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Turkish Military Command resigns ! BN

They also planned to create Tsunami and start WW3. Anyway now they will be replaced by new generals. Not very bright but very loyal to AKP.

are you supporting those corrupt people?
are you supporting those corrupt people?

Israelis hate the new turkey they liked the corrupt regime better because it was more pro-Israel and would be Okay with 9 Turkish people dying but not this Turkey which is taking a tough stance on the subject.
are you supporting those corrupt people?
These mass trials look exactly like Stalin's trials against his officers. Prolly Erdogan is Turkizied Georgian like Stalin? :lol:

Israelis hate the new turkey they liked the corrupt regime better because it was more pro-Israel and would be Okay with 9 Turkish people dying but not this Turkey which is taking a tough stance on the subject.
What about 30,000 Turks killed by Syrian regimes proxies? Or Turks constantly killed by Iranians at border?
First of all, Ramazaniniz mubarek olsun.

Secondly, I may have been short in explaining what I meant earlier. However I'll not dig it up again since there are many divided opinions on the issue. There is just one thing I find necessary to point out, all western countries has been through some kind of revolution in order to reach democracy, and even after the transgression to democracy you need the right leaders to nurture it until it become integrated on every level of society. All islamic political parties in the ME seems to have this "return to islam" concept because they're pious people, and that's all fine, but I don't see many ME countries who's aywhere near Malaysia. I'm mentioning Malaysia because of there more modern interpretation of punishments and such of Sharia. Perhaps they have elements that also needs to be improved. But it is at least, in my opinion, better than what we see in the ME, where imams have fanatic followers and such. Not just imams even Israel has rabid Rabbies. It'll hamper the growth and developement of people who're stuck to radicals like that. So what I truly hope for is that despite being an overwhelmingly muslim country our politicians, PM etc. can use their heads to govern the country instead of their hearts. because the latter won't lead you anywhere except pleasing the crowd. Erdogan has a tendency to let his emotions get the better of him, but President Gül is always composed (which is why he was foreign minister during first election of AKP). I'm very curious to see who's going to be next PM because according to AKP own internal rules, none are allowed to be PM more than 3 times, so next time maybe Erdogan will run for presidency.

Regarding the topic of the thread, many people has been detained one way or another, because they're involved in some kind of organized crime, and in Turkey organized crime is punished harder than murder. I think it's very important for the judiciary to make it clear to the prosecutors that they need to find undeniable truth that will lead to the conviction of the detained/arrested officers and other people or let them go. unfortunately in Turkey you can (as far as I know) detain people up to several years, which is stupid. I just hope cases will be processed faster.
I wish an opposite of this happens in India where the current government resigns and leaves in front of Armed Forces and Opposition.... Desirable stuff always happens in other countries... tsk tsk..:frown:
These mass trials look exactly like Stalin's trials against his officers. Prolly Erdogan is Turkizied Georgian like Stalin? :lol

you sound like a crying baby when you compare stalins executions to ergenekon trial.

yes,we are cleaning pro-israel treason bastards out of the army,get over it.
LOL, how u buy silly propaganda.


Turkish economic growth is typical for East Europe countries. Nothing special about it at all.

This is so moronic in how you attempt to put down Turkey by comparing it to countries that have smaller populations then Turkey.

If you knew anything about economics then you would know that the chart you listed is total crap, firstly we have a larger population which effects the average national income of people since larger population = more middle income & lower income people however in a smaller populated country the wealthy artificially skew (statistical outliers) the average income as lower population = greater effect on average income.

Additionally Turkey does not price it's goods and services to EU or US standards and the prices in Turkey are a median 3 times cheaper then EU nations so in terms of income vs price of goods and services Turkey's GDP (per capita) per household average is considered 3 times higher then it's reported value.

You know 500 there is a reason for so many financial institutions around the world telling their customers to invest in Turkey.

Better luck next time you Israeli government troll who's nation receives financial aid from multiple nations.
The Turkish authorities are holding 42 generals as part of an investigation into an alleged plot to overthrow the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP)

Senior officers in the army had been trying to get the imprisoned officers promoted despite their incarceration, but the government has insisted that they be forced to retire.

AKP ? Are you stupid ? This is not goverment's work...This is Justice.
Traitor Generals do not want to go in the jail.Cause they know crimes...
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