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Turkish Land Vehicle Programs

Dude. I hacked "justhappened" already. Give me a PM pls

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he is a mad and needs his meds
He is a german :enjoy: @KediKesenFare

Take him now with GSG 9 , FETÖ guys


Ne haber S.-K. - ??

Adi , sadakatsiz ve vatan sevgisiz insanlar ??

Did you just reply to yourself and forgot to log out with the other account?
. . .
is that you? :D Someone nailed itself

Deutsche Telekom, Windows 7, Mozilla Firefox, pfft.
Not even close.

No, I am on meth as Mr. Beck is and @what accused me to be.

He is sneaky and believes to be on my level, serving me some "Mama" (yem ).

Türk olarak saglam durun, sizden tek ricam olacak.

"JOHN Dindar sevgilileri, sahte ATATÜRK cü ve Cumhuriyetciler'den sakinin"

Gerisi benim icin fasa fiso.

Sevgiler kocum. Multiple Alman accountlara dikkat !

EVET. Türkiye icin EVET.


Never I recognized so sneaky people in virtual environment.
He is a PROFI.

You're just insane, man. Go and get some help.
BTW, it is chilling. Now to be serious


The RABDAN 8x8 tactical wheeled armored vehicle, which will serve under the BAE Armed Forces, was designed as a modular platform to serve the different missions that a modern army would need in the most difficult terrain and climate. RABDAN, with its superior mobility, high mine, ballistic protection, as well as the integration of medium and high caliber weapon systems, is noted for its combat weight and large internal volume. The maximum load of RABDAN, which can carry 11 personnel including driver and commander, is 30 tons. With its maneuverability, independent suspension, locked transfer box and erecting tires, the vehicle with high mobility can also go at sea with amphibious (floating) operation capability. Rabdan name, Hz. Believed to come from the line of Muhammad's horse, comes from purebred Arabian horse known for his abilities in winning power, speed and race.


This Mysterious Guys. Who of them is Hürshit ?


Offtopic posts deleted.
@JustHappened aka Hurshit banned (heavy trolling, drailing the thread, offtopic, insulting the member, typing Turkish in respected threads...).

I gave you chance and waited your positive contribution to threads but you started your old behavior to convert threads into garbage during passed times. It will not be allowed to anybody to do it in this forum.
. . . . . .
Is there a specific reason why the government and army haven't started replacing our old IFV and APC with new ones? It's not like we don't have any options?

Are they waiting on Altay too pick the best ones going with it ?!
Is there a specific reason why the government and army haven't started replacing our old IFV and APC with new ones? It's not like we don't have any options?

Are they waiting on Altay too pick the best ones going with it ?!

Well, Hurshid, I heard that FNSS give up an offer to produce Altay tank.
Well, Hurshid, I heard that FNSS give up an offer to produce Altay tank.

Yes, because hurshid didn't write in broken englisch and with bad grammar. How about you stop calling everbody hurshid and only write if you have answers or questions?

Gotta love this forum, call everbody who joins hurshid, whatever the story is with him.
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