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Turkish Armed Forces Multimedia Center

Look search for ddsgf9876 on the internet. You will find my BF4 and BF3 account and my 9gag account, I'm not Hursit. If want you can also search for me on steam, you will see that I play CSGO and TF2. I'm not sure about what this Hursit guy did too you guys, but please dont ban me.

They also accused me of being hurshid and sweared to me... Some people here are just lost their minds with their hurshid obsession.

At least this place has decent mods like cabatli. He keeps things under control.
They also accused me of being hurshid and sweared to me... Some people here are just lost their minds with their hurshid obsession.

At least this place has decent mods like cabatli. He keeps things under control.

Well you gotta understand the community here. That Hurshid fella has been a pain in the arze for a while now. Whenever he gets banned he always ends up making new accounts and as such real new members are suspected of being him.
Well you gotta understand the community here. That Hurshid fella has been a pain in the arze for a while now. Whenever he gets banned he always ends up making new accounts and as such real new members are suspected of being him.

Still best not to trust the new users here, especially in the current environment Turkey is in.
Come down bro he is not responsible for what his government and intelligence agency does as you are not for the Turkish.
Come down bro he is not responsible for what his government and intelligence agency does as you are not for the Turkish.

it's not just their government but also their people who support these terrorists especially germans.
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