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Turkish family denied COVID-19 treatment in Sweden ,an ambulance plane sent to bring them home

The Daughter of a man claimed that her father got denied treatment in Sweden after a positive corona virus test even thought his contidition was bad.
Erdogan ofcourse used the situation to make propaganda and sent a ambulance plane to Sweden to evacuate, later it turned out that the man was a wealthy AKP member from the same village as a minister, and the best part is he isnt even being treated for covid-19 but is in cardiology tract of the hospital in Ankara.

so he's been treated for the heart instead of covid-19?

so who's the fakester? Air ambulance or the patient?

Funny how when the story broke out Kemalist were giving propaganda credit to MKA instead of Erdogan and now patient might not be genuine as thought and now blame Erdogan and not MKA

The truth is no one here knows the full truth of this story and on Erdogan's part, he did the right thing sending an air ambulance for a citizen in distress. Anyhow this story is an isolated case but turkey is helping to rescue thousands of its citizen in distress whether stuck in a greek cruise liner or trapped in another faraway country.

Also, where is the evidence this story is fake? i can't find it. Taking a twitter post from pro-HDP Kemalist is not evidence rather is fake propaganda as usual
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The man comes from Bingol and health minister from Kulu Konya:-). Somebody in the internet did throw a bone and you can see who is blafing....

IP secretary Dursun something did lie about it, the man have not accepted treatment in Sweden story is going on the internet. A old picture was the proof of the IP shit member. ques what, it was a footage from 2014 in the cardiology:(.

Chp and ther voters, they tried to attack Fahretting Altun and now are barking about something else.
Turkey continues to evacuate nationals from abroad

Turkey placed 98 Turkish citizens evacuated from Russia where they were stranded due to the coronavirus lockdown for quarantine after they arrived at Kapadokya Airport in central Nevsehir province on April 29, 2020 and they were transported to Aksaray province to be quarantined for two weeks at a dormitory.

Swedens ''herd immunity'' experiment failed hard, not only does it have the highest mortality rate in the meanwhile but also the economy collapsed anyways.

I guess this man didnt get a treatment because the hospitals are overloaded with infected, such experiments only work with disciplined societies like Korea or Japan, western socieities just dont have enough discipline to follow goverment guidelines, only thing that helps here is a lockdown.

Was it hard for the doctors in sweden to do a test rather than sending him off.

I think this whole ordeal could have been avoided really.

Herd immunity in Sweden has backfired really bad. Herd immunity only works in the past like in ancient and medieval times but comes at a cost to the population.

Sweden screwed hard there to be honest.

Daily COVID deaths in Sweden are dropping overtime instead of increasing..How can higher death rate among nordic neighbors explain their strategy has failed when Sweden has the most dense cities in Scandinavia. BTW Denmark has also opened schools and that is a big contributor towards herd immunity/infecting people whether they openly accept it or not and yet their deaths are low.


i think it also depends upon their diet and genetic makeup,In Pakistan our govt ended lockdown but death increase much after such decision so sweden example cannot be valid for every country,the race of people in sweden,denmark and norway is different than other white people in england,italy and france and they are called as vikings who made small colonies in earlier history in england .
Daily COVID deaths in Sweden are dropping overtime instead of increasing..How can higher death rate among nordic neighbors explain their strategy has failed when Sweden has the most dense cities in Scandinavia. BTW Denmark has also opened schools and that is a big contributor towards herd immunity/infecting people whether they openly accept it or not and yet their deaths are low.

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i think it also depends upon their diet and genetic makeup,In Pakistan our govt ended lockdown but death increase much after such decision so sweden example cannot be valid for every country

I think more than genetics/diet Pakistans problem is that our health system is prepostrous..No standard protocol being followed, Ventilators are excessively being used when this has been discontinued in many other countries, wrong respiratory management was a major culprit in the death toll .Medical errors are the biggest reason of deaths in Pakistan right now, not covid..
you look at denmark and norway both have combined population equal to sweden but their covid19 death rate is very low
I think more than genetics/diet Pakistans problem is that our health system is prepostrous..No standard protocol being followed, Ventilators are excessively being used when this has been discontinued in many other countries, wrong respiratory management was a major culprit in the death toll .Medical errors are the biggest reason of deaths in Pakistan right now, not covid..
Basically what happened:

1. Daughter found her father in distress and Swedish hospital unable to help. She assumed it to be COVID19
2. Called Turkish consulate and got help
3. Turkey sent air ambulance to get the patient
4. Rumor that patient is not COVID19 positive based on a Tweet
5. Erdogan haters claim its all fake and Erdogan is bad based on (4).
It is fake.

Even swedish newspapers are saying it's a propaganda tool for Erdogan. That family has dual citizenship, and perhaps they'll lose their swedish citizenship because of such stunt.

Sweden chose a different strategy, and their virolog says TODAY in the news, they should have cautioned more. Denmark and Norway Shutdown social activities, cafe, bars and such.

What PM of Denmark fear is that Danish ppl will act like COVID-19 doesn't exist just because they open up the country again.

And guess what's happening ppl are bouncing back to same ol' same ol'.
you look at denmark and norway both have combined population equal to sweden but their covid19 death rate is very low
Comparing countries only on basis of population can be misleading..There are many other factors like density of metropolis.., household family size and social behavior..You are right they have lesser deaths combined however Norway and Denmark expereinced way less deaths thant their weekly average over past 20 years so its not as simple as it looks.


Furthermore Sweden 60% of their deaths are from nursing homes unlike other nordic neighbors.

See the historical death rate data of Sweden
they have a smaller death rate for 2020 so far compared to past years.
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