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No they weren't. Western night armour was full armour head to toe and 15th century it even covered joints.



you said head to toe?? Persian cataphracts mercenaries were the main reason Arab caliphates could conquer Spain.
Some of Mongol and Turkish cavalry also had heavy Armour, as well as were great archers which is why they decimated most armies.
might be, but surely after they settled and let go of nomadic lifestyle which is after the timeline we are discussing.
yeah those are grand children of cataphracts. western knights exist because of sasanid catapracts in Spain.


and BTW western knights were severely under equipped compared to cataphracts. also their Armour were bulky and would limit the person wearing it.
I'm not disputing them being bulky but their armour is considerably heavier than any cataphract
Interesting how Saladin's half brothers were named with Turkic names or named after Turks like.


It seems a lot of Muslim Turkic figures still kept their Turkic names. I hope in Turkey more people will start naming their kids with Turkic names like Alparslan, Alperen, Baybars, Alptekin, Sebuktegin, Ataman and various others.

I really dont have anything against people who name their kids like Muhammed, Omer or Bekir. When we have lots of awesome and colourful names that can be used then common ones.

Even if a lot of Turks are Muslim they did not give up their names.



you said head to toe?? Persian cataphracts mercenaries were the main reason Arab caliphates could conquer Spain.

might be, but surely after they settled and let go of nomadic lifestyle which is after the timeline we are discussing.

Cataphracts had no chance against the Arabs.

You know why the Arabs destroyed cataphracts because they were mobile while cataphracts were like tanks.

Turks did have heavy cavalry but we did not use them as tanks. Turks relied on being mobile. Mobile allowed us to weaken our enemies while the heavy mopped up the place with shock tactics.

There is a reason why cataphracts died out was for more mobile cavalry along with technology.

A lot of the Turkic and Mongol horse archers wore some sort of armour not all of them looked like peasants in popular culture.
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Cataphracts had no chance against the Arabs.

You know why the Arabs destroyed cataphracts because they were mobile while cataphracts were like tanks.

Turks did have heavy cavalry but we did not use them as tanks. Turks relied on being mobile. Mobile allowed us to weaken our enemies while the heavy mopped up the place with shock tactics.

There is a reason why cataphracts died out was for more mobile cavalry along with technology.

A lot of the Turkic and Mongol horse archers wore some sort of armour not all of them looked like peasants in popular culture.
sasanid empire was ill and engaged in multiple fronts against different enemies. they were fighting each other over throne, eastern Christianity was infiltrating into Iranian society and Zoroastrian priests were not happy of it. feudalism and the atrocities of royals on peasants caused a fracture in society. the royals were too cocky and couldn't see beyond their noses. byzantine empire were invading their western borders, gokturks were invading the northern borders and non Muslim Arabs were raiding their lands from south and finally Muslim Arabs that put an end to them.
mobility had it's own advantages, US scouts invading Iraq used buggy cars to bypass defending troops and neutralize enemy air defenses and commanding centers and prepare the begging of invasion. it gave them the advantage of riding through desert and avoid enemy but if they were not fortunate enough and an emp-2 were in their pass they would have been decimated.
the same goes for the ancient era, however cataphracts were mostly engaging feet soldiers not cavalry.
i'm not an expert or anything but i guess the the reason Turks or mongols were so successful is their way of managing the logistic part. if i'm not wrong the bastirma is a Turkish food which originated from the tribal living era. Turks also were always riding and even eat while riding it makes them super fast. also i read some story about tanto(?) horses that were capable of travelling twice the ordinary horses.
after sasanids ME countries did not had any heavy cavalry units beside a failed attempt of Fatimids to copy crusaders knights which they couldn't live enough to deliver it. and unfortunately it had a bad effect on the course of crusades.
sasanid empire was ill and engaged in multiple fronts against different enemies. they were fighting each other over throne, eastern Christianity was infiltrating into Iranian society and Zoroastrian priests were not happy of it. feudalism and the atrocities of royals on peasants caused a fracture in society. the royals were too cocky and couldn't see beyond their noses. byzantine empire were invading their western borders, gokturks were invading the northern borders and non Muslim Arabs were raiding their lands from south and finally Muslim Arabs that put an end to them.
mobility had it's own advantages, US scouts invading Iraq used buggy cars to bypass defending troops and neutralize enemy air defenses and commanding centers and prepare the begging of invasion. it gave them the advantage of riding through desert and avoid enemy but if they were not fortunate enough and an emp-2 were in their pass they would have been decimated.
the same goes for the ancient era, however cataphracts were mostly engaging feet soldiers not cavalry.
i'm not an expert or anything but i guess the the reason Turks or mongols were so successful is their way of managing the logistic part. if i'm not wrong the bastirma is a Turkish food which originated from the tribal living era. Turks also were always riding and even eat while riding it makes them super fast. also i read some story about tanto(?) horses that were capable of travelling twice the ordinary horses.
after sasanids ME countries did not had any heavy cavalry units beside a failed attempt of Fatimids to copy crusaders knights which they couldn't live enough to deliver it. and unfortunately it had a bad effect on the course of crusades.

Turks and Mongols had very good logistics they took their stuff with them and they also lived on the land and had a protein diet that kept them full for days.

I aint taking anything from the Persians as they had strong armies that were formidable but it seems the collapse of both persian empires came down to exhuastion, internal problems also adapting problems.

Arabs came with a new way of war and same with the Nomadic Turks. Persians were mainly used to their old enemies.

Afterall the Persians were always focused on Rome. Romans at their peak their main enemy were the Parthians and the Sassanids.

Persians and Romans both had successes and failures against each other. Both failed to push the intiatiative and win.

Sassanids came close by allying with the Avars and Slavs in doing a siege on the capital of Constantinople.

I still find the Roman-Persian wars so interesting for centuries they fought each other. Its like two titans facing each other but both could not win.

Camels play a enormous role in Turkic culture.

Even today Turkic nomads use camels. Have you guys seen the Central Asian Camels?? They are huge and beautiful My God.

This meme makes sense.

So in short the Ottomans disliked all nomads but they employed them for military and scouting along with raiding purposes.

Interesting what the Ottomans thought about nomadic Arabs like the Bedouin also Barbarossa Hayreddin also said the same thing about how the Arabs fought.

Ottomans came from nomadic origins but overtime they became sedatary like a lot of Islamic Turkic Empires.
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