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I see....but how can you put all Kurds together....ISIS,MB and Wahabi are a religious groups but Kurds are a race you can find between them MB or Wahabi supporters but also you can find peaceful men.

There are claims that this happens in Istanbul....is that right!?!
sad thing to destroy that beautiful city...:(
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There are very few kurds who do not at the minimum sympathise with the pkk, so I don't see a problem calling it as it is.
The government gave them a huge olive branch and they spit in Turkey's face.

As for the pictures, I am in the Netherlands so I unfortunately can't confirm it.
I see....but how can you put all Kurds together....ISIS,MB and Wahabi are a religious groups but Kurds are a race you can find between them MB or Wahabi supporters but also you can find peaceful men.

There are claims that this happens in Istanbul....is that right!?!
sad thing to destroy that beautiful city...:(
View attachment 240563 View attachment 240564

Currently there is not a problem... If there is a few it's not big enough for being news...
Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria

Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military action plan with the objective of clearing the Turkish-Syrian border of jihadist terrorists in what the two countries have called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-free zone.

This action plan was part of a comprehensive deal between the two allies which has been seen a “a game changer” in the fight against ISIL by the United States administration, whose warplanes will be able to use this region’s most strategic military base in İncirlik as part of its aerial campaign against jihadist positions.
The ISIL-free zone will be 98 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide and situated between the Mare-Jarablus line. A good portion of this area is currently under ISIL control, and Turkey already vowed it would not tolerate the jihadists posing a threat to the Turkish border.

Sources emphasized they have opted to call it the “ISIL-free zone” instead of a “security or safe zone” because the objections raised by Washington, who refrained from giving the wrong message to the Syrian regime, as well as Russia and Iran. The idea of the name is to show that the main objective of this Turkish-American joint fight is eliminating ISIL in this particular area and not fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The aerial campaign will be largely carried out by U.S. jets deployed to the İncirlik base and Turkish participation will be considered only when necessary, sources stressed. However, this aerial protection will not be classified as an effort to build a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace. Together with aerial strikes, Turkish long-range artillery units will also be used if necessary.

Turkey had already reinforced its military presence along the Turkish border, especially across the Mare-Jarablus line, after ISIL began to advance to northwestern Syria in a bid to threaten the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and to spark a fresh refugee influx towards Turkey.

FSA to control the emptied zone

The plan crafted by Ankara and Washington foresees the deployment of FSA units to this area if ISIL is completely cleared from that particular zone, which would both prevent the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) from further expanding its influence towards the West and create a safe environment for either sheltering Syrians fleeing violence or those who want to return to their homelands.

Turkey is currently hosting at least 1.8 million Syrians in its territories, with around 265,000 of them in refugee camps. There have been concerns ISIL’s drive through the populous Western parts of Syria could spark fresh refugee inflows into Turkey.

Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria - DIPLOMACY
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It is the pkk starting eveytime. There is absolutely no reason to use violence when kurds have every right they want and can freely go into politics. They are just as stupid and crazy as all those isis, wahabi & MB bastards.

Exactly.. They like to coin the term 'Fascist' yet they are displacing Arabs trying to create Rojojova or whatever..
Herons in action....

The yellow Region boardering to Hatay on the left is also Turkmen Region but as you documented under control of PYD. Today from that Region our troops were attacked. We will see how it will develop. Thx bro.
One of my friend is in turkey... According to him most of the ISIS men are former soldiers who were in the iraq army. During the reign of sadam most of the men in army were sunni, once shia took over most of the sunni soldiers were removed and shia's got importance. So without any option former iraqi sunni soldiers joined ISIS, which made ISIS one of the deadliest killing force.

Is this the reality which made ISIS deadly and hard to defeat?


Actually it was the torture at abu Ghraib---the humiliation---degradation---sexual abuse these men suffered at the hand of American troops / the jail guards that lit up the fire.

This militia was then created by the U S and Israel to fight against the Syrians military---the plan back fired and isis was created---so basically isis is the creation of Israel and the u s----.

Once isis got going---the disgruntled sunni soldiers joined their ranks.

There is no limit to the stupidity of the americans when they think they are making good decisions----. The moment after the victory---when the u s military disbanded the Iraqi army and made them walk home----threw them into chaos and poverty----that day was the start of the downfall of u s planning in that region.

That decision alone was beyond being dumb and moronic---that is what tell you that America and its generals and politicians---what a stupid bunch of people they are---.

Their only saving grace is their technology---they are the masters of the weapons of death and destruction---and that keeps them afloat and ahead of others---.
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