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Turkish Actions To Trigger NATO Confrontation With Syria?

Turkey won't play that card ever. Turkey values honor and respect more than resource accumulation. Remember, if we act like Israel, then what is the difference between them and us?
Can't you answer my question (FACTS), your answer is......

if syria attacks turkey (reallly???)....first we have to respond, if not we will be locked as a weak country!

It is Turkey jump to attack their Muslim neighbors and its people. Try diplomatic only, don't follow Libya styles. I am concerned Greece, Israel, Europe states, Russia, now Syria all surrounding Turkey in all areas.

2- turkey has the power to take out the syrian army, beside it would be a nice work on the war against PKK to (reallly???).! i highly doubt USA will say no to an opportunity like this to!

:disagree: Turkey is expanding NATO functions to the whole Middle East, Libya, and Syria, PKK.....(Saladin is also Kurdish).

Don't follow NATO Libya styles !

have you been fed up with taliban idelogies that nato is an evil pact or something?
In many years, Turkey accepted NATO's dirty criminals against whole Muslims countries under the obligation of NATO's articles. NATO attacked Afghanistan innocent people, Iraq, Bosnia, Islamic terrorism, WOT, terror on Libya, Pakistan border, Syria, Lebanon, much more. .
Methinks NATO protected Muslims in Bosnia. :coffee:
have you been fed up with taliban idelogies that nato is an evil pact or something?

brother, I admire and respect Turkey but dislike associated with NATO which is full of evil forces. In most Pakistani view, NATO is protecting Talibans, terrorists, most wanted leader enjoy luxury in Afghan soil. Even, they killed Pakistani soldiers. Turkey is still silent as they go ahead next to attack Syria without criticizing NATO's behaviors. For Talibans, it is between US and Pakistan business, not Turkey or anyone else.

Turkey's benefit is under NATO systems and obey its Master's order.
brother, I admire and respect Turkey but dislike associated with NATO which is full of evil forces. In most Pakistani view, NATO is protecting Talibans, terrorists, most wanted leader enjoy luxury in Afghan soil. Even, they killed Pakistani soldiers. Turkey is still silent as they go ahead next to attack Syria without criticizing NATO's behaviors. For Talibans, it is between US and Pakistan business, not Turkey or anyone else.

Turkey's benefit is under NATO systems and obey its Master's order.
Why would Turkey care what Pakistani ppl think ??
Did u r government made any stance on NATO ??
how can we do that without destroying their military since the military is pro-baath?

See bro he is from minority,AAlavi sub sect of shias.They are only 5% of Syrian population.In order to earn the loyalty of his army he appointed commanders/chiefs from his tribe/belief.
Mean there is no need to destroy whole army just use your influence,your secret service assassinate Asad and commanders or there should be mutiny in army.just remove the commanders and install pro Turkish commanders.
But if you go head on with their military then it will become country vs country thing.You will earn hatred of ordinary people (they will consider you invader and enemy of their country) and you people will fail in obtaining original results:Influence.
Also if you have pro Turk army and govt you can nullify any Iranian influence.
And one more thing when you want to expand your region of influence keep every body out(Europeans(NATO),yanks,Israels,Iranian)

Definitely these things are easy said then done and demand resources,planning and time.
Now tell me what do you say?and how much this thing is practical?
Turkey won't play that card ever. Turkey values honor and respect more than resource accumulation. Remember, if we act like Israel, then what is the difference between them and us?

For greater good doing little evil is not bad.
Please don't compare in any hypothetical scenario your self with Israel.They are illegal entity and case closed.
If you are making honor and moral values your gauge then please also consider other factors like from how much long they(he with his dead father) are ruling Syria?
He is killing unarmed civilian,there is a chance of instability in your country:how much refuge you can afford and other factors.
It is true that sometimes you must sacrifice in order to achieve your goals. But, solving this problem transparently and diplomatically will be a win win for Turkey. In this age i don't think you can accomplish secret assisinations and installing pro Turkish rulers. USA is the best example, the US thought that Iraq and Afghanistan would be a piece of cake, but they have proven how wrong they were. Today everything is much more transparent, if somehow our actions are revealed (if Turkey does what you suggest) it would be the end for Turkeys current influencial and positive role in the region. Turkey with its zero-problem policy with its neighbours, must continue on track. Slow by slow our influence and power outgrows all the other actors in Middle East and the Balkans. Who know, in a couple of decades we can expand this sphere of influence to a much greater region.
Amazing how this thread has gone from bad to worse which a few trolls throwing around their paranoia.

