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Turkish Naval Programs

TCG Köyceğiz (P1202)

Still only the first four boats of the class are equipped with the Roketsan ASW rocket launcher. Why?
News say that we are interested in them. It does not say that we will buy them.

Is there any official detail about it? Any confirmation that we will actually buy them?
Well... Turkey is getting an aircraft carrier /LHD with Ramp...
So unless Turkey choose to search for used Harrier, somewhere... F-35B Should be the one"suited" for this job.

And if TR choose neither of them...Then that ship is a good waste of money and time.
It's pretty stupid to lock onto one type of F35, I think A and B would be fine. What's more we're wasting time and risking not receiving the damn planes because of politics.

I did read somewhere that Turkey were interested in UK used and retiring ready Harriers
Well... Turkey is getting an aircraft carrier /LHD with Ramp...
So unless Turkey choose to search for used Harrier, somewhere... F-35B Should be the one"suited" for this job.

And if TR choose neither of them...Then that ship is a good waste of money and time.
I mean what if USA blocks B sales and allows only A? I was planning to ask this but you have already answered. Thank you.
Well... Turkey is getting an aircraft carrier /LHD with Ramp...
So unless Turkey choose to search for used Harrier, somewhere... F-35B Should be the one"suited" for this job.

And if TR choose neither of them...Then that ship is a good waste of money and time.
Turkey is already looking for used harriers from US marine corps (not UK). But these are intended (allegedly, not my saying) to be used till F-35B is ready.
But even if we get neither it is not a total waste of money and time. TCG anadolu is not an aircraft carrier it is an amphibious assault ship / landing helicopter dock. It can be used as an aircraft carrier too, but that is not it's original use.
-Integration of Assist intercept sonar for Ay class submarines have been completed.
-Aselsan MATES (Mine detection sonar) have been integrated on an Engin class ships.
-Aselsan MITOS (Warship Electronic Chart Display System) will be integrated on LHD and TVAG (Test and Research Vessel)
-Aselsan proceeds development of indigenous log system called MILPARS for naval ships
-A-PLAYS (ASELSAN Platform Management Systems Integrated Bridge System) development for navy warships are proceeding successfully.
-Aselsan SILYON (Integrated Navigation Control System) have been integrated on TCG IŞIN, TCG Alemdar and TCG Oruç Reis.
-Development of Aselsan DICONS (Ship Manual Control System) are proceeding. Tübitak TEYDEB support is received for this project.
Still only the first four boats of the class are equipped with the Roketsan ASW rocket launcher. Why?
Although first boat has been commissioned in 2011, serial production of rocket launchers has not started yet. SP agreement will be signed in this year but I don't have any information about last 12 launcher will be produced in same or different configration after 5+ years.
russian did for what? anti-air, ground missiles. They can hit Syria from 1000km with a ship smallar than Milgem. For what?
A VLS in a 400t Patrol boat platform?
They can add Anti-ship missiles in Lateral Canister/launcher... if they want.. but VLS, I don't see the point...
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