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Turkish Military Power to harm PKK/YPG , ASSAD , IRGC , Hezbolah in Syria


Jul 6, 2017
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A new Turkish-Syrian operation is inevitable

between 2016 and 2020
3 Turkish Military operations ( Turkish Armed Forces ) killed over 15.000 ISIS , PKK/YPG , ASSAD Regime , IRGC and Hezbolah militias

What about Turkey's capacity to operate in IDLIB ?

Turkey has the 2nd biggest fire power in NATO after USA

IDLIB is only 30 km away from Turkish border , that means all military targets are in range of Turkish Airforce and land based guided MLRS - Tactic Ballistic Missiles

All military targets in Idlib are in range of Turkish land based guided MLRS - Tactic Ballistic Missiles

also if needed , Air Defense Systems , Military Bases in LATTAKIA and TARTOUS are in range of Turkish land based guided MLRS - Tactical Ballistic Missiles

-- 40 km TRLG-122 laser guided MLRS
-- 70 km TRLG-230 laser guided MLRS
-- 120 km TRG-300 guided MLRS
-- 150 km J600T Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 280 km KHAN Tactical Ballistic Missile
-- 250 km ATMACA-K land based Cruise Missile







Turkish UCAVs changed the game in IDLIB

Turkey’s extensive deployment of Armed Drones in its fight against Syrian Regime Forces in Idlib province has put forward a "new military doctrine" in the world

after the Assad Regime attack on Turkish Forces in Idlib 27.02.2020 , Turkish UCAVs killed 3.322 Assad Regime , IRGC , Hezbolah militias including 6 generals

also Turkish UCAVs destroyed

8 Air Defense Systems
155 Tanks
51 Howitzers
29 AFVs
68 Military Vehicles
15 Anti Tank Weapons
36 Pick-up mounted anti aircraft guns
49 Ammunition Trucks
10 Ammunition Storage
2 Missile Systems

Syrian S200 and S300 Air Defense Systems can not detect Turkish TB-2 Tactical UCAV

and PANTSIR - BUK Air Defense Systems were destroyed by TB-2 UCAVs


also ANKA-S , AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs are in service to carry fatal weapons to destroy Air Defense Systems , Tanks , Howitzers , MLRS , etc

-- 30 km MAM-T laser guided Bomb
-- 100 km ASELSAN SDM guided Bomb with IIR seeker
-- 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
-- 280 km SOM Cruise Missile





Turkish Airforce F-4 and F-16 Fighter Jets can hit all military targets in Idlib from Turkish Air Space without entering Syria

also if needed , Air Defense Systems , Military Bases in LATTAKIA and TARTOUS are in range of Turkish Airforce

-- 75 km POPEYE Cruise Missile
-- 100 km ASELSAN SDM guided Bomb with IIR seeker
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 150 km HARM anti-radiation Missile
-- 280 km SLAM-ER Cruise Missile
-- 280 km SOM Cruise Missile





Turkish F-16s can create no fly zone in Idlib from Turkish Air Space

IDLIB is only 30 km away from Turkish border

2 Syrian SU-24 Fighter Jets were shot down by Turkish F-16s from Turkish air space in BVR combat over Idlib

thanks to network centric warfare capability .. no fly zone over Idlib

-- F-16C
-- Boeing E7-T AEWC
-- 120 km AIM-120C7 networked air to air missile




SUNGUR and ATILGAN Air Defense Systems in service to protect Turkish Forces in Idlib against Helicopters and UCAVs


HISAR-A+ and HISAR-O+ Air Defense Systems enter service to intercept Fighter Jets in Idlib


maybe its time to test 100km HISAR-U high altitude Air Defense System in Idlib

if needed , Turkiye can activate S400 Air Defense Systems in hours to protect Turkish Forces in Syria including in Idlib
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Turkish KORAL and REDET-II Electronic Warfare Systems to jam and paralyze hostine Air Defense Systems , Radars in Syria from 200km away

Only a few Countries have this technology in the World and Turkey is one of them




Turkey power to grab land.

also if needed , Air Defense Systems , Military Bases in LATTAKIA and TARTOUS are in range of Turkish Airforce

-- 75 km POPEYE Cruise Missile
-- 100 km ASELSAN SDM guided Bomb with IIR seeker
-- 110 km KGK guided Bomb
-- 150 km HARM anti-radiation Missile
-- 280 km SLAM-ER Cruise Missile
-- 280 km SOM Cruise Missile
If you hit Tartus and Latakia,the only naval bases of Russia in the Mediterranean,the Russians will bomb your forces and kick you out of Idlib.
Turkey wants to pick a fight against Assad who has been in civil war for over a decade and act tough? Go pick a fight with Iran, Israel, Egypt or Greece and see what happens.

