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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

MKEK also produces its own 120mm HEAT now. It was used during EFES 2018.

"MKE Kurumu öz kaynaklarıyla yeni geliştirilen tank topu mühimmatı (120 HE, 120 HEAT), 155 mm Fırtına obüs mühimmatları ve modüler barut sistemi yerli ve yabancı katılımcılara tanıtıldı."

TUMOSAN is working together with Belarusian VOLAT on its proposed 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12 vehicle projects (wheeled tank carrier, container carrier and rescue vehicle).

(8x8 for KAAN ballistic missile is also made by VOLAT)

TUMOSAN is working together with Belarusian VOLAT on its proposed 8x8, 10x10 and 12x12 vehicle projects (wheeled tank carrier, container carrier and rescue vehicle).

(8x8 for KAAN ballistic missile is also made by VOLAT)

I dont think this vehicles will be used for tanks transporting. They would be use for transporting S400 batteries and launchers.

Why you need this „special“ vehicle? Every single military vehicle in your inventory are able to carry out ATGM on a weapon station system. Maybe the right one is good for scouting missions.
Why you need this „special“ vehicle? Every single military vehicle in your inventory are able to carry out ATGM on a weapon station system. Maybe the right one is good for scouting missions.

Amphibious capability, better protection, new modern vehicles.
Why you need this „special“ vehicle? Every single military vehicle in your inventory are able to carry out ATGM on a weapon station system. Maybe the right one is good for scouting missions.

Kaplan-10 could replace old M113 TOW-carriers
10 tons new vehicles are transfrable by Chinook?
İf yes , it will be the answer.

Amphibious capability, better protection, new modern vehicles.
fnss acv 15 also swims and has 5ton more armour . İ wouldnt say they arent modern.
@Bismarck ; These STA's will work with "near future AFV's" (such as tulpar or kaplan 30) , and "near future tanks" (altay, leo2t ). and also the weeled ones will work with 8x8 AIV's..

So those atgm's must be on new vehicles, we can not put them on the old vehicles as acv15 or m113 derivatives.

And why separeted vehicles not just add atgm's on AFV's or ACV's ? because you know atgm teams and companies have some different roles in battle.. forward patrol, hit the enemy tanks from different angles, mobile defence, using different atgm positions, stop and barrage to enemy attacks, reconnaissance and armed reconnaissance and etc..
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@Bismarck ; These STA's will work with "near future AFV's" (such as tulpar or kaplan 30) , and "near future tanks" (altay, leo2t ). and also the weeled ones will work with 8x8 AIV's..

So those atgm's must be on new vehicles, we can not put them on the old vehicles as acv15 or m113 derivatives.

And why separeted vehicles not just add atgm's on AFV's or ACV's ? because you know atgm teams and companies have some different roles in battle.. forward patrol, hit the enemy tanks from different angles, mobile defence, using different atgm positions, stop and barrage to enemy attacks, reconnaissance and armed reconnaissance and etc..
also this vehicle has the engine behind which means it can be invesible to the enemy tanks thermal cameras... ;)
I think sta's unusable and unneccesary. Because if we add coaxial 2 pack atgm launcher to tulpar,kaplan,korhan turrets thats boys make a good job better than sta's

Thats give the our zma's chance againts tanks in face to face armoured division warfare. Remember in gulf war usa bradleys shots more tanks than abrahms.

İf we add sta's mast optronics like pedestal mounted cirit vehicle and add 8-12 km atgm missiles like spike nlos that system can be deadly againts enemy armours. Because thats give the ability shot the enemy thanks behind the tank canon range.

I think sta project (without whelled versions) waste of money
Army doesn't like to put every flower in one bucket, so we will see this policy keeps going; different weapon stations will have their own dedicated platforms.
Army doesn't like to put every flower in one bucket, so we will see this policy keeps going; different weapon stations will have their own dedicated platforms.
Oğuz but flower paper coverage very thin and poor this conditions
That is your own idea.. and that idea is not supported by army.
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