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Turkish Naval Programs


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Yeah let's blame a single German on an internet forum for something he had nothing to do with. Hülog.
Single German is The Fox.İt does not miss opportunities to mock.İf you like him so much marry with him.My adress is Germany not himself.
Single German is The Fox.İt does not miss opportunities to mock.İf you like him so much marry with him.My adress is Germany not himself.

Grow up. The rules also say that you have to translate it.

Submarines need to receive data from different sensors and distribute it to the relevant units in order to navigate safely and perform other operational tasks without interruption.

HAVELSAN DBDS, submarine information distribution system collects platform and tactical sensor data. HAVELSAN DBDS is a service provider system that distributes data to all subsystems the submarines need to function with safe and effective. HAVELSAN DBDS has a redundant and extensible system architecture and brings continuity and fault tolerance. HAVELSAN DBDS is the heart of the submarine with its unique features; Specially designed for use in different types of submarines, it is installed as an Information Distribution System in many submarines.
But for helicopters and UAVs only an LHD without a ski-ramp would be much better suited...

I beg to differ. What makes you think this way?

LST ships are best suited to our regional conditions in terms of amphibious operations. LSTs with helicopter hangar( for 3 heli e.g ) and its basic flight maintenance capability should be our priority, instead of thinking more LPD / LPH. Bayraktar's superstructure can be arranged to provide flight hangar and maintenance, for 3rd and 4th ships...

Absolutely. I would even say that we need LSTs more than we need LHDs.

The tender process of our LHD program speaks itself. It was actually a program to acquire an LPD at first. After military and foreign policy considerations, DZKK wanted an LHD instead.

AFAIK, San Antonio-class LPD was a contender of that initial choice too. The point is even the program has its roots on a landing platform dock which is actually quite similar to our new LSTs in service in terms of capacity and capabilities. Maybe, only a larger one.

They are easier to defend and less volatile when compared to TCG Anadolu program and they are more mobile and better suited to transport troops in unfriendly or unclear security environments. But on the other hand this is relatively limited to weak adversaries, non-state enemy combatants or in hot zones where there is a secure supply line free from conventional threats which we are facing with a handful of them. Thus, these are perfect platforms to transport troops and equipment to per say in Libya or Somalia.

But on the negative side in comparison, these ships lack the protective firepower, power projection and naval aerial capabilities that an LHA/LHD would have. Therefore, we need them both.

But we probably need more LSTs. Then, this raises another issue. More amphib capability means we would need more troops to transport and I am very uncomfortable in utilizing army units in amphibious operations. Plus, we have a military presence in over perhaps a dozen countries where four of them are vital for our interests (Libya, Syria, Somalia, Qatar) and they all have a coastline, not to mention the shitshow in Aegean and Cyprus but our naval infantry formation not only is still a brigade-size force but we still do not have an expeditionary naval infantry unit. Heck, even for the sake of upcoming Anadolu, it must have been formed.
I remember reading in 2012 in warship magazine that the LST programme had been signed and it would be 36 months to deliver the first followed by the second

that was like 8 years ago and at the end it said they will build 2 more

so what happened to the 2 more?
I remember reading in 2012 in warship magazine that the LST programme had been signed and it would be 36 months to deliver the first followed by the second

that was like 8 years ago and at the end it said they will build 2 more

so what happened to the 2 more?
The deal was to produce 2 Ships, 2 more were optional.
There are a few more projects (which has turned out to be more expensive than considered) and looks like the budget is not sufficient.
construction started in Jan 2017 and so launch in 2020 would definitely be expected

however I would not be too concerned about the launch rather when the construction of when the 2nd Istanbul will start

even the 1st Ada Class was around 3 years to launch and 3 years to commission, and then the 4th one was 2 years to launch and 2 years to commission which you can live with they get faster as more units are produced

however the time difference between construction start of the 2nd and 3rd Ada class was 6 years !!! so the whole programme of 4 units took 15 years

I am hoping the steel cut for the 2nd is already done and the keel is laid 6 months after the launch of the 1st

so we expect the keel laying for the 2nd Istanbul class in 2021, launch in 2023 and commission 2025

the Istanbul class programme for 4 warships should be completed before the end of this decade, I mean they are only 3,000 tons each
construction started in Jan 2017 and so launch in 2020 would definitely be expected

however I would not be too concerned about the launch rather when the construction of when the 2nd Istanbul will start

even the 1st Ada Class was around 3 years to launch and 3 years to commission, and then the 4th one was 2 years to launch and 2 years to commission which you can live with they get faster as more units are produced

however the time difference between construction start of the 2nd and 3rd Ada class was 6 years !!! so the whole programme of 4 units took 15 years

I am hoping the steel cut for the 2nd is already done and the keel is laid 6 months after the launch of the 1st

so we expect the keel laying for the 2nd Istanbul class in 2021, launch in 2023 and commission 2025

the Istanbul class programme for 4 warships should be completed before the end of this decade, I mean they are only 3,000 tons each
The project has been idle for awhile, delivery is not expected soon but in end of 2022.
1st Ada Class was the first ship, as you expect there has been some issues, the rest of the ships came out relatively faster.
2nd and to 4th I-class ships ,as stated by presidency of defence industry, will be built in private shipyards. Besides, naval shipyards has enhanced their capabilities and capacities in last years to handle incoming modernization and possible TF-2000 production. One maintenance shipyard (İzmir) has been upgraded to handle construction of Frigates in addition to Pendik Naval Shipyard.
In earlier pages it was also stated there has been minor modifications in 3rd-4th ship, more systems were localized and integrated, new systems were adapted, some properties were modified in accordance with feedback from navy. This wasn't the only reason for delay but it is one of them.
Milgem project does not solely focus on profitable production, it covers integration of local systems and gaining experience on design&production. We can say for now it is matured enough, the intelligence and training ship Ufuk and I-Class is the proof of it, soon the project will shift from development stage to the efficient production stage by handing production to private shipyards.
The Navy expects to put all I-class in service by 2024-2025. Once tender has been finalized, construction will start for 2,3 and 4th ship consecutively. Construction (from keel to delivery) usually takes place around 2.5-3 years. We can stretch it to 4 due to inexperience of private shipyards. Should also note, 4th Milgem could be in service in 2.5 - 3 years but it has stayed in testing process longer than expected awaiting for ATMACA Anti-Ship Missile and integration of ADVENT Management System and other systems replaced by local equivalents.

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