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Turkish Peace Operations in Syria (Operation Olive Branch) Updates & Discussions

Another airstrike this time by russians on nlf-tsk convoy some say only rebels were present others say there were also turkish personnel
This is great opportunity for war declaration on assad and pkk although i have feelings that someone intentionally wants to force Turkey to go into war
Now unless damascus is ruined just like crazy evangelicals predict nothing else will please me

if you sit like a dog with your tail between your legs than everybody will come and kick you and stab you from the side you need to show your teeth like a wolf.. yes I am using images but this is true these pigs only understand force.. pkk assad and their friend the ME they arnt impressed by what you could do but actually they need to feel what you do! this means if you dont give consequences for them and their familes than you are the weakling.. the fool the one who will suffer..

its the way you need to make them undertand

Damascus and another big assad city need to be attacked
assads palaces needs to be demolished
assads history and culture objects needs to be destroyed

attack their soildiers their wealth and their historic structures..

the best would be to kill assad his children and his filthy wife

this sounds to harsh but its something need to be done
Bu devlet, 2228 yıllık orduya bir medeniyete tarih denilen şanlı bir ruha sahiptir. Sancakları komutanları askerleri değişen ve fakat davası değişmeyen tek devlettir . Bu yüzdendir ki, Devletinizi ezdirmeyin devletinize güvenin. Suriye'nin kuzeyinde , Şah İsmail'in Napolyonun Nikolay 'ın torunları sana tuzak kurdu ve sen büyük dev olarak hepsini yeneceksin. Nizâm-ı Âlem ilay-ı kelimetullah' a kadar şehadete devam edeceksin.
Amin summe amin...
unnecessary humiliation unfortunately

There is nothing to be gained in Idlib, do we want to fight side to side with HTS? A group that is designated a terrorist organization in Turkey? Former Al-Qaida?

Do we care about refugees? If so, we can build camps and direct them to Afrin or Northern Aleppo or even bus them to the new areas in the north.

You're sending convoys into Syria with no air support or air defence, they are sitting ducks. Also the soldiers in the encircled observation posts are sitting ducks. What's the point of having them anymore?
RIP Soldiers

The Imperialists have brought Muslims to this stage that 2 Muslim countries are killing each other.

This madness should stop, Turkey should realise that they're the ones who teamed up with NATO GCC and ISIS in 2013 first to fck Syria.

Some baboons here calling for full fledged war between Turkey and Syria should get a damn life for god sake. These kids have no idea how Pantagon will be laughing when this happens. Neither they know the horrors faced by the local population. This is not your call of duty going on idiots.

we may sit and eat ice cream!

Pakistan than also should have sit and eat ice cream when india flew around some month ago..

but you didnt huh? this is not a video game nor is this a civilized place, a man who slaughtered his own folk, and let militias bury ppl alive while they want to let say their victim that assad is god.. and many other filthy stuff like raping, killing, playing with religion.. yes we expect this guy to be human and kind..?

there are two options if your do not have the balls to respond than dont put others ppl life in misery take the humiliation take your ppl back and be written in history as the scary cat of bosporus.. or give your answer like it has to be done.. this is not eu parlament where ppl discuss matters with manners.. this is the ME they dont understand any other language than force..

I hope you said the same thing about india.. if not mark your post as garbage...

our folk need to pressure our government: openly on the streets
There is nothing to be gained in Idlib, do we want to fight side to side with HTS? A group that is designated a terrorist organization in Turkey? Former Al-Qaida?

Do we care about refugees? If so, we can build camps and direct them to Afrin or Northern Aleppo or even bus them to the new areas in the north.

You're sending convoys into Syria with no air support or air defence, they are sitting ducks. Also the soldiers in the encircled observation posts are sitting ducks. What's the point of having them anymore?

The situation is pretty messed up, I don’t know what Turkey should do now exactly. If we go to a full scale war with Assad this will harm us in the long run, in my opinion. If we decide to withdraw from Idlib and close the borders then what happens? Thousands of civilians die by the hands of Assad/RU? What about eastern Euphrates. But in reality this is all an attempt to drag Turkey into a war, and only Allah knows the final outcome of that.
I think NE syria should be fully liberated and all refugees from Turkey and idlib should be relocated there make a new state called northern syria with 10 milion citizens and that’s it let assad russians americans iranians and wahhabis kill each other
In other words it’s better for Turkey to come back as a puppet state as they used to be since they cannot stand against russia or us at least better be a puppet state in one piece rather than tough guy state without balls that will be cut into pieces

We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Euphrates Shield.
We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Olive Branch.
We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Peace Spring.

Bomb Assads troops, but get our soldiers out of Idlib. Sad couple weeks for our troops.