Very funny
They are nothing without USA , France or Russia

Our rivals are USA , France or Russia in Syria , Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean
Where as i do support Turkey from an Islamic standpoint (Ummah pov) i dont support further operations against the SAA. Pkk, ypg and isis are fair game, go and kick their *** but not the SAA. They are muslims too.
If you hit Tartus and Latakia,the only Russian naval bases of Russia in the Mediterranean,the Russians will your forces and kick you out of Idlib.

Russia used ASSAD to attack Turkish Forces in Idlib

this time no tolerance to anyone ....
and in a large scale conflict , all Russian Forces will be kicked out of Syria

İran and Russia can not fire even one bullet on Turkish territory
the conflict will be in Syrian territory and no mercy to anyone

its our national security
what about İdlib for Russia ? luxury expansionist policy .. nothing else
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this time no tolerance to anyone
and in a large scale conflict , all Russian Forces will be kicked out of Syria

İran and Russia can not fire even one bullet on Turkish territory
So tell me something,you are doing everything to destroy your relations with Russia. If the Russians get angry,you get no Su-35s and no Su-57s. And the Americans don't give you F-16Vs.

So no Su-35s,no F-16Vs,no spare parts for the rest of the F-16 and Phantoms that you have...what will you do with your Air Force?
Thats what Assad did to your turkish trained jihadists. You support so many different people from jihadists to al nusra to ISIS at one point to FSA and Assad has smashed them all without mercy. What makes you think this time will be any different?
So tell me something,you are doing everything to destroy your relations with Russia. If the Russians get angry,you get no Su-35s and no Su-57s. And the Americans don't give you F-16Vs.

USA,France,Greece never understand what about Syria and Libya for Turkiye .... but Russia understood

its our national security
what about İdlib for Russia ? luxury expansionist policy .. nothing else

our national security millions time more important than money , SU-35,SU-57,F16,F35,etc

never forget that , if needed Turkiye can fight everyone to protect its rights and national security in Syria,Libya and Eastern Mediterranean

real question is can Russia lose hundreds of billions of dollars and millions of soldiers to fight 83 million Turkiye for İdlib ?

So no Su-35s,no F-16Vs,no spare parts for the rest of the F-16 and Phantoms that you have...what will you do with your Air Force?

if needed , Turkey has enough technology to produce all spare parts for the F-16s to keep F-16s in service for decades

even İran did it .. İran use F-14s without USA since 1990s

and Turkey has its own defense industry to produce long range ballistic and cruise missiles , HISAR-A , HISAR-O , HISAR-U and SIPER Air Defense Systems also UCAVs including MIUS unnmanned Fighter Jets for deterrence in the region
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USA,France,Greece never understand what about Syria and Libya for Turkiye .... but Russia understood

its our national security
what about İdlib for Russia ? luxury expansionist policy .. nothing else

our national security millions time more important than money , SU-35,SU-57,F16,F35,etc

never forget that , if needed Turkiye can fight everyone to protect its rights and national security in Syria,Libya and Eastern Mediterranean
Yes,you grab land from others and say "we are only protecting our rights".

real question is can Russia lose trillion dollars and millions of soldiers to fight 83 million Turkiye for İdlib ?

Maybe you should ask if Turkey can lose trillions of dollars to fight Russia?
Thats what Assad did to your turkish trained jihadists.

then learn

FSA kicked ASSAD+İran+Hezbolah combined
and in 2015 , İranian ROUHANI cried helping from PUTIN to save ASSAD+İran+Hezbolah from FSA
Russia saved ASSAD+İran+Hezbolah from FSA

so without Russia , pathetic ASSAD+İran+Hezbolah are nothing

You support so many different people from jihadists to al nusra to ISIS

only Turkish Army fought against ISIS in Syria ... over 3.000 ISIS terrorists were killed by Turkish Army to clean Jarablus,Rai,Dabiq,Azez and Al Bab

btw I remind that all liar users 2015-17 ISIS's 14 major terror attacks in Turkey and hundreds of Turkish citizens lost their lives
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