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Turkish Alawites Face Prejudice, Pressure by State

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Syrian Lion

Feb 6, 2012
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Syrian Arab Republic
Syrian Arab Republic
Turkish Alawites Face Prejudice, Pressure by State
Just holding elections is not enough unless wide respect of civil rights and pluralism principles is upheld. Unfortunately, Turkey lags behind developed societies in embracing religious tolerance and multiculturalism. The Turkish state continues to deny its people of Alawite origin the right to exercise their faith without being subjugated by the majority Sunni population.

Speaking to Al-Monitor, Izzettin Dogan, the chairman of the Cem Foundation, a major umbrella organization for Alawites in this country, compared Turkey’s Directorate of Religious Affairs to “a demon with unbelievable powers” and claimed that the head of this directorate is “Turkey’s real prime minister.”

“They’re governing Turkey through mosques,” said Dogan. “With 117,000 mosques and employing nearly 133,000 personnel, they’re orchestrating religion down to the village level.”

Dogan was reacting strongly to a recent statement by the Turkish Parliament’s speaker saying, “Alawites, which is a subgroup of Islam, can not have a place of worship other than mosques or prayer halls, which are common places of worship of Islam.” Huseyin Aygun, Republican People’s Party deputy from Tunceli, filed a lawsuit against the Speaker’s office when his request to open a cemevi — a place of worship for Alevites people — in the Parliamentary compound was rejected.

“They’re trying to negate the Islamic perceptions of Alawites in Turkey,” Dogan told Al-Monitor. “And I don’t believe it’s the Sunnis of Turkey doing it, but the Saudis, and the Turkish Directorate of Religious Affairs, which embraces the Saudi version of Islam. This has been one of the serious challenges of Turkey where the state systematically imposes the culture of Arab Islam on Turkish people.”

For Dogan, being Alawite means Turkish Islam, separate from Arab Islam. As he explains, the major difference is that the former is about “rationalism” and the latter is primarily focused on “emotionalism.” And that emotional aspect of tradition, he suggests, allows radical Islam to flourish — meaning, “It’s permissible to kill and die for Allah.” Whereas for Alawites, he says, “use of force and violence, hatred and resentment” are not praised values.

As an international law professor, and a long-time leader of his Alawite community, he starts dwelling into the issue from the time that Ottoman Sultan Yavuz Sultan Selim defeated Safavid Emperor Shah Ismael in 1514 at Chalderan. “Shah Ismael built his army from the Anatolian Turks, which earned him a natural sympathy in these lands,” said Dogan. “But it was after this victory, the Ottoman Sultan understood that he lost people’s support and that he quickly needed to adapt to a new version of Islam. He conquered Egypt, and brought with him 2000 religious scholars from Al-Azhar mosque, and declared in 1517 for the first time the official sect of Ottoman Empire as being Sunni. He also proclaimed the Caliphate to the Ottomans.”

In an extensive interview with Al-Monitor, Dogan argues that to comprehend today’s challenges the key to is understand the past. Despite this strenuous historic background however, the Chairman of Cem Foundation says it’s only “since 2002 that the Islamic practice in Turkey is gradually orienting toward Arab Islam.” Dogan argues that the major difference between Sunni, Shia and Alawites is their approach to women. “While the first two considers women less than a man, Alawites see both men and women as being equal.”

Arguing that Turkey’s Sunni faith is closer to Alawite traditions, and that the Turkish women were granted the right to vote and get elected in 1934, Dogan says, “That’s what made Turkey different than the rest of the Arab countries in this region. But it is now time to admit that after almost 90 years, Turkey failed to build a social, democratic, and secular society.”

Dogan tells that the founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, wanted to establish an Islamic understanding based on “rationalism,” but that the governments that followed him could not walk in his footsteps, and his project got derailed from the day the multi-party elections were introduced in Turkey. “From day one, politicians exploited religion to win votes. They quickly discovered that people were open to religious manipulation,” he said. “But Turks were not ready to play such a demanding role for their democracy as they were not clear about what secularism meant, or what it meant that the state would stay at equal distance to all its citizens. The result is clear today. Turkey can not be defined as a secular country, but it is a Sunni democracy.”

