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Turkish court sentences top pianist accused of tweets that insulted Islam

@TurAr got banned ? and i have been warned.
@Peregrine being a pakistani in pakistani forum have its benefits right ?
Kinda like AKP here,i got a warning to.
They insult us and thats ok but answer back and theres your warning for insulting.
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Kinda like AKP here,i got a warning to.
They insult us and thats ok but answer back and theres your warning for insulting.

At least, we learned some certain nations members are favored. Sadly nothing we can do about it.
At least, we learned some certain nations members are favored. Sadly nothing we can do about it.
Herseyin arkasinda komplo aramiyalim arkadaslar. Yanlis anlasilma, ya da bizimkiler bir yanlis yapmis olabilirler. Ne icin banlandiklarini bilmiyorum, ama herzaman her iki tarafin kendine gore ayni konduda degisik hikaye'si vardir.

Hemen'de de 'Turklere karsi komplo' laflariyla ortaligi ayaga kaldirmayalin, boyle laflar bizi burdaki baska uluslardan uyelere karsi biraz kucuk dusuruyor. Bizim hakkimizda; su Turklere bak amma'da paranoyak, amma da mazlum rolunu oynamayi seviyorlar, demesinler.

Sorry for the Turkish, my post is pointed towards our Turkish members here.

How do you rate their chances in the next election? The general consensus amongst Turkish members online seems to be that the AKP are not good for the country.
If you read forums like this, you would get the impression that not many people like AKP. But from how I experienced, the majority in Turkey is silent. And that's why during elections there is a different outcome than how you would expect.

I think most of the Turkish members are concerned (me included) about democracy and secularism in Turkey. In other aspects AKP doing good.
The fact that AKP want's to join EU and makes changes in Turkey to conform to EU standards is proof that democracy and secularism isn't in danger under their rule. That is my opinion about it. So far, I haven't seen them do anything to try to change Turkey's secular structure in the last 11 years. I also think that democracy has a stronger foothold in Turkey compared to 10 years ago (still not optimal though), and this happened during AKP's reign as well. I think the reason people keep re-electing them is because they have a good track record, but also the opposition is weak.

The only impression I get from the 2 main opposition parties is that they try to scare me into voting for them. All they do is say stuff like, 'secularism/republic is under danger' or 'Turkey's unity is under danger'. They can't convince me into voting for them with stuff like this. Occasionally I see a CHP spokesperson or politician on tv, and they make sense in what they say with rational politics and projects for the future etc. But I don't see any of that back in how CHP act's as a whole. And it's disappointing to be honest. I really want all the political parties in Turkey to be of high level, and in turn, Turkey's overall political climate will be of high level.
Justice always works fabulously in Turkey:
Turkish pianist Fazıl Say to be retried on blasphemy charges


An Istanbul court today accepted Fazıl Say’s request for the suspension of a 10-month prison sentence he received for “insulting religious beliefs,” paving the way for a retrial.

Upon an appeal from Say’s lawyers, the 29th Criminal Court in Istanbul annulled the decision to suspend the world-renowned pianist’s prison sentence, arguing that “it was not clearly explained in the trial what the decision to suspend the punishment meant,” and “the desicion to suspend the punishment was not in the suspect’s best interest.”

The case will now be sent back to the 19th Court, which will rule again on the charges.

Say was handed a suspended 10-month prison sentence last week for “insulting religious beliefs held by a section of the society,” bringing to a close a controversial case while sparking fiery reaction in Turkey and abroad.

Say was initially handed eight months for “committing and insisting on committing a crime” before the court tacked on an additional four years because the artist voiced the insult through “a mode of publication.” The sentence was eventually reduced to 10 months, which was then suspended, allowing Say to remain free if he completes a supervised five-year term without committing a similar crime.

Say had been the focus of a legal battle since he retweeted several lines attributed to poet Omar Khayyam in April 2012, saying, “You say its rivers will flow in wine. Is the Garden of Eden a drinking house? You say you will give two houris to each Muslim. Is the Garden of Eden a whorehouse?”

Judge Yaşar Yetiş criticized the lower court’s decision to accept Ali Emre Bukağılı as an intervening party because he was “a Muslim and a victim of the crime.”

