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Turkey's Relationship/Maintenance of Historically Armenian Landmarks

Remaining Armenians are generally concentrated in Istanbul, there are many immigrants from other parts of Anatolia among them, they're not facing any actual discrimination, they have their active churches and ethnic schools, about the historical monuments they're preserved as much as any other historical monument preserved, sadly officials are kinda lazy about these issues.

Do not bring genocide etc. talks to here again, we discuissed these before, check the older threads if you forget.

Thanks for the info + I did not initiate Genocide conversation.

Yes I have a question. Is Armenia going through any diplomatic channels to bring the murderer Ramil Safarov to justice? Also do you think that there will be any underground movements by Armenian militants to assassinate him?

Armenia has been seeking international condemnation for this, which can be exemplified by the EU Parliament's statement on the matter. From what I can tell by reading Azeri press, the Azeris are very annoyed by this. More importantly though, the idea is to prove to OSCE members that Karabakh cannot go back to the hands of Azerbaijan, lest the people be subject to the same fate as the murdered lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan. Clearly, Armenia is not expecting immediate international recognition of NKR as a result of this matter, but it will come gradually.

According to Azeri Press Agency, Ramil Safarov is currently on "vacation" (which I assume means state protection). He is supposed to return to serve on the frontline soon, at which point Armenian secret service cells will assassinate him.

We have thousands of illegal Armenians in Turkey, this is not a secret. The government knows but tolerates them, the Kids are allowed to go to school since this years. I hope that we finally pass our first law on immigration soon, so that we can make sure those Kids can stay and go to school.

Plenty churches have been restored in the past decade and offer ceremonies from time to time, but as many other churches they are officially just museums. I personally would push for the restoration of more churches and open them entirely, the tourism in those regions would get a major boost and plus those narrow-minded-Glandale-Armenians that would come to visit those places could see for them self that there is no hostility towards them in Turkey.

Thanks for the reply. You mentioned tourism...would I be able to go to Ani or Mt. Ararat? Is it open for people to just explore?
Thanks for the reply. You mentioned tourism...would I be able to go to Ani or Mt. Ararat? Is it open for people to just explore?

Of course you can..Its open for anyone..But you need to have a licence or sth(like permission from officials) to climb the mountain or better join a tour..If you join a tour, you wont need a licence/permission
Absolutely. Even genocide may be forgiven (but not forgotten), assuming that the successors of the perpetrators admit the truth. Denying the genocide is equivalent to continuously spitting on the graves of 1.5 million Armenians.

SO CALLED Graves of 1.5 million out of total 1.1 million Armenian population.
Houdini magic!
Abra kadabra!!

After that Houdini trick comes another Houdini magic, Kajutyun and his millions of Armo comrades poped out of nothing and spread all over the world and formed todays Armos.
SO CALLED Graves of 1.5 million out of total 1.1 million Armenian population.
Houdini magic!
Abra kadabra!!

After that Houdini trick comes another Houdini magic, Kajutyun and his millions of Armo comrades poped out of nothing and spread all over the world and formed todays Armos.

Logic doesn't work with Armenians. They will insist that we killed 1.5 million while there was only 1.1 million and today world Armenian population are millions and millions. How can that be if we killed every one of them? They will never back down their propaganda. They have to starve from hunger or somebody has to end their misery. Those are the options.

I don't know, all we know is sooner or later **** is going to brake loose between Azeri and Armenians. We have to prepare for this and finish it within 24 hours and hand their behind to them on a plate.
Yes I have a question. Is Armenia going through any diplomatic channels to bring the murderer Ramil Safarov to justice? Also do you think that there will be any underground movements by Armenian militants to assassinate him?

Armenia was asked not to take any action and was promised from beginning by Hungry 's gov that the law will be followed and the killer will get the full hand of justice.

Now that this has happened and an convicted ax murder was sent back to Azerbaijan and pardoned and treated as a hero....now Armenia cant do much other than to freeze all diplomatic relations with Hungry (which they have).

As for your other question Armenian snipers at the contact line have already send several messages in this regard.
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