For a democracy to be labeled as “Sunni” however runs against the very definition of what this system of state governance stands for. “I don’t know what to call it anymore,” says Dogan. “But this government makes all its policies by treating us as non-existent.” He goes on to say, “The state has no right to dictate whether a belief is legitimate, or where its followers will worship.”

As Turkey is working on a new constitution, Izzettin Dogan makes it clear that the Alawites will not accept the new preamble that defines the relationship between the state and the citizen unless it guarantees the right to worship, and puts into force an affirmative action. He says that the problem is not the written promises including today’s constitution, but the lack of an institutionalized system of checks and balances.

He reminds that in August 1997, then-Turkish president Suleyman Demirel, Prime Minister Mesut Yilmaz and his deputy Bulent Ecevit with a group of cabinet members of coalition government made a historic appearance at the remembrance of Haci Bektasi Veli, known as a principal teacher of Alawites.

“They promised the people then that the Directorate of the Religious Affairs will also allocate money for cem evleri, the houses of worship for Alevi people. They transferred nearly six trillion TL from the budget to be spent on the needs of Alawite citizens. Since AKP came to power in 2002, no one knows what happened to that promise or the money.”

Dogan told Al-Monitor that he has been serving as the leader of the Alawite community as Turkey changed five prime ministers. “All told me that they couldn’t bypass the Directorate of Religious Affairs,” he said. “The Parliament represents the people. It’s the most important institution of all. How is it possible in a democracy that the Directorate of Religious Affairs could issue a fatwa, and determine that the only worship place for people from Islamic faith is a mosque?”

Dogan said the Alawite community has lost its confidence in the state. “The ruling government started a new dialogue with Alawites, and kept us in the loop for three years, holding one meeting after another. That was called as Alawite opening,” he said. “At the end, they released the notes of these conversations in seven books, and said they described the problems of Alawites people in Turkey. One can only laugh to it.”

Sounding as if he has given up hope that Alawite people will achieve fair treatment and acceptance in their own lands, he emphasized that the climate against Alawites in Turkey is worrisome, and that it confronts Alawites with new sets of challenges.

“For the first time since 1517, Alawite faith is included in the curriculum of religious courses. While we appreciate this development as a right step forward, we’re not happy with the Erdogan government,” said Dogan. “We believe there is a systemic cleansing of Alawites people from all state institutions — including the judiciary. They are not prioritizing professionalism and knowledge any more, but they make sure to put Sunnis in all these key positions. And it is easy to do. The state recruits its personnel to all its institutions through competitive exams. I have numerous petitions in my hand, where Alawite people succeed in written exams but none can pass the oral one. This can’t be coincidence.”

Turkish Alawites Face Prejudice, Pressure by State - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

On the Side note: http://www.defence.pk/forums/middle...ty-forces-stop-alawite-massacre-memorial.html
There are no Alawites in Turkiye we have Alevis and they will never be in same group despite the way your stupid propaganda news trying to show.
The article says Alawites... now what is the difference? Alevis are the Alawites of Turkey??
The article says Alawites... now what is the difference? Alevis are the Alawites of Turkey??

No they aren't check belief systems of two groups ten you will understand they are not same people who follow Assad in Syria.
No they aren't check belief systems of two groups ten you will understand they are not same people who follow Assad in Syria.

