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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

We all somewhat have a little part of Turkey in us my friend. :enjoy:

Inşallah Turkey will succeed against the genocidal Assad regime and their Russian/Iranian sbires.

View attachment 610491

You and France wants to see a war between Turkiye and Assad Regime, İran, Russia

Because to steal oil gas reserves in Libya and Eastsrn Mediterranean
Currently Professor Haydar telling them the story of Hatay
Oral or anal mouth HAHAHAHAH
These “turks” so-called journalists who have published anti turkish article about hatay for russian money deserve the worst kind of torture
Oral or anal mouth HAHAHAHAH
These “turks” so-called journalists who have published anti turkish article about hatay for russian money deserve the worst kind of torture

I think russia bribed them with some russian girls.
Remember the tomahawk attack last year, they presented the situation as a victory for exactly 1 month. Or remember Obama's statements praising the Syrian air defense ...

This just proves the west have a sinister motive. Turkey must not rely on anyone. Turkey must build nukes if it already hasnt. Turkey must rely on its own power and then you'll see other countries joining the turkish axis
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