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IS EMIR of Istanbul Azeri citizen Abdullah Abdulaev arrested

IS EMIR of Istanbul Azeri citizen Abdullah Abdulaev arrested


look at all those passports

Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria

Turkey and the United States have agreed on a military action plan with the objective of clearing the Turkish-Syrian border of jihadist terrorists in what the two countries have called the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)-free zone.

This action plan was part of a comprehensive deal between the two allies which has been seen a “a game changer” in the fight against ISIL by the United States administration, whose warplanes will be able to use this region’s most strategic military base in İncirlik as part of its aerial campaign against jihadist positions.
The ISIL-free zone will be 98 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide and situated between the Mare-Jarablus line. A good portion of this area is currently under ISIL control, and Turkey already vowed it would not tolerate the jihadists posing a threat to the Turkish border.

Sources emphasized they have opted to call it the “ISIL-free zone” instead of a “security or safe zone” because the objections raised by Washington, who refrained from giving the wrong message to the Syrian regime, as well as Russia and Iran. The idea of the name is to show that the main objective of this Turkish-American joint fight is eliminating ISIL in this particular area and not fighting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The aerial campaign will be largely carried out by U.S. jets deployed to the İncirlik base and Turkish participation will be considered only when necessary, sources stressed. However, this aerial protection will not be classified as an effort to build a no-fly zone over Syrian airspace. Together with aerial strikes, Turkish long-range artillery units will also be used if necessary.

Turkey had already reinforced its military presence along the Turkish border, especially across the Mare-Jarablus line, after ISIL began to advance to northwestern Syria in a bid to threaten the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and to spark a fresh refugee influx towards Turkey.

FSA to control the emptied zone

The plan crafted by Ankara and Washington foresees the deployment of FSA units to this area if ISIL is completely cleared from that particular zone, which would both prevent the Syrian Democratic Union Party (PYD) from further expanding its influence towards the West and create a safe environment for either sheltering Syrians fleeing violence or those who want to return to their homelands.

Turkey is currently hosting at least 1.8 million Syrians in its territories, with around 265,000 of them in refugee camps. There have been concerns ISIL’s drive through the populous Western parts of Syria could spark fresh refugee inflows into Turkey.

Turkey, US to create ‘ISIL-free zone’ inside Syria - DIPLOMACY

I hope that extends all the way down to Al-Raqqa
Why not Turkey buy old Soviet or Chinese Short & Medium Range missile with local GPS upgrade for precision strike against ISIS.
The isis scumbag who martyred NCO Mehmet Yalcin Nane was Egyptian.

ASTSUBAY Mehmet Yalçın Nane’yi şehit eden IŞİD militanı Mısır vatandaşı çıktı. Kilis Valisi Süleyman Tapsız, saldırı sonrası Türk askerlerince öldürülen IŞİD militanının Mısırlı olduğunu açıkladı.
Ayrıntılar geliyor…

Astsubayı şehit eden Mısırlı çıktı - Hürriyet Dünya
The current operations that are being undertaken by the Turkish Military against ISIL are a big game changer in the region. The buffer zone will grant the rebels a base from which they can operate unmolested, which in turn means that Mr. Assad will eventually be forced to step down. The buffer zone also helps stem the flow poor and helpless refugees that flee to their very generous neighbor Turkey. Any ambitions to cut Turkey off from the rest of the middle east via a Kurdish controlled Northern Syria has also been crushed.

May Allah grant Turkey success

Turkey still backing ISIL, says top Iraqi commander

The commander of the Iraqi volunteer forces fighting the ISIL Takfiri group says there is no evidence that Turkey has altered its stance towards the terrorist group and is still supporting the militants.

"Turkey has not changed its stance; it carried out operations against the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party), which is fighting with the Kurds against ISIL in Syria," Hadi al-Ameri said on Monday.

Ameri made the remarks after a meeting between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his Iraqi counterpart Ibrahim al-Jaafari in the Iraqi capital Baghdad.

Turkey launched a military campaign against what it claims to be ISIL targets in Syria and PKK positions in northern Iraq last week, after an ISIL attack in the southwestern Turkish town of Suruç claimed the lives of at least 32 people on July 20.

"Turkey still supports ISIL right now," said Ameri, adding "I think [the strikes] Turkey carried out were to support ISIL and not what some had imagined," said Ameri.

Ankara blames the PKK for a string of attacks against its security forces in recent days and has vowed to continue fighting ISIL, which has taken over parts of land in Syria, Iraq and Libya.

Turkey’s pledge to confront ISIL Takfiris comes despite its longtime support for the militancy against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, with reports showing that Ankara actively trains and arms the Takfiri extremists operating in Syria, and also facilitates the safe passage of foreign terrorists into the Arab country.

Iraq’s army has been joined by Kurdish forces, Shia volunteers and Sunni tribesmen in operations to drive the ISIL terrorists out of the areas the Takfiri militants have seized.

PressTV-Turkey still backing ISIL: Iraq cmdr.
Nah, he wasn't Egyptian. He forfeited his nationality the second he joined IS. Hope he gets the toughest sentence you guys have. Better yet extradite him and we will show him what true suffering is.
I think he would get a harsher sentence in Egypt, we should deport him, negotiating with EU has also its down sides, even thought i think Human rights should only apply on humans.
I think he would get a harsher sentence in Egypt, we should deport him, negotiating with EU has also its down sides, even thought i think Human rights should only apply on humans.
I think he will get a much better treatment of sentence in turkey with rehabilition , it will be much better the sentence than in egypt . He should be recyled :-) To come the truth , he will be recyled like iron, by hammering the truncheon in an """appropiate"" way and giving him in the hands of "real" man ;)

Their treatment is really good to rehanbilite them bro, no worry :)
I think he will get a much better treatment of sentence in turkey with rehabilition , it will be much better the sentence than in egypt . He should be recyled :-) To come the truth , he will be recyled like iron, by hammering the truncheon in an """appropiate"" way and giving him in the hands of "real" man ;)

Their treatment is really good to rehanbilite them bro, no worry :)
Yes but there is one detail we have all missed, he was already turned into fertilizer by Turkish army...

We should have gotten him alive and ''rehabilitate'' him, maybe in a metal cage inside the ''rehabilitation'' fire, i dont know just an idea. :yu:
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