When the revolution in Syria started to heat up back in the days all Western countries stood behind the rebels who protested and eventually fought against the regime in Damascus. The rebels were all fighting for democracy, human rights and etc. according to the Western powers who were funding and helping them with weapons. They were using Turkey as a supply depot, they wanted from us to help them and eventually Turkey also supported the rebels with resources as that was our interest in the region at that time and it was also what our allies wanted... Eventually new rebel groups and members from all over the world popped out around Syria. People who were more radical joined the fight against Assad and it was much easier to put the tag of "Islamic radicals" on all of the FSA which just isn't true. It is even bigger mistake to call all of the FSA as another word for ISIS. All that when ISIS declared the FSA and Turkey... just like almost anyone else as their enemies and infidels.
ps We had the same situation with the refugees coming to Turkey from Syria. Everyone was telling us to let them in because that's what good people do... The UN and many western politicians were praising Turkey for it's humanitarian role in the Syrian conflict. But when those refugees wanted to go to Europe european politicians and medias started to blame us that we use the refugees to make Europe a Eurabia.