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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

RIP soldiers. Hopefully the conflict ends soon and Syria can start rebuilding. Once the terrorists are routed, Syrians should sit down and work on reconstruction.
Is Erdogan begging NATO for help already? He was kissing Russia’s backside and defying NATO when he bought the S-400 and now hides behind NATO when it suits him.

Solemani and Erdogan were the 2 biggest problems in the region. One thug is gone. Time for the other thug to go too.
-- in 2013 the west/US/Israel organized GEZI Park protests to destroy Erdogan to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

YPG is a component of the wider SDF bloc in Syria - this bloc emerged to counter ISIS movement in Syria. This bloc has nothing to do with Turkey. PKK elements might have used this bloc as a cover to execute attacks in Turkey but the bloc at large have a Syrian-exclusive mandate and focus. Ground realities of the region are COMPLEX - not as cut-and-dry as political narratives seem to suggest.

-- between 2013 and 2016 the west/US/Israel used FETO terror organization to destroy Erdogan to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey
This is a political narrative as well.

The coup attempt within Turkey in 2016 might be just be an INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT and/or possibly engineered to enable Erdogan administration to consolidate its power in the country instead. This particular coup attempt clearly lacked in intensity and energy to succeed - very fishy.

after the US backed failed coup attempt against Erdogan by 2016 , Turkiye has started working with Russia and Iran to block the west/US/Israel backed Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria
Very nice.

Russia and Iran are working to re-assert rule of Assad regime across Syria, and they will collectively work to push Turkey out from Syria as well. Iranian proxies such as Hezbollah are an added bonus in the mix who will end up creating more problems than addressing existing ones in the region. Iran is using Iraq as a gateway to extend all manner of support to its proxies in Syria actually. The next big war in the region might involve these actors as well as Israel and the NATO bloc at large. What will Turkey do then?

Turkey is creating more problems for itself by undermining workings of NATO bloc in Syria because they seek to address the issue of Iranian proxies in Syria with aid of Israel. SDF bloc was supposed to facilitate this agenda but this might no longer be the case due to Turkish moves against it and American facilitation in this regard; SDF bloc is very likely to embrace Assad regime.

Now; I am not looking at these developments through the lens of who is RIGHT or WRONG - geopolitics is not about being RIGHT or WRONG. I am just trying to understand what Turkey is up to and what entails for it in the aforementioned SAGA.

Collapse of modern-era Turkey is alluded in the so-called Al Malhama al-Kubra, and Turkey seems to be heading towards this direction. Turkey is risking alienating the NATO bloc by appeasing Russia but the latter will ditch Turkey when the time comes. There are already indications since Russia completely support position of Assad regime in Syria which seeks to consolidate its power across Syria and absorb SDF in the process.

You need to come to terms with Russian perceptions actually. They perceive Assad regime as the only RELIABLE ALLY in the region because it has no stakes in the NATO bloc. Turkey being a member of NATO bloc can never compete with this position in Russian view. Russian GAME is to try to damage NATO bloc in its surroundings by exploiting its internal fissures such as between Turkey and USA in regards to Syria and make Turkey more pliant in the process even if this entails giving lollipops to Turkish government such as the S-400 system. Turkey being powerful in the ways of the Force, is NOT ACCEPTABLE to Russia in the long-term. Imagine the nightmares that the Turkish Air Force, with a fleet of about 100 true 5th generation F-35A combat aircraft, would have given to Russia otherwise - this might no longer be the case. Russia might value its economic investments in Turkey at large but this is at the expense of Turkey have the military capability to punch Russia in the face when the situation demands as much. Sorry friend but Russians are smarter then you realize - they have GAMED Turkey to their advantage in the region.

The Turkish Armed Forces have plans A , B and C for Idlib
and when true time comes , then Turkish Army will start real operation in Idlib

still huge Turkish military force is in Idlib and more Turkish military forces continue to enter Idlib and Turkish Army will not leave Idlib

btw its a war .. I remind you Russia and Iran lost thousands of soldiers including Generals in Syria
You are only delaying the inevitable for Syria.

There used to be time when these actors would think twice before killing Turkish troops. Now they can do as they please because they see a COMPROMISED Turkish government in Erdogan administration, thanks to MOTHER RUSSIA....
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on Al Jazeera it says Russians are bombing the surroundings of the Turkish point in western Idlib province, and also many other villages
Wouldn't that make things even worse at this juncture? (for everyone)

It's already a mess and nobody really knows what will make it worse. For now, I think the Russians are testing the Turks how much they can push. Russians are probably depending on the idea that the Turks have a bad relationship with the US and recently leaned towards Russia and would not jeopardize relations with Russia too. Turkey needs to give strong response. The US has an equal interest in keeping the Turks in their camp, so if the Turks hit the Russians it's quite possible it will trigger a competition between US and Russia to keep Turkey in their respective camps, and each party may even give concessions and favors to Turkey.

on Al Jazeera it says Russians are bombing the surroundings of the Turkish point in western Idlib province, and also many other villages

A number of Russian aircraft need to be shot down, they are testing Turkish resolve how far they can go. Strong message will be required. I would say, Turkey should also attack Russian positions and kill some Russian troops.
Assad waited and got Turkey more involved in the conflict so that it gets to feel the pain.