Why? What the hell is wrong with you guys man? What kind of fearful behavior is this? Do you really think things will be resolved as soon as the Turkish army leaves Syria? The presence of the Turkish army is of vital importance for the borders of Turkey. Have you not seen how YPG besieged the north and afterwards even cooperated with regime soldiers against Turks? Do you not understand that the target is Turkey?

Fking chill man.
We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Euphrates Shield.
We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Olive Branch.
We heard the same story when Turkey planned to launch Operation Peace Spring.
Calm down we are on the same side
I said that as last resort of course I support aggressive assertive Turkey who will always protect its interests with iron fist against enemies I don’t think that it is in Turkey’s interest war with assad if TAF destroys undersea pipeline and damascus central bank then the war wiil end very shortly with Turkey’s victory
Other option should be to make NE syria permanent place for all displaced syrians
Not only pkk problem would be solved but also social tensions(between host population and refugees) in turkey too
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Inna Lil Lahi Wa Inna Ilahi Rauji Oun, brothers :(

It's payback time...Assad must pay for this.


Mods, plz merge the threads @AgNoStiC MuSliM @The Eagle



Incorrect argument, dear. Syria is a failed entity now...Every fucker is involved there so why not Turkiye, being the most affected one? Turkiye is neighbor of Syria.......Turks can't afford to allow everyone to play in their backyard and do nothing.
Oh really??! Isnt erdogan is one of the main countries that supplied these terrorists to overthrow the Syrian government?! What your reaction if Afghanistan or Iran host opposition group on their soil and made their countries transit and training camps for terrorists?!

The correct analogy would be foreign forces going into an unstable, violence and chaos wracked Afghanistan to conduct security and stabilization operations to prevent said violence and chaos from impacting countries outside of Afghanistan.

It's not about 'worshiping' a foreign country, it's about public support for those countries that have actually remained loyal and steadfast allies, which the GCC Arabs & Iranians simply have not been over the last several years/few decades.

I mean, was there really a need for the GCC to award the Butcher of Gujrat their highest awards WHILE the Modi government was in the midst of a brutal crackdown in J&K and unilaterally changing its status?

And this will be the only warning - refrain from derogatory generalizations about an entire nation and people. You want to criticize State policy, that's fine, but don't drag the entire nation and its citizens into it.
Pakistan is one of the main destabilized factors in Afghanistan so how come you try to bring an order to a country that you are responsible for its chaos to begin with?! The same for erdogan who open his country for terrorist to operate.
Oh really??! Isnt erdogan is one of the main countries that supplied these terrorists to overthrow the Syrian government?! What your reaction if Afghanistan or Iran host opposition group on their soil and made their countries transit and training camps for terrorists?!
First of all syrian people had legitimate revolution but later that same innocent revolution was hijacked
Secondly you talk about turkish cooperation with syrian rebels against assad but you intentionally forget what has assad done to Turkey when he/his father armed pkk
Iran already works against pakistan by exploiting sectarian issues yesterday i saw news about dead pakistani shias tell me what the **** they have to do with syria
At least Turkey is neighbor with syria...
First of all syrian people had legitimate revolution but later that same innocent revolution was hijacked
Secondly you talk about turkish cooperation with syrian rebels against assad but you intentionally forget what has assad done to Turkey when he/his father armed pkk
Iran already works against pakistan by exploiting sectarian issues yesterday i saw news about dead pakistani shias tell me what the **** they have to do with syria
At least Turkey is neighbor with syria...
His father did support PKK but the son didn’t and he and erdogan were best friends and there was economic and tourist cooperation between them.
Calm down we are on the same side
I said that as last resort of course I support aggressive assertive Turkey who will always protect its interests with iron fist against enemies I don’t think that it is in Turkey’s interest war with assad if TAF destroys undersea pipeline and damascus central bank then the war wiil end very shortly with Turkey’s victory
Other option should be to make NE syria permanent place for all displaced syrians
Not only pkk problem would be solved but also social tensions in turkey too

This is an unmissable golden opportunity for Turkey. Turkey has now the chance to completely destroy PKK with all its elements and to secure its borders for the next hundred years. Assad's army of dogs are nothing compared to the great Turkish army. They can now lean their backs against Russia, but as soon as the first big blow comes from the Turkish army, they will understand that even Russia can no longer save them. It is really a matter of time now.
His father did support PKK but the son didn’t and he and erdogan were best friends and there was economic and tourist cooperation between them.
You should know that erdogan is today president tomorrow who knows
In 2011 when syrian civil war started if you really think that erdogan had so much power to decide alone going against assad then you will have to refresh your knowledge all relevant players(pro and against erdogan) were against assad of course each of them with different ideology yet same enemy(assad) 40k+ death citizens and 450B damage to turkish economy you really think that there wouldn’t be turkish revenge bashar wanted to start relations with turkish government because russia was in big trouble in the early 2000s plus he saw what happened to iraq it was forced marriage assad family has been historically extremely anti turkish so please those talks about erdogan and bashar friendship are not for me
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