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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

It's understandable... But you forgot one thing...
You are not a militia who can't deal in many fronts or is restricted by "manners" when HER OWN territory is touched...

You are Turkey... The 8th Strongest Army in the World and NATO second largest...
Or I missed something...
Even the biggest armies must work efficient, the front will be opened one way or another no need to get emotional and rush over missiles landing in empty field.
He is just one armchair general who consistently want to see Turks attack Syrian army. He is just a retarded troll. Just ignore him and enjoy the Afrin victory.

If he wants to see a battle on Assad, he can go and fight himself, and die himself. Nobody will miss him.
Even the biggest armies must work efficient, the front will be opened one way or another no need to get emotional and rush over missiles landing in empty field.
Answering with few bullets or one / two artillery shells could have been a start.
Anyway. it's Turkey decision.

It's just the contrast btw Turkey few years ago and now... is like facing another country...
RU/ASSad planes falling like dead birds... and now...not even an answer...

That was a bit strange, I should get used to it.
Answering with few bullets or one / two artillery shells could have been a start.
Anyway. it's Turkey decision.

It's just the contrast btw Turkey few years ago and now... is like facing another country...
RU/ASSad planes falling like dead birds... and now...not even an answer...

That was a bit strange, I should get used to it.
Afrin operation was in coordination with Russia, things change fast on the field this is realpolitik, maybe in some years Turkey might cooperate with Assad, you can never be sure about anything.
He is just one armchair general who consistently want to see Turks attack Syrian army. He is just a retarded troll. Just ignore him and enjoy the Afrin victory.

If he wants to see a battle on Assad, he can go and fight himself, and die himself. Nobody will miss him.
In this particular case its not like he doesn't have right. Its not some artillery shell its a ballistic missile. For me retaliation had to take place by localizing the launch side and destroying at least the launcher and if there are other military targets in the near radius also hit them. I am not talking about war. I am talking about giving strong message that firing ballistic missiles to our country will not be tolerated by any means.
Afrin operation was in coordination with Russia, things change fast on the field this is realpolitik, maybe in some years Turkey might cooperate with Assad, you can never be sure about anything.
ASSad... That will be The Ultimate shame... In my Point of View ofc...
But Turks may be ok or not with it. it's their rights and choice.
He doesn't have right. Turkish Armed Forces deals with SAA shellings on Hatay since 2012, they know what to do perfectly.

Turkish Army does not need one retarded troll to tell them what to do, or question Turkish Army's power and will to defend itself in his own fat chair.
We have one light wounded soldier in that case of BALLISTIC MISSILE attack over Turkish territory. No body is questioning the power of the Turkish Armed Forces but to let group of amateurs to fire ballistic missiles to your territory and leave that launcher in on piece is not a good thing. In cases like this the situation must be
eye for eye-tooth for tooth. Everyone who have the level of stupidity to turn its weapon against Turkey must be punished. I though you were the one insisting to level Afrin to the ground when attacks from Afrin were coming and I am surprised to see your reaction in this case where ballistic missile is being fired on us.
Come oon I didn't say that... Do you read from your back? Russia will prevent a second one because it will cause bigger problems than current one. Otherwise they know we will respond. This is what probably have been spoken behind the doors.
Inshallah. The most important thing, is that no Turkish soldier or Civilian should suffer.

Basute -South East Afrin

So you didn't even read the message which says "You are Turkey... The 8th Strongest Army in the World and NATO second largest... Or I missed something..."

lmao :lol: That retard obviously baiting Turks here by provocating them by questioning Turkish Armed Forces' power and will to defend itself.

Armchair generals are not allowed to comment in Turkish defence section, specially if they dare to give advise to the Turkish Army. This is not even a question. They can keep their mental masturbation in Middle East section, where they belong to.
I am sure that we all here know what are the capabilities of the Turkish Armed Forces but that reaction is not something that the normal man not interested and not enough informed would not think. He is reading our section enough to understand some part of our capabilities. To me it sounded like poor made provocation questioning the political part of the military intervention and the rules of engagement. But I have to admit it was poorly constructed and not rightly expressed. @HannibalBarca The next time be careful. Some of us are putting our heads on the log for you :lol::lol::lol:

I am sure that we all here know what are the capabilities of the Turkish Armed Forces but that reaction is not something that the normal man not interested and not enough informed would not think. He is reading our section enough to understand some part of our capabilities. To me it sounded like poor made provocation questioning the political part of the military intervention and the rules of engagement. But I have to admit it was poorly constructed and not rightly expressed. @HannibalBarca The next time be careful. Some of us are putting our heads on the log for you :lol::lol::lol:

I hoped, With my History... That my respect for the Turkish Army and Turkey in General wouldn't be questioned.
But it seems I was wrong. or at least by some, who are easily triggered by their own weaknesses...

In no way my "opinion" is meant for the Army...never, If there is one, it will only be on a political/decision level.
Does anyone knows what is the color of arm bands indicate? Red, yellow, green etc. I guess its about their groups but which color is used by which groups? Red ones seems like less orderly. Raphael in Ninja Turtles was such a rebel too.
I hoped, With my History... That my respect for the Turkish Army and Turkey in General wouldn't be questioned.
But it seems I was wrong. or at least by some, who are easily triggered by their own weaknesses...

In no way my "opinion" is meant for the Army...never, If there is one, it will only be on a political/decision level.
I knew what you want to say and that's the reason I wanted to defend you but you didn't helped me a lot with the way you constructed your critics. Next time.. :D

It's understandable... But you forgot one thing...
You are not a militia who can't deal in many fronts or is restricted by "manners" when HER OWN territory is touched...

You are Turkey... The 8th Strongest Army in the World and NATO second largest...
Or I missed something...
You want them to fight pkk+assad at the same time ? Why don't you send the great Tunisian army to fight Assad ?

Turkey is only in Syria to secure their national interests and resettle Syrian refugees there . They will never shed their own kids blood for the regime change project in Syria ; instead they would use Syrian cannon fodder through proxy wars for that .

Anyway MB should be thanking them for creating an autonomous sunni region inside Syria . If some Syrian or Arab wish to see assad down or further weakened then they have to join American led forces .
You want them to fight pkk+assad at the same time ? Why don't you send the great Tunisian army to fight Assad ?

Turkey is only in Syria to secure their national interests and resettle Syrian refugees there . They will never shed their own kids blood for the regime change project in Syria ; instead they would use Syrian cannon fodder through proxy wars for that .

Anyway MB should be thanking them for creating an autonomous sunni region inside Syria . If some Syrian or Arab wish to see assad down or further weakened then they have to join American led forces .
Another one...
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