After fighting a long and tiring war, Syrian admin has become very strategic and clever.
because of the west/US/Israel attacks Turkey since 2013

-- in 2013 the west/US/Israel organized GEZI Park protests to destroy Erdogan to create Pkk/Ypg terror state in Syria against Turkey

We hear this type of nonsense all the time from the likes of Iranian regime supporters. Every protest is a western plot.

It's amazing that you think so little of Turkish people, that the US and Israel can so easily slip into the country and manipulate millions of people to spontaneously protest.:cuckoo:
We hear this type of nonsense all the time from the likes of Iranian regime supporters. Every protest is a western plot.

It's amazing that you think so little of Turkish people, that the US and Israel can so easily slip into the country and manipulate millions of people to spontaneously protest.:cuckoo:

The coup attempt within Turkey in 2016 might be just be an INTERNAL DEVELOPMENT and/or possibly engineered to enable Erdogan administration to consolidate its power in the country instead. This particular coup attempt clearly lacked in intensity and energy to succeed - very fishy.

American-Israeli lapdogs are barking

the US-Israel kicked anti American government in Egypt , Brazil and Bolivia

but the US-Israel failed in Turkey and Venezuela

You are only delaying the inevitable for Syria.

There used to be time when these actors would think twice before killing Turkish troops. Now they can do as they please because they see a COMPROMISED Turkish government in Erdogan administration, thanks to MOTHER RUSSIA....

keep dreaming dream is free
......... Turks never will allow bandit countries in Syria

when true time comes , then Turkish Army will start real operation in Idlib

still huge Turkish military force is in Idlib and more Turkish military forces continue to enter Idlib and Turkish Army never will not leave Idlib

never forget that Russia and Iran lost thousands of soldiers including generals
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American-Israeli lapdogs are barking

keep dreaming dream is free
......... Turks never will allow bandit countries in Syria

when true time comes , then Turkish Army will start real operation in Idlib

still huge Turkish military force is in Idlib and more Turkish military forces continue to enter Idlib and Turkish Army never will not leave Idlib

never forget that Russia and Iran lost thousands of soldiers including generals
I have provided a comprehensive overview of what is happening in Syria. I am not a lapdog of either party here.

You seem to have temper-tantrums and comprehension problems, I'm afraid. TALK BIG when Turkey takes over Syria or something. YOU have no GAME in Syria anymore because YOU are a CONFUSED SIDE/CAMP with lack of firm partnerships - this does not bode well for Turkey in the long-term whether you like this or not.
Collapse of modern-era Turkey is alluded in the so-called Al Malhama al-Kubra
everyone's is collapsing in the ME, Arabs Iran and also Turkey will eventually collapse but that's going to happen later on, but still it will be reconquered by Islam .. what's happening in Idlib is just the tip of the iceberg

YPG is a component of the wider SDF bloc in Syria - this bloc emerged to counter ISIS movement in Syria. This bloc has nothing to do with Turkey. PKK elements might have used this bloc as a cover to execute attacks in Turkey but the bloc at large have a Syrian-exclusive mandate and focus. Ground realities of the region are COMPLEX - not as cut-and-dry as political narratives seem to suggest.

You stuck in 2017? its a known fact that the YPG is the PKK, same leadership, same ethnicy, same objectives. "If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, it is a duck" and dont lecture here Turks about the complexity of these conflicts- we stand in the forefront there.

everyone's is collapsing in the ME, Arabs Iran and also Turkey will eventually collapse but that's going to happen later on, but still it will be reconquered by Islam .. what's happening in Idlib is just the tip of the iceberg
Some members of this forum are absolutely incapable of having a brutally honest discourse on the issue because they have temper-tantrums and are unable to see through the veil of political narrative-building which might actually be harmful to the country they feel so strongly about.

Turkey is in for a rude awakening if its people do not come to terms with perceptions of other players in the region. Turkey needs to make a choice in these matters - it cannot have its CAKE and EAT IT TOO for indefinite period. Either Turkey settle for being a poodle of Russia and do its bidding (or) Turkey revert to its former NATO allies and make do with resultant benefits - it cannot/should not FLIRT with both CAMPS (or) it is risking alienating all players in the field. This is a very honest view.

Since when is being a questionable partner an admirable characteristic? Never was, and never will be.
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