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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
The interesting part is that whenever Erdogan talks the market is usually reacting immdediatley by going down.
Why does Turkey has such a huge trade deficit?

$85 billion is dangerously high.

Turkey should pin point its main areas of weakness, and work on them immediately.

Turkey should start producing at home and reduce its dependence on imports...

Turkey should bring the deficient to $10 billion to $20 billion
Why does Turkey has such a huge trade deficit?

$85 billion is dangerously high.

Turkey should pin point its main areas of weakness, and work on them immediately.

Turkey should start producing at home and reduce its dependence on imports...

Turkey should bring the deficient to $10 billion to $20 billion

It is because of the energy dependency we got.. About $ worth of import is done on energy, be it natural gas, petrol, etc..

The rest of our deficit is reserved for german goods xD
Why does Turkey has such a huge trade deficit?

$85 billion is dangerously high.

Turkey should pin point its main areas of weakness, and work on them immediately.

Turkey should start producing at home and reduce its dependence on imports...

Turkey should bring the deficient to $10 billion to $20 billion
Energy imports mostly, thats why we are going to build nuclear power plants, we are making Iranians and Russians rich but they still hate us. :D
Energy imports mostly, thats why we are going to build nuclear power plants, we are making Iranians and Russians rich but they still hate us. :D

They hate you? Is that the reason why most foreign tourist after Germans are Russians? ;)
They hate you? Is that the reason why most foreign tourist after Germans are Russians? ;)
Im not talking about people, we have even many Iranian tourists but the goverments are another issue though.
Energy imports mostly, thats why we are going to build nuclear power plants, we are making Iranians and Russians rich but they still hate us. :D

Turkey should have been building nuclear power plants, and dams across the nation already!!
Turkey should have been building nuclear power plants, and dams across the nation already!!
We have been kept ignorant and poor by the rest of the planet.

No one actually really likes us, and never really liked us...

NATO, west and Israel think that we are traitors who will sell them for Russia and China eventually.

Russia and its block think that we are bloody untrustable enemies that are members of NATO.

Muslim and Arabian states think that we are Haram, because we are in NATO and BFF with Israel...

Israel personally hates us because of our ties with Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc...

Everyone just hates us.. US itself along with the rest of the planet sanctioned the hell out of us for invading Cyprus..

Our past was not really a shining success story economically.. We were just a 'Banana Republic" in their eyes, which was actually true back then..

We are newly starting to wake up, so now we have more access to money, industrial improvements and high-tech.

This is also the reason why our GDP is still too low.. It really does not represent our true potential.
We have been kept ignorant and poor by the rest of the planet.

to be clear and honest we kept ourselfs poor and ignorant.. we did not secure our own products our own industry we love to buy from others even if our product is same or better our ppl buy names and brands

No one actually really likes us, and never really liked us...

not real, many countries dont like us but there are some who really love us like Azerbaycan, Pakistan, Korea..

NATO, west and Israel think that we are traitors who will sell them for Russia and China eventually.

nato nations are traitors too they sell us out everytime and show us how they think about us so eventually if it would help us and bring us more then why not.. we dont know how the future will be... if NATO is a sinking ship then we dont have to sink with the captain..

Muslim and Arabian states think that we are Haram, because we are in NATO and BFF with Israel...

if so then they are more haram and najis.. :D

Israel personally hates us because of our ties with Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, etc...

if there is hate than they are nuts..

Everyone just hates us.. US itself along with the rest of the planet sanctioned the hell out of us for invading Cyprus..

if they had sanctioned us than our leaders in the past where great idiots I would have closed incirlik as a reaction to this..
the ones who say you cannot do it because you are ally of... they firstly should say they should not sanction their ally..

maybe a puplic thinking of selling incirlik airbase to china would have make their mind clearer..

Our past was not really a shining success story economically.. We were just a 'Banana Republic" in their eyes, which was actually true back then..

We are newly starting to wake up, so now we have more access to money, industrial improvements and high-tech.

