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Turkish Economy - News & Updates

What is the driving force behind Turkish Economic problem?

  • The on going Trump attack on Turkish Economy

    Votes: 29 19.9%
  • Jewish Agenda to weaken adjacent countries to Israel

    Votes: 36 24.7%
  • Internal Turkish economic problems

    Votes: 50 34.2%
  • Falling Exports for Turkey

    Votes: 5 3.4%
  • Loss of Tourism income for Turkey

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • External Loans or Debt impacting Economy

    Votes: 25 17.1%

  • Total voters
:coffee: You and I are planning to take over secular Turkey and turn it into the Neo-Ottman Empire :devil:
For once be smart(instead of hitting on evry woman you see).
Why do you think im good friends with @Yzd Khalifa?(Financing thru his connections with the royals).
Allready in contact with the Japanese.
Now evryone knows thanks to you(again).
We can kiss that deal good bye(why not email?).
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July sees highest monthly exports at $12.6 bln


Turkey saw its July exports surge by 17.3 percent over a month ago, registering the largest number of exports the country has seen in a single month ever. (Photo: Today's Zaman)


Turkey sold products overseas worth $12.69 billion in July, the best exports performance seen in a single month, union data revealed on Thursday.

According to the data shared by the Turkish Exporters Assembly (TİM), Turkey saw its July exports surge by 17.3 percent over a month ago. The seventh month registered the largest number of exports Turkey has seen in a month -- excluding exports of scrap gold -- the union said. Having maintained a steady increase, exports also jumped by 3.3 percent in the first seven months of the year compared to the same period of 2012. Turkey exported goods worth $87.86 billion in the January-July period. The government estimates that exports will reach $158 billion by the end of the year. A 2023 vision put the annual exports figure at as high as $500 billion.

TİM said sales to Turkey's largest exports market, the EU, surged by 23 percent in the month of July over the preceding month, while Turkey sold 29 percent more goods to the Far East markets. Turkey also enjoyed a 17 percent rise in products sent to Africa and 7 percent to the Middle East in the same period, the report has shown.

The Western manufacturing hubs of Sakarya, Bursa and Kocaeli, which mainly produce cars and defense materials, were at the top of the list of largest exporters in July. Sakarya saw the highest increase in exports by 55 percent in July over June. Bursa followed with 38 percent and Kocaeli came third with 25 percent.

Meanwhile, Turkey sent 12 percent more goods to Egypt in the seventh month of this year than over a year ago.

Figures show bilateral trade ignored ongoing political tension between Ankara and Cairo over the deposal of the latter's first democratically elected president in a military coup.

Egypt was the 12th largest buyer of Turkish goods in July. Turkey exported goods worth $280 million to Egypt in July; this figure was $251 million in the same month a year ago. Another critical surge in exports in July was experienced with Syria; Turkey sent 98 percent more products to the war-torn country in July compared to June. TİM cited the increase in grain sales to this country.

The greatest amount of exports in July was made by the automotive industry with $1.96 billion and the ready-to-wear sector followed with $1.62 billion. Chemical products saw the third best performance with $1.55 billion. Evaluating the figures, TİM head Mehmet Büyükekşi said on Thursday in Çankırı that Turkey stood out with its steadily growing exports performance despite all odds in global markets. “Many countries are resorting to protectionism in trade and cut on imports due to such concerns as currency wars or lower employment at home. … Turkey has so far this year been in the top 10 in the list of countries with the fastest increase in exports,” the union head explained.

Exporters have long said they feared the fluctuations in foreign currency would impact business negatively. The Turkish lira has been losing ground against the US dollar as most investors preferred to buy greenbacks with an anticipated cut in the US Treasury's money injection to markets. Büyükekşi said the ideal level remains TL 1.9 per US dollar. The lira's depreciation makes imports more expensive and exports cheaper.

A weaker lira could offer Turkish products a price advantage in international markets, giving a boost to the country's exports. A stronger dollar, on the other hand, lifts prices at home, increasing inflation and hurting people's purchasing power.

