been forced to relocate.

Great news :)

He's definitely gonna bring some good for the Muslim world.. :cheers:
This guy likes to speak truth so loud :lol:

That's why I like leaders such as Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Ahmadinejad, they just tell it as it is. They are not afraid of meaningless (western or non-western) criticism and attacks and propaganda because unlike most other leaders, they have dignity and pride.
The new leader of the Muslim World ... Erdogan is more popular here then alot of our local leaders ... I m sure he can win landslide if he stands for election here ... Thank you Turkey for providing muslims with a Gem of a leader ... Erdogan Zindabad
Welcome!! To the leader of Anatolia in particular and of Turkey in general...Welcome!!
That's why I like leaders such as Mr. Erdogan and Mr. Ahmadinejad, they just tell it as it is. They are not afraid of meaningless (western or non-western) criticism and attacks and propaganda because unlike most other leaders, they have dignity and pride.

Put one more name in the list from me President Hugo Chavez
Welcome ...... Mr. President... our hearts are filled with joy with this good news.

long live Turkey.
This guy likes to speak truth so loud :lol:

i love ahmedinijad also, but like its quite reverese hahaha :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:,

i love these guys haha, i would esp love erdogun to meet in a large congregation giving some lectures on quran or islam, i realy like this guy

btw to erdogun, welcome to the swimming pool
Dear Mr. Erdogan:

I would first of all with an open and sincere heart want to welcome you to our and your Pakistan, may Allah bless you with courage to lead your nation forward. And when you retire from Politics in Turkey, or cant run for PM any more, I am sure we in Pakistan will more then appreciate your services in our country. Unfortunately we in Pakistan have a bunch of clowns running and ruining the country, and who are not truthful to their cause nor they have any thing close to your capabilities. I just hope that there would be a day that a person like you could lead our country forward.

ANKARA, Sept. 11: A nine-year old Turkish girl student Ms Merve Beyza Tekinay has donated her one year’s pocket money of TL 150 in cash and her doll as a contribution to help the flood stricken people of Pakistan.
In an instance of sublime affection demonstrated by the ordinary Turkish citizen for their Pakistani brethren, Ms Merve, hailing from Konya, also addressed a personal letter to the President of Pakistan.
The hand written letter promises continued help for Pakistan. “I will go on sending my help. Don’t hesitate, we are your best friends,” writes little Merve.
Merve’s letter says, “I don’t know how much you need, I am sending you my one year’s pocket money and my doll. In the name of our friendship, I also send a photo of me.”
She goes on and says, “I am little, I saw Pakistan in the news and felt so sad. My Baba told me that you helped us in our War of Independence a lot. So now it is our turn to help you in these floods.”
“I wrote this letter because I want you to know that we are all informed about this”, the letter said. She concludes her letter with “May God help you, Kisses.”
The cash contribution of Merve has been deposited in the Pakistan Prime Minister’s Relief Fund account maintained by the Embassy of Pakistan in Ankara.

Help the flood affectees of Pakistan
Pakistan Prime Minister’s Flood Relief Fund Account Numbers:
US Dollar Account: 3457808/5010
Turkish Lira Account: 3457808/5011
T.C. Ziraat Bankasi A.Ş., 920 – Gaziosmanpaşa, Filistin Sok. No. 12, ANKARA

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