This is also the reason why our GDP is still too low.. It really does not represent our true potential

Turkey to explore for oil in Iraq's Qandil area, peace talks to pave way: energy minister

(Reuters) - Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said on Monday Turkey will explore for oil in the Qandil region of Iraq and that a move towards disarmament by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) should pave the way for this to happen.

Yildiz told reporters Turkey owns blocks it wants to explore in the foothills of the Qandil mountains, a remote corner of Kurdish-run northern Iraq dominated by the PKK, which is negotiating a peace process with Turkish authorities to end a 30-year insurgency inside Turkey.

Turkey to explore for oil in Iraq's Qandil area, peace talks to pave way: energy minister| Reuters
Latest developments in reconciliation raise hopes for regional economy

The government's announcement of a new phase in the reconciliation process with the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) on the weekend and the jailed PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan's call for disarmament generated great excitement in eastern and southeastern Anatolia. According to a mini survey that was conducted to investigate the economic implications of this development in the region, 80 percent of the businessmen who were surveyed expressed their belief in the progress of the reconciliation process and 85 percent of respondents said that the success of the reconciliation process would increase investments in agriculture, textiles and tourism.

In response to the question, "Will the reconciliation process continue?" almost 80 percent of businessmen who participated in the survey answered, "yes," attributing the belief to the "persistent" policies of the government and the HDP. According to the respondents, the reconciliation process has taken a step forward with the joint declaration by government and HDP. The question of whether the reconciliation process will drive investments up received affirmative answers from 85 percent of respondents, who said they have felt the positive impact of the reconciliation process on the economy over the past two years.

According to the survey results, after the reconciliation process is finalized, agriculture, textiles, tourism and mining will stand out as the most promising industries in eastern and southeastern Anatolia. Although the businessmen in the survey said that the reconciliation process is a great motivation on its own, they suggested that the government should develop a new policy for the region. The expansion of existing incentives was demanded by 50 percent of respondents, 40 percent found existing incentives satisfactory and the remaining 10 percent found them inadequate.

Şahismail Bedirhanoğlu, the head of the Federation of Eastern and Southeastern Industrialists' and Businessmen's Associations (DOGÜNSİFED), said that confidence in the reconciliation process has been bolstered again, and that if disarmament is achieved, it would contribute to investments in the region.

Süleyman Çağlı, the president of the Cizre Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said that the end of terrorism would increase agriculture and construction investments in the region. According to the head of the Batman Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Kadir Demir, there were 56 factories in Batman two years ago, but now entrepreneurs are seeking empty land for 130 projects in the Organized Industrial Zone. Ahmet Sayar, the head of the Diyarbakır Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said that Diyarbakır has the appropriate conditions for construction, chemicals, textiles and agriculture, suggesting that infrastructure investments and incentives should be improved.

E. Sabri Ertekin, the president of the Şanlıurfa Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said that the historic call for disarmament has lent impetus to the lingering reconciliation process, which will offer good opportunities of renewable energy and will end the illegal use of electricity in the region.

The head of the Şırnak Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Osman Geliş, said that Şırnak, which is now positioned in the sixth zone, will be upgraded to the second zone soon after the reconciliation process is complete. He also suggested that Mount Cudi should be opened to tourism. Güven Kuzu, the president of the Siirt Chamber of Industry and Commerce, said that if the reconciliation process keeps on track, investments in textiles and agriculture will boom, and demanded grants and zero-interest loans for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Each province demands special incentive arrangements in line with their potential. Businessmen from Siirt request incentives for the mining industry, particularly for copper mining. Entrepreneurs from Şırnak expect a breakthrough in the tourism sector and demand regulations to invigorate tourism on Mount Cudi, which was previously associated with terrorism. Şırnak also has proper conditions for construction materials. Businessmen from Şanlıurfa, which offers good opportunities for tourism and renewable energy, want insurance and tax relief periods to be prolonged to 10 years from seven. Diyarbakır's businessmen have demanded the completion of infrastructural investments, and say that if GAP's agricultural vision is reconstructed, the city could compete with the Netherlands, which exports $100 billion worth of agricultural products a year.

Latest developments in reconciliation raise hopes for regional economy - Daily Sabah
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