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Turkish operation started against Assad's forces

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Big brother Russia just sold out Assad in Idlib.
Lavrov: We should apply terms signed between our leaders. We are ready to work with Turkey about Idlib in all level.

What a joke ! Russia lost the train!
So Turkey the bird tries to enter a war?

Say what? A war with out Turkey is inevitably, from day 1 Turkey was a part of the war. Only thing is Turkey is forced to fak assad this time with all the proxies with in.

Declaring war against Syria and close strait Bosphorus for Russia will happen. And now all the hizbies of PDF can cry.
Turkey is fighting in 3 fronts. In Syria (against Russians), in eastern Mediterranean against Greeks and it's allies and in Libya against Egypt and it's proxy. In a way, war is like "quick sand", easy to get bogged down but difficult to get out....
Turkey is fighting in 3 fronts. In Syria (against Russians), in eastern Mediterranean against Greeks and it's allies and in Libya against Egypt and it's proxy. In a way, war is like "quick sand", easy to get bogged down but difficult to get out....

Easy solution, in Syria the SNA will control areas TR takes in the next coming days and weeks. The areas will be home to millions of Syrians and with time will take over their own every day security without much TR involvement. In the Mediterranean, Greece won't do anything. In Libya, Hafter can be easily defeated with the help of the GNA. Once the GNA takes over enough territory, the actual fighting will be transitioned to the GNA forces with limited TR support ( air strikes, recon, etc.).

These are not war in the traditional sense, proxies will do the fighting and policing.
Easy solution, in Syria the SNA will control areas TR takes in the next coming days and weeks. The areas will be home to millions of Syrians and with time will take over their own every day security without much TR involvement. In the Mediterranean, Greece won't do anything. In Libya, Hafter can be easily defeated with the help of the GNA. Once the GNA takes over enough territory, the actual fighting will be transitioned to the GNA forces with limited TR support ( air strikes, recon, etc.).

These are not war in the traditional sense, proxies will do the fighting and policing.

Understood. Other than the eastern Mediterranean sector (gas reserve), there is not much to gain from getting involved in the the quagmire in Syria and Libya. Bedouins in those desert states will kill each other to death and ruin whatever remains of their nation. What's there to gain....
Time is coming to put barrel bombs, they frequently use to kill civilians/children, into the battle-hardened backs of Assadist terrorists !

Now i understand why all the rebels and civilians flee the towns around in Idlib. Assadists will be pounded there without mercy. Turkey doesnt have to worry about civilians and collateral damage, they can just blow up everything to oblivion. Dumb assadists took the bait and inshaAllah they will see the true power of the Turkish army

Turkey is fighting in 3 fronts. In Syria (against Russians), in eastern Mediterranean against Greeks and it's allies and in Libya against Egypt and it's proxy. In a way, war is like "quick sand", easy to get bogged down but difficult to get out....
This sound like khalid ibn walid (RA) when he took on the sassanid and roman empire simultaneously and literally destroyed them forever. inshaAllah the help of Allah swt will come to Erdogan considering the man stood up and helped so many oppressed people around the world despite relentless criticism from his own opponents at home
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