July sees highest monthly exports at $12.6 bln - Today's Zaman, your gateway to Turkish daily news
25 million ton copper reserve in Turkey’s Kastamonu
A reserve of 25 million tons of copper has been discovered in Turkey’s Kastamonu. Governor Erdogan Bektas has stated, “Turkey's longest wells were dug here and copper mines with a high percentage of tenor are also here.”


World Bulletin/News Desk
Kastamonu Governor Erdogan Bektas has stated that a new reserve with around 25 million tons of copper has been found in Etibakir Inc.’s copper mine in the Kure district.
Governor Bektas noted the importance of the discovery goven Turkey’s need for large quantities of copper, saying, “Turkey's longest wells were dug here and copper mines with a high percentage of tenor are also here.”
Expressing that efforts are ongoing, Etibakır Inc.’s Kure General Manager Ahmet Tezcan said: "Efforts at assessing the reserve are ongoing. We are hoping they will exceed 25-30 million tons. Accounts are currently being made. A final figure will be availble especially during 2014-2015.”

25 million ton copper reserve in Turkey’s Kastamonu | Economy | World Bulletin

Kastamonu Valisi Erdoğan Bektaş, Eti Bakır AŞ'nin Küre ilçesindeki bakır madeninde 25 milyon tonluk yeni bakır rezervi bulduğunu açıkladı...

Küre bakır işletmelerinde yeni rezerv bulunduğunu aktaran Kastamonu Valisi Erdoğan Bektaş, "Yeni cevher, Küre, Kastamonu ve ülkemiz için de çok önemli. 25 milyon tonluk bakır rezervinden bahsediyoruz. Türkiye'nin en uzun kuyusu burada kazıldı ve en ciddi tenor oranı yüksek bakır madenlerinden birisi burada. Bakıra çok ihtiyacımız var. Arkadaşlarımız o ihtiyacımızı buradan karşılamaya çalışıyor" diye konuştu.

Eti Bakır AŞ Yöneticisi Ali Cengiz ise Küre Bakır İşletmeleri'nin 2004 yılında özelleştirmeyle alındığını hatırlattı.

Bitmek üzere olan rezervleri 2008 yılından itibaren geliştirmeye başladıklarına dikkati çeken Cengiz, şöyle devam etti:

"25 milyon tona yaklaşan bakır rezervi ortaya çıkarmış bulunmaktayız. Bu rezervin gün yüzüne çıkartılmasıyla ilgili tüm otomasyon ve kazı hazırlıklarının hepsini tamamlamış bulunmaktayız. Sadece kuyu mekaniğinin montajı ve devreye alınmasıyla ilgili süreç devam ediyor. O da Allah'ın izniyle 2014'ün sonunda bitmiş olarak, yer altındaki zenginliğimizi yer üstüne çıkarmış olarak Türk halkının hizmetine sunmayı umuyoruz."

"25-30 milyon tonu geçeceğini ümit ediyoruz"

Etibakır AŞ Küre Genel Müdürü Ahmet Tezcan da Türkiye'nin en modern birkaç işletmesinden biri olduklarını ifade ederek, işçilerin hemen hemen hiçbir ağır işinin olmadığını söyledi.

Türkiye'nin en büyük bakır işletmelerinden olduklarının anlatan Ahmet Tezcan, ülke ihtiyacının yüzde 7 ila 8'ini karşıladıklarını vurguladı.

Tezcan, 3-4 yıldır yeni bir maden keşfetmeye başladıklarını kaydederek, "Şu anda hazırlık çalışmaları devam ediyor. Rezerv tespit çalışmaları halen devam ediyor. 25-30 milyon tonu geçeceğini ümit ediyoruz. Şu anda hesapları yapılıyor. Özellikle 2014-2015 yıllarında kesin rakamlar ortaya çıkacak. 2015 yılından itibaren de Türkiye'nin en büyük ve en derin kuyusu, cevher üretimine başlayacak."

