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Turkish Aviation Programs

At present, Two helicopter project is proceeding simultaneously.

T-70: Based on Skorsky BlackHawk helicopters that is going to be produced in Turkey and exported to 3rd countries.
TUHP: 5 tonnes twin engine domestic design helicopter project.
Those seem to be good projects Pakistan should jointly produce helicopters with Turkey
Who knows, maybe turkey will order the CH 53K in the future for the LHD.
Seems like you read that biassed article from some months ago.

1-) We got our needs. ı wanna ask you; buying Billions of worth Eurofighter off the shelf is logical but iniating our own program which will involve Turkish companies and keep our money inside the country is illogical....

2-) US never threatened us.....i don't know from where you heard this. They just said the same thing above like their European counterparts.

They want Turkey to spend it's money on their own products. You can expect such articles in the future too.
Mate i never said US threatened us. :)
At present, Two helicopter project is proceeding simultaneously.

T-70: Based on Skorsky BlackHawk helicopters that is going to be produced in Turkey and exported to 3rd countries.
TUHP: 5 tonnes twin engine domestic design helicopter project.
why TUHP disappeared from TAI website ?
why TUHP disappeared from TAI website ?

I don't know but Interesting...

Regarding TUHP program.

26 june 2013: TAI-SSM signiture ceremony
06 Sept. 2013: Project schedule officially commenced

First Flight: 60th Month
EASA certification: 78th month
Military Certification: 90th month

Indigenous helicopter design/development budget = $685 mln

Concept Drawing

Undersecretariat Page: Özgün Helikopter Programı
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Indigenous helicopter conceptual 3d designs that we saw earlier sucked dude... above drawing doesn't seem to have much in common with that. And I remember these designs from earlier.

Of course the project is in very early stages, but I hope it turns out better than what we've seen so far.
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By this rate there will be no American cargo plane left in TURAF inventory in 20 years... C160s will retire before 2020... then eventually C130s will be phased out too...

We'll be left with CN235 and A400M... we might consider an indigenous design to fill the gap between CN235 and A400M and replace C130

Since you are in the aviation industry, a simple question for you.

F-110-GE-132 or EJ-230 ? and why ?
Definitly the EJ-230. The engine has a thrust to weight ratio of 9.175:1 while the F-110 is only 6.36:1.

The less weight the engine has, the faster the airplane can accelerate and the betetr is the fuel consumption. The F-110 has more thrust but this effect is near zero simply because the engine is much heavier.

If you have a car with 100 horsepowers that has 1 ton weight, it will acellerate much faster than a car with 150 hp but 2 tons weight.

He says the same thing with you.... but i wonder what happens when you take weight of the Aircraft, fuel and ammunition in to the equation,... let see:

Since we our Aircraft is going to be air superiorty fighter. I'm going to use F-15K Which uses F110-GE-129.

Aircraft weight, full fuel (lb): 51,023lb. Thrust-to-weight ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Now i'm going to remove 2xF110-GE-129 from aircraft, each weights 3980lb. In total 7960. Military Turbojet/Turbofan Specifications

So we have a aircraft which weights: 51,023-7960 = 43,063 lb.

Now, let's install F-110-GE-132

weight: 4050 lb
thrust: 32000 lbf
Thrust to weight ratio: 7.90
General Electric F110 - Scramble

42,063 + 4050x2 = 51163 lb

T/W ratio of the aircraft will be: 32,000x2 / 51163 = 1.25

And for the EJ-230
I couldn't find solid info so i'm going to make some assumptions.
The EJ2x0 with 20% growth compared to the original EJ200. The EJ2x0 engine will have dry thrust increasing to some 72 kN (or 16,200 lbf) with a reheated output of around 103 kN (or 23,100 lbf).

Weight: (1.2 x original weight) 2180 x 1.2 = 2616 lb.
Thrust: 23000 lbf
Thrust to weight ratio
Thrust to weight ratio: 8.79

42,063 + 2616x2 = 47295 lb

T/W ratio of the aircraft will be: 23,000x2 / 47295 = 0.97

As you can see F-110-GE-132 seriously owns EJ-230............

Edit: Also no ammunition involved in the equations... if we were to include them, gap would be widen.
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@Sinan I think the same with you bro, but F15K doesn't have the supercruise capability. Eurofighter Typhoon and F35 does.

Now if you burn all the fuel with afterburner, and the other guy simply supercruises, you'll end up with the same range.

Only way I can think of how we can build a fifth generation twin engine air superiority fighter is making it twin-F135

And it would probably look like J-XX... ridiculously big
Even PAK-FA T50 is much bigger than F22 and having a big size isn't good for RCS

For better understanding:
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