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Oznur Savunma produces metal work for many of Aselsans products.




I'm starting to think that TFX must be cancelled, or at least postponed until better engine options become available.

And we should focus on civilian airliners instead. There's a much larger market for a regional turbofan airliner. Or even an AT-72 type turboprop.
. .
Like what ?
Don't tell me, you are expecting PW F119. :o:
It's currently the best option for an air superiority fighter, we can take our time to negotiate with the US government.
But even if they've offered it today I'm not sure if I would go for it. It's not a good thing to introduce two new engines with so little time between them. I'd rather wait until 2040 and replace F16s with TF-X with latest engine technology that will be available at that time.

Because if we want to go for TF-X now, it'll be a multi-role aircraft and having two multi-role aircraft won't make much sense.
Waste of R&D money.

I'd rather cancel TF-X right now and start working on a regional airliner.
All non english comments will be deleted.

Bro these need to have an english title

Yeni görüyorum beyin sıçıntını, Türkçe yazmam gerekiyor sanırım anlaman için.
İhaleye fesat karıştırmak adli bir suçtur, başbakan MİLGEM ihalesinde açıkça suç işlemiştir, sen bundan çıkarı olduğunu düşün veya düşünme bu gerçeği değiştirmez. Yedikleri haltlar ses kayıtlarıyla sabit, bunların peşinden giden polislerin, savcıların da başlarına neler geldiğini gördük, avukatları adliye koridorlarında sürükleyerek haklı çıkılmaz.

Savunma sanayii'nin toplum tarafından ilgi görmediği günleri sen görmedin, bugün her şeyin reklamı yapılıyor.

Şunu unutma ki bu ülkede asılan tek başbakan bu ülkeyi NATO ya sokan Adnan Menderes'in ta kendisidir.
Bu dünyayı para yönetiyor artık silahlar değil, Türk ordusu her zaman güçlüydü.

Ama eskiden rumlar S300 yerleştirmeye kalktıkları zaman "vururuz" diyorduk ve geri adım atıyorlardı, bugün oldukça rahat petrol, doğalgaz çıkartıyorlar. Haburdan, çuval olayından, barzaniden felan bahsetmiycem. Erdoğan her zaman kişisel servet peşinde olan satılık bir adamdı. İçeride cesur dışarıda korkak bir adamdı, siz bunları göremediniz. Gezi olayları patlak verdiğinde Afrikaya kaçtı, yine kaçıcak. Milyar dolarları var isviçre bankalarında bu milletin sırtından kazandığı onu buraya bağlayan hiçbirşey yok.
Orada ihaleye fesat karıştırmak yok işi daha ucuza yapacak adam var ihaleye çağırılmamış. NATO'ya sokan adam da kemalist Celal Bayar'dır. Tekrar ediyorum Başbakan savunma sanayi hakkında çok nadir konuşur. Eskiden savunma sanayi mi vardı ki ilgi görsün ?.. rumlar mevzusuna gelince balıkçılarımızı rahatsız eden yunan sahil güvenlik botlarına MRTP-33'le müdahale edilen olay sonrası o balıkçılarla yapılan röportajları dinle bak ne diyolar o zaman anlarsın rumdan kimler korkuyomuş. Son olarak da şunu söyleyeyim bir kenara çekilip viyaklamanı izleyeyim... Kuyruğuna basayım biraz... hahaha... sen yolsuzluk arıyosan atanın hayatını araştır biraz...
These too but you guys probably dont feel like translating
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Guys who will visit TCG BÜYÜKADA don't forget to take some nice photos... And ask them about ATMACA & AKYA and other things...
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Berlin, 20 May 2014 – Airbus Group and ASELSAN – the Turkish defence industry leader – today signed a framework agreement on the sidelines of the ILA air show to mark the first step towards future collaboration on civil and military avionic systems, satellite communication systems, electro-optic and laser systems, and secure radio communications.


By joining forces through this agreement, both Groups aim at gaining a distinct competitive edge in accessing new markets and further consolidating their position as leading avionics and aeronautics manufacturers.

Airbus Group International Senior Vice President Marco Miklis stated: “We are very happy that our collaboration with Turkey’s leading defence electronics company is evolving in a positive manner. We strongly believe that both companies have competitive products and solutions which can be applied to the Turkish and export markets.”

ASELSAN Chairman of the Board Hasan Canpolat said: “In addition to its leading role in the Turkish electronics industry, ASELSAN will achieve greater access to global markets through its partnership with Airbus Group. We believe that the synergies generated through this long-term collaboration will deliver innovative solutions and contribute to the worldwide success of both our companies.”

The collaboration framework will be institutionalized by creating a Coordination Committee and by setting up working groups represented by both parties. It has further been agreed that the scope of cooperation may be expanded beyond the applications specified above.

ASELSAN and AIRBUS Group Collaboration | News | Press Room | ASELSAN
Berlin, 20 May 2014 – Airbus Group and ASELSAN – the Turkish defence industry leader – today signed a framework agreement on the sidelines of the ILA air show to mark the first step towards future collaboration on civil and military avionic systems, satellite communication systems, electro-optic and laser systems, and secure radio communications.


By joining forces through this agreement, both Groups aim at gaining a distinct competitive edge in accessing new markets and further consolidating their position as leading avionics and aeronautics manufacturers.

Airbus Group International Senior Vice President Marco Miklis stated: “We are very happy that our collaboration with Turkey’s leading defence electronics company is evolving in a positive manner. We strongly believe that both companies have competitive products and solutions which can be applied to the Turkish and export markets.”

ASELSAN Chairman of the Board Hasan Canpolat said: “In addition to its leading role in the Turkish electronics industry, ASELSAN will achieve greater access to global markets through its partnership with Airbus Group. We believe that the synergies generated through this long-term collaboration will deliver innovative solutions and contribute to the worldwide success of both our companies.”

The collaboration framework will be institutionalized by creating a Coordination Committee and by setting up working groups represented by both parties. It has further been agreed that the scope of cooperation may be expanded beyond the applications specified above.

ASELSAN and AIRBUS Group Collaboration | News | Press Room | ASELSAN

Same news from Turkish source...

Aselsan ile Airbus işbirliğine gidiyor


BTW this deal between ASELSAN & AIRBUS is damn good... Sure export is important but... This will be perfect experience for our domestic airliner... :enjoy:
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