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Turkish Genocide by Greeks in Cyprus (+18)

The westernerz alwayz did genocide of Muslims in history aswell at present. Bosnia, Albania, Iraq , America(genocide of Red Indian Muslims before taking over it by Europeans), Afghanistan , Libya, Palestine..etc etc.....the West never felt ashame to kill even non-Muslimz.....911 is its biggest example....and they want more evil stuff like that....a real shame for them....:what:
GO read some history.greeks was like the jews now in usa.was everything fine until the europeans dont like anymore the turks.also we kick you out from the balkans almost take asia minor we have most of the islands at aegean sea becasre you are stupid and you give them to us.also most of you have greek blood.the true turks was only 200.000 at the byzantine time.the rest are greeks who become muslims

Some of it is actually true. Contemporary Turks consist mostly of indigenous Anatolian people who were living under Greek and Byzantine empires before the Ottoman empire. Many indigenous people converted to Islam after its introduction. The reason was because Islam was in accordance with their living style, because Christianity was too harsh and the church lied and stole too much money from the people.
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