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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Afghan situation is different the Local population is not Pakistani enemy but few bad eggs but in Afrin all the PKK and YPG is Turkey enemy.
What do you mean by few bad eggs,I thought the Kurds want to separate country for themselves
Yar or kitna enemy bun ker dekhin Afghan. Koi kasar chori to nahi.
Oh bhai why do you want to bomb Afghanistan we are not at war with Afghanistan. It is just anti Pakistan president in Kabul and handful of TTP thugs. If we bomb them they cannot do any thing against us but they will go to UN and a resolution will be moved against us.
For Turkey it is a do and die situation USA is trying to create an entire country in Syria and Iraq and this New country is extremely hostile to Turkey and will thus give Israel 10 to 15 years of peace and development by keeping Turkey busy.
Afghan situation is different we can operate in Afghanistan with out using Fighter jets and achieve our goal.
I thought that we couldn't fly any aircraft over Afrin due to Russian S-400s. I guess either Russians have completely shut down their systems or they really can't operate with the Koral in the region.
I thought that we couldn't fly any aircraft over Afrin due to Russian S-400s. I guess either Russians have completely shut down their systems or they really can't operate with the Koral in the region.
Or the S-400 is a scam.
I thought that we couldn't fly any aircraft over Afrin due to Russian S-400s. I guess either Russians have completely shut down their systems or they really can't operate with the Koral in the region.
Turkey and Russia reached an agreement, Russia moved its troops from afrin.
I thought that we couldn't fly any aircraft over Afrin due to Russian S-400s. I guess either Russians have completely shut down their systems or they really can't operate with the Koral in the region.

Military and Intelligent chiefs were in Russia 2 days ago due to talk about this issue. There is apperantly an agreement between us till we finish raping YPG.
Ofcourse Syria wont shoot down a plane of us. That's just politics. And we 100% started this operation with the agreement from Russia (and maybe the US). But Russia and the US cant say they agreed with the operation because that will decrease their credibility. Just politics 101

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