1. If Turkey left NATO as someone suggested, what would the next scenario be ? NATO = club for pro-west only. There would be no one left to oppose military interventions... the EU would turn NATO into a EU-wannabe club. Nay for better or worse we're in NATO, and the advantages of being in NATO are too great or has too much political value to be discarded.

2. Why would Syria attack Turkey... utterly nonsens, no one in their right f'ing mind would attack Turkey unless they're terrorist groups. And terror is a f'ing problem, only countries who can deal with them are those who hunt them down mercilessly. I think Turkey has a weakened it's hardline against terrorists, difficult to say. I wish JITEM/MIT would step up the brutality against those terrorists, and kill them and dispose the bodies instantly.

3. Democracy or whatever. I truly believe that democracy should come gradually and not overnight, because those f'ers can't handle it, everything gets out of control and people should give a leader a chance to set things right. I am sure the Baath are bad, but can you really say the same about Assad, he may be trying gradually to make things better, but know that if a process goes too fast it may cause more damage than good.
4. Back to terrorists, the PKK is slowly being exposed in EU, first in France where their "organization" has been exposed. This is an organization that has had 30+ years to grow and spread. and I think the EU needs to step up their actions against terrorists in general and not just Al-qaeda.
In the mean time, chill, stop flaming or trolling this is a thread about Syria and Turkey, keep other countries out of it.
Amazing how this thread has gone from bad to worse which a few trolls throwing around their paranoia.

1. If Turkey left NATO as someone suggested, what would the next scenario be ? NATO = club for pro-west only. There would be no one left to oppose military interventions... the EU would turn NATO into a EU-wannabe club. Nay for better or worse we're in NATO, and the advantages of being in NATO are too great or has too much political value to be discarded.

2. Why would Syria attack Turkey... utterly nonsens, no one in their right f'ing mind would attack Turkey unless they're terrorist groups. And terror is a f'ing problem, only countries who can deal with them are those who hunt them down mercilessly. I think Turkey has a weakened it's hardline against terrorists, difficult to say. I wish JITEM/MIT would step up the brutality against those terrorists, and kill them and dispose the bodies instantly.

3. Democracy or whatever. I truly believe that democracy should come gradually and not overnight, because those f'ers can't handle it, everything gets out of control and people should give a leader a chance to set things right. I am sure the Baath are bad, but can you really say the same about Assad, he may be trying gradually to make things better, but know that if a process goes too fast it may cause more damage than good.
4. Back to terrorists, the PKK is slowly being exposed in EU, first in France where their "organization" has been exposed. This is an organization that has had 30+ years to grow and spread. and I think the EU needs to step up their actions against terrorists in general and not just Al-qaeda.
In the mean time, chill, stop flaming or trolling this is a thread about Syria and Turkey, keep other countries out of it.

Relax, actually this is one of the few threads that didnt diverge from the topic too much. But those who say that Assad is an illegitimate puppet are telling the truth. He belongs to a minority group in Syria which was brought to power by the US. I think you need to understand how Bashar Assad ascended to power before critizing the members.
See bro he is from minority,AAlavi sub sect of shias.They are only 5% of Syrian population.In order to earn the loyalty of his army he appointed commanders/chiefs from his tribe/belief.
Mean there is no need to destroy whole army just use your influence,your secret service assassinate Asad and commanders or there should be mutiny in army.just remove the commanders and install pro Turkish commanders.
But if you go head on with their military then it will become country vs country thing.You will earn hatred of ordinary people (they will consider you invader and enemy of their country) and you people will fail in obtaining original results:Influence.
Also if you have pro Turk army and govt you can nullify any Iranian influence.
And one more thing when you want to expand your region of influence keep every body out(Europeans(NATO),yanks,Israels,Iranian)

Definitely these things are easy said then done and demand resources,planning and time.
Now tell me what do you say?and how much this thing is practical?

i agree what you said about the regional inflence but assassination is not a good way..the ironic thing is only an assassination attempt can cause a military vs military confrontation..i think our policy-makers gave up on the current regime..all Turkey can do is prevent a foreign intervention and support the opposition..thats what we are doing if the late news are true.
What do Turkey members think about a military intervention if the crackdown on protests dont stop?
Perhaps it's time again for Turkey to take care of it's region, just like the good'ol days.
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