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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

AFAIK, the deal with the Russia was for Afrin. Tel-Rıfat not within the Afrin borders but Azez.
I think, FSA commanders knows this however civilians don't.
Few FSA commanders spoke of next op as being "Tel Rifaat"...
Others said, no it isn't...
You have to understand, that the core "fighters" in FSA that take part in AFrin op...are from Tel Rifaat/Azaz area... who are living in those "Refugee camps"... They had the hope to return home...Till they were said otherwise at the End...

This Tel Rifaat "Agreement" with ASSad/RU is a Political mistake from TR...(IF ofc we take the hypothesis, they indeed took out Tel Rifaat from the OP) Whatever the end result she wanted to have... the consequences is... For the Next op, "Many FSA fighters/groups/divisions will think TWICE..." and it will reinforce the rhetoric of Rebels groups that are calling "Turkey a liar" like HTS etc... Therefore increasing the Rift in Idlib...
There is YPG or Assad there?
Everyone is in Tel Rifaat...Except FSA/TSK...

Gonna be hard... To mobilize all the factions/Groups... to continue the fight in Manbij and even more if it's in Idlib...
When the Main "Target" of all FSA was Tel Rifaat and surrounding... and End up out of the contract... "IF" it's indeed the case...

Turkey will not stop in Afrin, Manbij and Idlib are next: Erdoğan


Turkey’s military operations in neighboring Syria “will not stop” with the district of Afrin and will continue in Manbij and Idlib, President Recep Erdoğan vowed on March 23.

“We will not take a step back in Syria and this will not end in Afrin. We have Manbij and Idlib next,” Erdoğan said at a rally in Istanbul’s Bağcılar district before a provincial congress of his ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP).

He also said a total of 3,700 militants have been “neutralized” since the start of “Operation Olive Branch” in Afrin. The Turkish authorities use the term “neutralized” in statements to imply that the militants in question were either killed, wounded or captured.
Well, imagine this. Who'd want to keep fighting once "their goal" has been archived.

If most of the FSA comes from Tel Rifaat and Azez as you say, wouldn't it be logical conclusion that FSA would stop pressing forward once their own "turf" has been claimed ?

On the other hand if TR can use FSA to claim the areas around and push for more gains and leave Tel Rifaat to last wouldn't that be a better choice for the campaign ?

But I think it's also important to see what happens now, that we've freed Afrin, we need to let this campaign rest a bit to see what is stirring up around.

US says "we won't leave manbij, they give us cookies". AS/RU is doing something as well, and Iran is another thing there. I think it's good to take a break and assess the situation and plan accordingly.

We've gained quite a bit, but need to plan what's going to happen and how to talk ppl to move back to their homes and rebuild (with support of course). There might be a phase 2, but it's also important to review the situation before it escalates into uncontrollable size.
You can speculate alot with these kinds of events, but another one could be that all the preparations were made to firstly get Afrin. Now that is done it first has to resolve all the local problems which have to be addressed.

Because if they want to attack the Tel Rifaat region they would firstly have to be sure that nothing weird will happen in the back if they went to push there, all the battle lines have to be planned, prepared and than coordinated.

Its easy to get carried away with the momentum of success, its because of those 3 points that the Afrin operations was carried out smoothly. Let just give it time and see what will happen.
Well, imagine this. Who'd want to keep fighting once "their goal" has been archived.

If most of the FSA comes from Tel Rifaat and Azez as you say, wouldn't it be logical conclusion that FSA would stop pressing forward once their own "turf" has been claimed ?

On the other hand if TR can use FSA to claim the areas around and push for more gains and leave Tel Rifaat to last wouldn't that be a better choice for the campaign ?

But I think it's also important to see what happens now, that we've freed Afrin, we need to let this campaign rest a bit to see what is stirring up around.

US says "we won't leave manbij, they give us cookies". AS/RU is doing something as well, and Iran is another thing there. I think it's good to take a break and assess the situation and plan accordingly.

We've gained quite a bit, but need to plan what's going to happen and how to talk ppl to move back to their homes and rebuild (with support of course). There might be a phase 2, but it's also important to review the situation before it escalates into uncontrollable size.

So, here a little IRL situation...

You find a beautiful girl...
You ask her out... YOu invite her in the most beautiful restaurants...
Days after Day... you don't care about your money and spend as much as she wish... you do every SACRIFICE for her...Every wish answered...

Few weeks later, after all those Gifts and restaurants...
You ask her: "Wanna be my Girl?"
She Answer: "Sorry... I like you as a Brother/Friend"...

Now come my Q... "Will you treat her Differently later on?"

Same for this situation...you have to answer your promises... more you do... more they will follow...
Those are Humans...not Dogs that you can play with...
And What is even more important... They are Humans, who have "almost" nothing to lose anymore... That is left in them is "Anger-Revenge-Hate"
They are the ONLY forces in ALL of Syria...who is willing to die without saying a word...
The bodies of the two martyred soldiers that fell on 23.03.2018 while serving the country in the Olive Branch operation Kaan USTA and Mehmet MURATDAĞ were found around Afrin. May ALLAH give you paradise on the highest level, accept your martyrdom and may ALLAH give us patience and power. May ALLAH give patience to the family and friends of our martyrs and may ALLAH give us the grandest victory.

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