Bakır ithalatına 2,5-4 milyar dolar

Türkiye'nin bakır ihtiyacının yüzde 65-70'ini ithal ettiğini, bunun için 2,5-4 milyar dolar ödeme yaptığına işaret eden Tezcan, sözlerini şöyle tamamladı:

"İnşallah bir gün tüm bakır ihtiyacını kendimiz karşılayabiliriz' diye umuyoruz. Zaten ülkemiz ithalatının çok büyük bir kısmı esasında bakır, kurşun, çinko, demir, alüminyum gibi metallere ödenmektedir. Bunların dışında da iki kalem daha var. Doğalgaz ve petrol. Yani ithalatımızın hemen hemen yarısı bu ham maddelerden oluşmaktadır."

Tezcan, Küre işletmelerinde 740 olmak üzere Eti Bakır AŞ'nin bin 950 civarında çalışanı olduğunu sözlerine ekledi.


Turkey’s technoparks to multiply, boost exports

Aiming to become a high-tech manufacturing and export base in the next 10 years, Turkey will heavily rely on its technology parks which are fast increasing in number and populated by the country’s visionary entrepreneurs and talented workforce.

“Technology development and innovation in technoparks will bring an export revenue of USD 10 billion by the year 2023.”, according to Turkey’s Minister of Science, Industry and Technology, Nihat Ergun, speaking of the government’s goals to reach by the centennial of the republic. “The target is to double the number of technoparks in Turkey and increase their exports 10-fold. Anything less will not be considered a success.”, Ergun noted as he laid out the plan to boost the high-tech exports of the growing country.

Technoparks in Turkey have come a long way in the last decade, from only two in 2003 to 36 active technoparks today with 16 soon to be launched. There will be at least a hundred active technoparks in Turkey by 2023, filled by some 10,000 companies operating in tech-intensive sectors, the Minister said. Annual exports of Turkish technoparks amounted to USD 1 billion in 2012. The figure is expected to reach USD 10 billion in 2023.

“Software developing companies are the backbone of Turkey’s technoparks as that sector is well-suited for rapid growth. However, sector-specific sites are also in planning. Teknopark Istanbul, focusing on defense technologies among other high-tech branches, is an example. Technoparks of tomorrow may well be focusing on medical devices, pharmaceuticals and other particular areas.”, Ergun remarked.

Growing in parallel to technoparks, the research and development (R&D) expenditure in Turkey is expected to take up 3 percent of the country’s GDP by 2023, up from today’s 1 percent. Vying to become one of the top 10 economies of the world by then, Turkey strongly supports R&D and innovation-related investments through its comprehensive investment incentive regime.


Turkey’s first half tourism revenue up 28 percent

One of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, Turkey, earned TRY 13.5 billion (approx. USD 6.9 billion) from its millions of visitors in the first six months of the year. The revenue from tourism, oftentimes called the industry without a chimney, rose 28.4 percent from the same period of 2012.

Turkey’s foreign visitors, constituting 84.6 percent of arrivals in the country between January-June period, spent an average of 817 dollars while Turkish nationals living abroad, accounting for 15.4 percent of the visitors, spent 1389 dollars per head, according to recently released Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) data.

Having witnessed a steady increase in foreign arrivals in recent years - an annual average of 8.2 percent between 2007-2012 - Turkey is the 6th most popular tourist destination according to the United Nations World Tourism Organization’s (UNWTO) Tourism Highlights 2012 Edition. The Mediterranean nation attracted a total of 31.8 million foreign visitors in 2012, achieving a total revenue of USD 23.4 billion.

The country aims to welcome 48.5 million tourists a year between the years 2014-18, according to the government’s 10th 5-year development plan, generating USD 45 billion of tourism income.


Airbus plans production plant in Turkey

Europe’s leading aircraft manufacturer, Airbus, is planning to invest in a production plant in Turkey. Having received an order for 117 passenger planes from the Turkish Airlines (THY) in April, the company has acquired a plot of land in the European Free Zone (EFZ) in Turkey’s Thracian province of Tekirdag to manufacture various electronic and mechanical aircraft components via a subsidiary.

