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Turkish nuclear weapons program?

this YouTuber analysis things 50% right
So, he has a better success rate than most American think-tanks.

Interesting video though. It has good infographics. I learned quite a bit about Turkey's options.
So, he has a better success rate than most American think-tanks.

Interesting video though. It has good infographics. I learned quite a bit about Turkey's options.
Need more first hand info from Turkis, info from outside Turkis.are all second hand and missleading in some degree
Binkov doesn't really have the best analysis, but of all war-scenario Youtuber's his presentation is excellent.

Btw my thoughts are that we have already developed missiles capable of going over 5000km. Sometime last year one of the courts ordered Roketsan to shut up about one of its programs. Our defence industry has been producing some pretty substantial weapon systems since the 90s. In fact we made the J-600T Yildirim missiles in 1998 and it was only revealed to the public in 2005.

TSK and the Turkish defense industry used to be shrouded in mystery, up until the Ergenekon trials came and TSK was hit with a sledgehammer (no pun intended). But as we know the arrested general's are free once again and things are changing.

After the July 16th fiasco in particular, pro-gov propaganda makers were leaking out information which should have remained top secret. We heard about strategic programs years before their release purely for the consumption of simpletons so they could vote for AKP. The defence industry attracted way too much neo-Ottoman cringey bow wielding type people who say "look what Erdoğan has done".

However now as the military has put it self back together and everything is going back to normal secrecy has returned somewhat. Of course some stuff like our current drone fleet and whatnot will be open to the public. However programs with strategic importance and also military operations themselves are muxh more secretive as of recent. No longer do civilians have access to secret information which our enemies could see.

We've seen this in the last few operations. Unlike the old ones which were announced immediately before, these recent one's have only had their names revealed after they've started. In fact the propaganda accounts of our enemies were working so hard to prove that they were doing fine that many Turks including myself believed that something was wrong... turns out that they just kept the operation's secret. Due to the public reaction they ended up realising drone footage. And that was when TSK regained its reputation. Like another member said, Turkey is now a Muslim Israel.

Back to the topic of the nukes, I have no doubt that we would be able to create our own nuclear bombs in the next 5 years. As I mentioned earlier, a court ordered Roketsan to not reveal any further information about a new program which required a very large truck... guess what that means :chilli:
Back to the topic of the nukes, I have no doubt that we would be able to create our own nuclear bombs in the next 5 years. As I mentioned earlier, a court ordered Roketsan to not reveal any further information about a new program which required a very large truck... guess what that means :chilli:
Yeah, that certainly raises an eyebrow. Another couple of interesting details in Birkov's video are:
  • 1. He mentions that Turkey has shut down an American company from mining for Uranium in Turkey. Could this mean Turkey is now mining that location for its own national energy/weapons purposes?
  • 2. He says that in the past Turkey helped Iran with Uranium enrichment centrifuges and other critical technology. I knew about Pakistan but Iran was news to me. Do you know anything about this?

Should Turkey develop nukes?

Short answer is yes
Can we rely on Pakistan with technical help and/or Uranium/Plutonium supply? Do you happen to know if there's a deal in between PK and TR for nuclear scientific cooperation of any kind?
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I just came across this video on Youtube by Binkov's Battlegrounds. It was very informative and interesting to watch because it seemed to have a Russian spin on the subject. What are you guys' thoughts?

One of Binkov's scenarios is what would happen if England goes to war with France ... come on. There is no way Turkey will get nukes with the United States and Russia involved.
One of Binkov's scenarios is what would happen if England goes to war with France ... come on. There is no way Turkey will get nukes with the United States and Russia involved.
Can you elaborate on that a bit? How did all the rest of the current nuclear powers acquire their nukes with US and Russia "involved"? What if Turkey leaves the INF? What if Turkey works a deal and creates some sort of geopolitical pact with a currect nuclear power? Since Turkey is a G20 country and more central to world geopolitics than both N. Korea and Iran, how much sanction can the US/EU really apply on Turkey given its closer proximity and trade relations?
Can you elaborate on that a bit? How did all the rest of the current nuclear powers acquire their nukes with US and Russia "involved"? What if Turkey leaves the INF? What if Turkey works a deal and creates some sort of geopolitical pact with a currect nuclear power? Since Turkey is a G20 country and more central to world geopolitics than both N. Korea and Iran, how much sanction can the US/EU really apply on Turkey given its closer proximity and trade relations?
Turkey developing a nuclear weapon will definitely result in sanctions placed on it by the US and EU ... unfortunately Turkey needs them more than they need Turkey. And I'm pretty sure Russia would not be pleased to to find another nuclear power at its doorstep. So basically a lose lose scenario ...

Should Turkey develop nukes?

Short answer is yes
Unless Turkey wants to harm its international relations and economy for no apparent gain then the answer is no
One of Binkov's scenarios is what would happen if England goes to war with France ... come on. There is no way Turkey will get nukes with the United States and Russia involved.
That's what they said with Pakistan too. Once a country that has resources makes a commitment not much any one can do. Best way forward is to ensure a peaceful world with Israel's nukes removed and then other powers can systematically cut down their nukes and conventional threats. I know it's quite idealistic view but only way forward to prevent spread and eventual mutual annihilation. The highest risks are always crumbling powers who risk all to attain what little they have.
Did you watch the video? Specifically what parts do you agree with or disagree with?
I don't know, too little info

should Turkey develop nukes? To be honest, Every countey want nukes, and want others without nukes, that's nature
@Figaro Same logic applies both ways. Turkey is a NATO member and US relies on Turkey for its Middle East strategy, and Turkey happens to be EU's #6 trade partner. Why would they want to cut their ties with such an important partner and customer for, as you said, no apparent gain? Especially when Turkey isn't threatening neither the US nor the EU.

It seems Turkey is too important to the EU to sanction: https://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2006/september/tradoc_122530.pdf
That's what they said with Pakistan too. Once a country that has resources makes a commitment not much any one can do. Best way forward is to ensure a peaceful world with Israel's nukes removed and then other powers can systematically cut down their nukes and conventional threats. I know it's quite idealistic view but only way forward to prevent spread and eventual mutual annihilation. The highest risks are always crumbling powers who risk all to attain what little they have.
Yes but Turkey does not need nuclear weapons since it has no imminent threat unlike Pakistan. Look at all the nuclear powers in the world ... all of them have credible threats directed towards them. Turkey does not. And even then Pakistan suffered diplomatic isolation and sanctions due to nukes ... in other words its just not necessary. Pakistan was facing the threat of nuclear annihilation from India had it not developed nukes. Turkey is in no such scenario.
The problem is not the threats. I mean by your logic Palestine should get their hands on nukes because they literally face an existential threat. And vice versa with Israel, but Israel policy hardly ensure peaceful coexistence.

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