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In TAI magazine's new issue, both Hürjet desings have been showen. So TAI still did not make any decision.

It's written in the magazine that first flight will be done in 2022, very good target.
I don't quite understand what you mean ? are you proud that the Tiger can defeat Atak ?
I am proud that atak is used as a benchmark. When you make a New product you always compare it to the best. Kinda like how Samsung always tries to bash iPhone and present how their phones are better than iphones everytime they release a new phone.
Not at all, I would do the same. You should be able look at different point of view, which shows how our product is good and fierce, which they are comparing their product with ours.

I was going to thoroughly bash him for what he said, but luckily I asked him to clarify :). How people chooses to word a pov is pretty important if you don't want to be misunderstood.
I am proud of it actually. It's like saying "Hey! it can even defeat Atak, what more do you need?"

So you're saying the above is an indirect way of praising Atak. IMO the above statement makes me question whether you're a german hiding behind false flags.

I don't think anyone with proper english comprehension would twist it around in their head to assume it's praise of Atak.
So you're saying the above is an indirect way of praising Atak. IMO the above statement makes me question whether you're a german hiding behind false flags.

I don't think anyone with proper english comprehension would twist it around in their head to assume it's praise of Atak.

It means that the Tiger is in competition with atak. Which means the 129 is a dangerous adversary.
What does he have to gain from making a secret compliment, when there are Germans running around freely on this forum.
One of them posted a picture of the Antonov-178 which is a medium-arlift transporter. Looks like Antonov won the race between the C-27J Spartan and C-295.

Italian Leonardo’s C-27J Spartan airlifter will soon face off against the Airbus’ C295 in a sizable Turkish contract, with Ukraine-based company Antonov potentially joining the race.

Which if true I find weird to be honest. From the point of logistics going for the C-295 makes more sense as we already operate around 60 C-235. The C-27J I would have understood because of our work with Leonardo (T-129 and so on). Either Antonov gave us a really sweet deal where the others backed out or this is a gesture by our government to open up the cooperation even more between Turkish and Ukranian military firms. Hmm.
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One of them posted a picture of the Antonov-178 which is a medium-arlift transporter. Looks like Antonov won the race between the C-27J Spartan and C-295.

Which if true I find weird to be honest. From the point of logistics going for the C-295 makes more sense as we already operate around 60 C-235. The C-27J I would have understood because of our work with Leonardo (T-129 and so on). Either Antonov gave us a really sweet deal where the others backed out or this is a gesture by our government to open up the cooperation even more between Turkish and Ukranian military firms. Hmm.
I am not sure if you remember but there were even talks with Ukraine for the joint production of AN 178, AN 158 and AN 70 some time ago. So...

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