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Turkish defence industry struggles to go global


Mar 3, 2014
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Russian Federation
Turkish defence industry struggles to go global | TR Defence

Turkey’s exports, however, would have been well below those figures stated above without its offset commitments with foreign arms suppliers.

At the end of the day, Turkish defense industry companies are only being fed with offset arrangements and are not encouraged through state policies to create an export industry based on high military technologies.

Turkish companies have been turning into monsters being fed by offsets instead of the country producing global companies.

However, the government’s long-time plan to privatize a large portion of the nation’s defense industry companies and increase efficiency through new competitive bidding processes which could force the liquidation of firms that fail to compete faces opposition from the military.

The current unaccountable status of 18 Turkish military companies, whose shares are partly or fully owned by the Foundation to Strengthen the Turkish Armed Forces (TSKGV), stands as a big hurdle to privatization. Added to the problem is the absence of real will within the government to bring these companies under civilian oversight and to finally privatize them.

The government’s legislation from February of this year introducing non-defense commercial offset agreements — a practice that runs contrary to international free trade regulations — in the meantime, has the potential to cause a headache for Turkey in its international trade dealings.

Without western technology support, turkish defence companies simply lack any value/product which they can offer to the global defence market.

They are simply assembling western tech into their platforms. They also lack the capability to improove this tech without western companies and subcontractors.

Those western sub contractors offering better deals for their own platforms in terms of reliability and future improovement.

Turkey lacks significant industrial and scientifical knowledge to produce national technology. They must first reform their education which is based upon creating rebound guys instead of creating knowledge for the nation.

Turkish government did forbid Darwin Theory in turkish education.
Turkey Blocks Web Pages Touting Darwin's Evolution Theory

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