“If it’s accepted that a Muslim has been a victim of a criticism against Islam, the judge might be deemed impartial if he’s a Muslim and cannot preside the trial,” Yetiş said in his ruling, adding it would be impossible for billions of Muslims to be accepted as intervening parties and thus the demand should have been turned down.

The punishment stirred a worldwide outcry, with a spokeswoman for EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton saying Brussels was “concerned” by the 10-month sentence, which “underlines the importance for Turkey to fully respect freedom of expression.”

LOCAL - Turkish pianist Faz
I don't like that he was sentenced for 10 month prison though 5 year delayed but I dont believe he was sentenced just because of a quote from a poem, in the rest of his sentence he says '' dont you find it paradoxical that all the thieves, paparazzi people, bastards... are allah-supporter ( Allahçı ) ''. As an atheist I dont like it when he curses at my people. And he has a very nasty background, he dated with the most superficial person who was a model and failed-actress, an empty persona and he said nasty things to the most respected musician-singer-composer of our country. I dont like polarising our people
@meral if you could use their actual names, people who doesn't follow celebrity stuff could understand.

I actually don't give a damn about his personal life, there's more at stake here. Our freedom of speech is at risk. Internet should be a place where people can exchange their thoughts. It is the case with developed countries. It is as much of a right as any. If it's happening to a high-profile celebrity today, it can happen to any of us tomorrow. We all use internet and we all have our unique thought that can be "unacceptable" for some people, or even for the majority of people. Why would we have to think the same as the others? How could it be called even "thinking" fvck.

Can't you see the dilemma? PM of this country was imprisoned for quite the same reason. Now he took the power and he's doing the same things. This country doesn't have to choose between right-wing extremism and left-wing extremism.
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@meral if you could use their actual names, people who doesn't follow celebrity stuff could understand.

I actually don't give a damn about his personal life, there's more at stake here. Our freedom of speech is at risk. Internet should be a place where people can exchange their thoughts. It is the case with developed countries. It is as much of a right as any. If it's happening to a high-profile celebrity today, it can happen to any of us tomorrow. We all use internet and we all have our unique thought that can be "unacceptable" for some people, or even for the majority of people. Why would we have to think the same as the others? How could it be called even "thinking" fvck.

Can't you see the dilemma? PM of this country was imprisoned for quite the same reason. Now he took the power and he's doing the same things. This country doesn't have to choose between right-wing extremism and left-wing extremism.

I love when Americans ( my favourite people by the way, dont care what others think ) say '' **** America '' '' **** Bush '' '' American Idiot '' and yessss we should be easy about these things but it is not right when he says something else and our media tries to show him as a very important and '' enlightened '' person. I dont want him or anyone to stay in jail but I get sorry when people show respect to this idiot who talks **** about Orhan Gencebay and tries to show him as a person from subculture when he dates with a model I even forgot her name and I have to state that even though Orhan Gencebay's songs are classified as Arabesk, he is a person who stayed in Arabic countries and India to investigate their music with Erkin Koray.

I also notice that our so-called enlightened ones act like foreigners and try to distance themselves from their nation by talking bullshit as I see his case in this case and it makes me disgusted by him. It is like more you attack on Türks more liberal-enlightened you are.

For freedom of speech, yes this is a big shame, even though we may think different or insulting it shows how we personalise things and it is a way of outleting which is good for communication but still I cant say I like it when this scum becomes the figure of free-speech
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Fvck arabesque. Arabesque glorifies the "victim" that's why all the bvtthurt people listen to it. Also fvck AKP and fvck their twisted ideology.
For freedom of speech, yes this is a big shame, even though we may think different or insulting it shows how we personalise things and it is a way of outleting which is good for communication but still I cant say I like it when this scum becomes the figure of free-speech
You see it's not your or government's place to tell. I won't learn how should I speak or how should i behave around people from government. Their job is to serve me, not to teach me how to live. You may not like this "scum", I don't give a damn about him either, what bothers me is the fact that what happened to him today could happen to me tomorrow.
I also notice that our so-called enlightened ones act like foreigners and try to distance themselves from their nation by talking bullshit as I see his case in this case and it makes me disgusted by him. It is like more you attack on Türks more liberal-enlightened you are.
That's what's wrong with some people. Although I agree with how stupid it is, I still believe they have every damn right to act hat way.
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