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Turkish Actions To Trigger NATO Confrontation With Syria?

What do Turkey members think about a military intervention if the crackdown on protests dont stop?

it would be nice to see the turkish armed forces in action and see how well they can take care of things!
It is true that sometimes you must sacrifice in order to achieve your goals. But, solving this problem transparently and diplomatically will be a win win for Turkey. In this age i don't think you can accomplish secret assisinations and installing pro Turkish rulers. USA is the best example, the US thought that Iraq and Afghanistan would be a piece of cake, but they have proven how wrong they were. Today everything is much more transparent, if somehow our actions are revealed (if Turkey does what you suggest) it would be the end for Turkeys current influencial and positive role in the region. Turkey with its zero-problem policy with its neighbours, must continue on track. Slow by slow our influence and power outgrows all the other actors in Middle East and the Balkans. Who know, in a couple of decades we can expand this sphere of influence to a much greater region.

Salam bro
well i read previous threads/reports where your govt modified the contents of the Red Book.To be honest with you while i wrote my posts i forget about zero-problem policy of your state.
definitely bro doing assassinations and changing governments is not easy thing but we are discussing a possibility, of course neither you are head of MIT and nor i am head of ISI.:p:P
i agree what you said about the regional inflence but assassination is not a good way..the ironic thing is only an assassination attempt can cause a military vs military confrontation..i think our policy-makers gave up on the current regime..all Turkey can do is prevent a foreign intervention and support the opposition..thats what we are doing if the late news are true.

well how strong is your MIT in the region?
what ever you people do,we pray for your success.I want good old days back.
I don't care if it's Turkey, all of NATO, or whomever, but these Arab dictators need to go. It doesn't matter whether they are Shia or Sunni or whatever. It's time to bring democracy to the Islamic world.
2- turkey has the power to take out the syrian army, beside it would be a nice work on the war against pkk to! i highly doubt USA will say no to an opportunity like this to!

I hope Turkey does not commit the mistake which Saddam Hussein did by attacking Kuwait- Hoping that America will support it- and the consequences of that mistake Iraqi people are still bearing-
I hope Turkey does not commit the mistake which Saddam Hussein did by attacking Kuwait- Hoping that America will support it- and the consequences of that mistake Iraqi people are still bearing-

i might be wrong but, saddam wasn't hoping america would support them.
I hope Turkey does not commit the mistake which Saddam Hussein did by attacking Kuwait- Hoping that America will support it- and the consequences of that mistake Iraqi people are still bearing-


wow really
In many years, Turkey accepted NATO's dirty criminals against whole Muslims countries under the obligation of NATO's articles. NATO attacked Afghanistan innocent people, Iraq, Bosnia, Islamic terrorism, WOT, terror on Libya, Pakistan border, Syria, Lebanon, much more.

In contrast, Turkey tried showing they are strong growing economy and top military power in whole Muslim communities of all while other countries illegally attacked by NATO. US' promise for Turkey is depending on Israel via Gaza Flotilla ships or Greece which European countries care most.

What happen to Pakistan situations, Turkey will follow the same methods of NATO articles.

If Turkey was attacked, European nations in NATO not willing to help Turkey. i.e EU membership. I recommend Turkey should quit NATO to join Middle East Arab alliances in order to proof their (strong economy and top military powers in self sufficient and reliances).

How hypocrisy it is.

You are an uneducated person who knows nothing about alliances, history & the dreams and desires of people.

I have observed your ramblings on this website about how Turkey is evil, how Turkey is Nato puppet, how Turkey is criminal & how Turkey is US puppet and blah blah blah.

1. So moron you want us to have become allies with the Arabs? Have you forgotten they were the allies of the godless communists during the Soviet era?

2. So you want Turkey to quit NATO? The reply is why would Turkey quit a technologically advanced organization which would only make it the target of such organization or it's EU proxy 20/30 years from now due to the growing anti-muslim rift.

3. So you want Turkey to link up with the Arabs? Umm what Arabs? all are either anti-Turk or puppets propped up by the USA, they are not even unified. It's easier to drink sea water then to get the Arabs to agree on something. The only ones to blame for the sorry situation of the Arabs is the Arabs themselves who betrayed the Ottomans and got Israel & only now had grown a pair to get rid of their once "beloved (because democracy they claimed once was not Islamic) dictators".

4. So you think Turkey is criminal and Syria is innocent? Tell me how innocent Syria really is, oh please go on and dont be shy. Tell me how they were supporting the motherless and godless PKK and how they operated on Turkish soil?

Now you do realize that your a brainwashed moron who needs to distance him/herself from wahabbi moronic "Islamic" school provided propaganda .

Now you do know what being owned means?
If you do not know either of the two above then please get an education (teach yourself) and see the reality of the situation and not accept bs gov/special interest group provided propaganda.

At the very least you should know that the plotting the downfall, hearsay and false witness of another (muslim or not) is haram, you my friend will answer for your continued disinformation one day.
it would be nice to see the turkish armed forces in action and see how well they can take care of things!

If the sh** hits the fan and Turkey & Suriye go to war then Turkey will decimate the Syrian military in a single day. Cyprus was of similar equipment squaring off against each other the tech gap in a Turkey vs Syria war makes the Syrian military as we know of it today extinct, period.
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