“Airbus has acquired an area of 10,000 square meters in EFZ.”, according to Kemal Sahin, the Chairman of Sahinler Holding, the owner and operator of Turkey’s largest private industry park. The company is expected to break ground for the production facility in the coming months, Sahin added.

Airbus Military, the military arm of Airbus, relies on Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara for the production of the various components of the A400M transport aircraft. TAI also manufactures body parts and ailerons for Airbus A350 and A320 airliners. Another Turkish company, Kale Aero produces auxiliary fuel tank walls for A320s in Istanbul, which are then assembled by the German aerospace company PFW’s Turkish division. PWF Turkey also assembles structural components of the A320 family in its Izmir plant.

Turkey’s national flag carrier THY now has the world’s most extensive flight network of nearly 230 destinations and is one of the fastest-growing airline companies in Europe in terms of passenger numbers. The company carried 39 million passengers in 2012, up 20 percent over the preceding year. These figures are expected to rise sharply once THY switches its main terminal from Ataturk Airport to Istanbul’s under-construction third airport, set to be largest in the world in terms of passenger capacity when it reaches operational status by 2017.
Istanbul named as Europe’s ‘Best Tourism City’

Turkey’s Istanbul, a bustling megapolis with a history dating back thousands of years, has been voted Europe’s ‘Best Tourism City’ in 2013 by the Travel + Leisure Magazine. The city ranked second in the global list, “Best City in the World” category, being second only to Thailand’s Bangkok.

The magazine, a monthly publication by American Express Publishing, based its findings on reader votes, judging the contending cities by their historic and cultural sites, artistic attractions as well as food, shopping and overall value.

Istanbul bested Paris, Rome, London, Barcelona and other prominent cities of the world in both categories, building on its already strong reputation as a center of history and culture.

The Travel + Leisure Magazine award came after MasterCard’s annual top 20 Global Destination Cities Index where Istanbul is listed as the 6th most popular destination by international visitor arrivals.

Turkey welcomed 14.5 million foreign visitors in the first half of 2013, up 14 percent over a year earlier. Istanbul alone accounted for 4.9 million of the total in the said period, 16 percent more visitors than that of January-June of 2012.

Turkey expects to welcome 33 million foreign visitors this year, aiming to enter the top 5 of global tourist destinations.
Istanbul named as Europe’s ‘Best Tourism City’

Turkey’s Istanbul, a bustling megapolis with a history dating back thousands of years, has been voted Europe’s ‘Best Tourism City’ in 2013 by the Travel + Leisure Magazine. The city ranked second in the global list, “Best City in the World” category, being second only to Thailand’s Bangkok.

The magazine, a monthly publication by American Express Publishing, based its findings on reader votes, judging the contending cities by their historic and cultural sites, artistic attractions as well as food, shopping and overall value.

Istanbul bested Paris, Rome, London, Barcelona and other prominent cities of the world in both categories, building on its already strong reputation as a center of history and culture.

The Travel + Leisure Magazine award came after MasterCard’s annual top 20 Global Destination Cities Index where Istanbul is listed as the 6th most popular destination by international visitor arrivals.

Turkey welcomed 14.5 million foreign visitors in the first half of 2013, up 14 percent over a year earlier. Istanbul alone accounted for 4.9 million of the total in the said period, 16 percent more visitors than that of January-June of 2012.

Turkey expects to welcome 33 million foreign visitors this year, aiming to enter the top 5 of global tourist destinations.

I'm going Istanbul next month? :D what should I see? Where should I stay?
I'm going Istanbul next month? :D what should I see? Where should I stay?

İstanbul Akvaryum at Florya by a shuttle ''BN2 Eminönü-Küçükçekmece''.

Ä°stanbul Akvaryum

you should stay at Beyoğlu; there are many suites with price 35-70 € for a night , if you want to live up to Istanbul at the epicenter of the city.
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