I never said they follow Alasad... please do not bring Syria into a Turkish topic... I did research and it seems like they are the same.. plus the article says that...
Basically Middle Eastern countries have trouble treating their minorities with respect, what else is new? Ethnic issues in Middle East, sectarian issues in Middle East, women rights issues in Middle East, corruption issue in Middle East, and so on...
Alevi Turkmens are Quasi-Shamanist, Tengriist. Alevi Kurds are Yezidi. Ali (R.A.) is just front cover.

yea but is that a large difference? anyways I do not know much about that... but i'm sure there are Alawites in Turkey... at least in Lwua Iskandorn (Hatay) since it belongs to Syria.. and Inshallah we will return it...
Alevi Turkmens are Quasi-Shamanist, Tengriist. Alevi Kurds are Yezidi. Ali (R.A.) is just front cover.

and more..Syrian Alawism and Turkey Alawism are not the same.. different in teachingss...
and more...Shiitism very more close to Sunni than Alawism..Shia and Sunni are same in the 6 vital principles of iman(faith) and 5 vital principles of islam while allawis not. ... İslamic understanding between sunni and main Shia sects like Ja'afari and Zaydi 90 % the same but in viewing some members of our prothet family and companions..

the tension between Shia and sunni never occured due to secterian teachings throughout history.

it is a political and ideological issue comes from Persian nationalism...Nationalist Persian always misuse Shiitism in order to use it as politic weapon againist muslims..

if Iran was an real Shia state then he must support rebels aganist dictatorial Alawi regime for the sake of islam....
to me Iran neither an Islamic nor a Shiaa regime...there iis no any islamic value that Mullah's regime could violate for the sake of their pre-islam nationalist ambitions...
and more..Syrian Alawism and Turkey Alawism are not the same.. different in teachingss...
and more...Shiitism very more close to Sunni than Alawism..Shia and Sunni are same in the 6 vital principles of iman(faith) and 5 vital principles of islam while allawis not. ... İslamic understanding between sunni and main Shia sects like Ja'afari and Zaydi 90 % the same but in viewing some members of our prothet family and companions..

the tension between Shia and sunni never occured due to secterian teachings throughout history.

it is a political and ideological issue comes from Persian nationalism...Nationalist Persian always misuse Shiitism in order to use it as politic weapon againist muslims..

if Iran was an real Shia state then he must support rebels aganist dictatorial Alawi regime for the sake of islam....
to me Iran neither an Islamic nor a Shiaa regime...there iis no any islamic value that Mullah's regime could violate for the sake of their pre-islam nationalist ambitions...
Yeah we saw those Islamic countries that are in bed with the west... such as GCC and now Turkey...
if Iran was an real Shia state then he must support rebels aganist dictatorial Alawi regime for the sake of islam....
to me Iran neither an Islamic nor a Shiaa regime...there iis no any islamic value that Mullah's regime could violate for the sake of their pre-islam nationalist ambitions...

Why isn't 'Muslim' Turkey helping a revolution in Saudi Arabia and its other dictator friends?Why just Syria?

Come on,people don't buy these crap anymore, like Erdogan is helping Syria for 'humanity' . I couldn't stop laughing when your FM said that.

At the end of the day,for Iranians, it's not important what you think, no one gives 2 cents.
yea but is that a large difference? anyways I do not know much about that... but i'm sure there are Alawites in Turkey... at least in Lwua Iskandorn (Hatay) since it belongs to Syria.. and Inshallah we will return it...

It belongs to Syria my arse. Antakya belongs to Turkmens.
Yeah we saw those Islamic countries that are in bed with the west... such as GCC and now Turkey...

didnot you tire of chewing same gum everyday?
if you want to see such country first look at iran how he involved in invation of Iraq with US..how they shared and exploting iraq together...there is also similar situation in afghanistan...

Iran and Israel top two champions of hypocrisy
didnot you tire of chewing same gum everyday?
if you want to see such country first look at iran how he involved in invation of Iraq with US..how they shared and exploting iraq together...there is also similar situation in afghanistan...

Iran and Israel top two champions of hypocrisy
Well i was going with your chant that Iran is not muslim...
and this topic has nothing to do with Iran... every time you see trouble in Turkey Turkish member here blame Iran and Shia, thats how much the west brainwashed you... they feed that Iran is bad...

anyway no need to go off topic if you have something to say about the AKP oppression against the minority say it
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