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Turkey’s Erdoğan to Iran’s Rouhani: Turkey will not remain indifferent to terrorism

I don't know much about the issue, but it seems like Turkey is playing some double-sided game, trying to fool everyone. Or perhaps that kind of behavior was imposed by other powers? (EU / US)
I don't know much about the issue, but it seems like Turkey is playing some double-sided game, trying to fool everyone. Or perhaps that kind of behavior was imposed by other powers? (EU / US)

It's easy to decipher , Turkey considers most of iran to be part of herself , so Erdogan is essentially ordering Rouhani to take action against the kurds , what he's saying is that Turkey (iran) must take action against the kurds , simple as that
It's easy to decipher , Turkey considers most of iran to be part of herself , so Erdogan is essentially ordering Rouhani to take action against the kurds , what he's saying is that Turkey (iran) must take action against the kurds , simple as that

Don't you think your post is an insult to human intelligence? Or are you trolling actually?
I don't know much about the issue, but it seems like Turkey is playing some double-sided game, trying to fool everyone. Or perhaps that kind of behavior was imposed by other powers? (EU / US)

Usually, when one wants to play the conspiracy game,the answer is obvious:

It's easy to decipher , Turkey considers most of iran to be part of herself , so Erdogan is essentially ordering Rouhani to take action against the kurds , what he's saying is that Turkey (iran) must take action against the kurds , simple as that

Huh? I've heard many nice Ottoman revival stories, but part of Iran? Have you jammed your brain?
I don't know much about the issue, but it seems like Turkey is playing some double-sided game, trying to fool everyone. Or perhaps that kind of behavior was imposed by other powers? (EU / US)
No, it is Elders of Turan :agree:
Though I don't blame them, they needed that sham to bomb PKK, without it, it would be politically harder to only bomb PKK and leave ISIS as chill dudes they were like before. :)
And what was last time the cover up to bomb pkk?
Oh wait we didnt need one because pkk is a officially recognized terrorist organisation that attacks civilians in Turkey.
And what was last time the cover up to bomb pkk?
Oh wait we didnt need one because pkk is a officially recognized terrorist organisation that attacks civilians in Turkey.

By cover, I meant a political excuse at a time that west is helping Kurds to fight ISIS, so as Iran and others. So Turkey needed a media cover that pretend it is targeting both.

I don't care if PKK is bombed, they are terrorists. I am talking about reality.
Usually, when one wants to play the conspiracy game,the answer is obvious:


When it comes to big money, american Jews usually get the hand in, but taking it to conspiracy level is waste.
It seems like the west is brewing the next arms deal.
By cover, I meant a political excuse at a time that west is helping Kurds to fight ISIS, so as Iran and others. So Turkey needed a media cover that pretend it is targeting both.

I don't care if PKK is bombed, they are terrorists. I am talking about reality.
Turkey is one of the biggest supporters of Peshmerga, pkk on the other hand doesnt fight isis, only some clashes if anything, they are focused on Turkey and hiding in the mountains in KRG, no excuse needed to bomb them.
So is Turkey really differing PKK from Peshmerga, even though they're on the same goal? The Israeli media covered this as if Turkey is going all-way in against the Kurds (in general) in order to sabotage the forming of a future Kurd state. But that coverage seemed very weak, I'd like some enlightenment on this.
So is Turkey really differing PKK from Peshmerga, even though they're on the same goal? The Israeli media covered this as if Turkey is going all-way in against the Kurds (in general) in order to sabotage the forming of a future Kurd state. But that coverage seemed very weak, I'd like some enlightenment on this.
Barzani made a statement where he wanted pkk to leave north Iraq, tells enough about pkk....

PKK should leave Iraqi Kurdistan, says Barzani leadership | Middle East Eye
Usually, when one wants to play the conspiracy game,the answer is obvious:

They also brought down the Malaysian airplane

It's super obvious. They think they're so clever.

Barzani made a statement where he wanted pkk to leave north Iraq, tells enough about pkk....

PKK should leave Iraqi Kurdistan, says Barzani leadership | Middle East Eye
No one is sad about pkk terrorists dying but some are asking why Isis isn't being targeted in the same way or extent as pkk. If they're both terrorists, their lives are equally worthless.
No one is sad about pkk terrorists dying but some are asking why Isis isn't being targeted in the same way or extent as pkk. If they're both terrorists, their lives are equally worthless.
In contrary to isis pkk is attacking Turkish civilians and military on daily basis, you dont hear it but we hear about another new attack every day.
Turkey opened its base to US for bombing isis it should be enough we are busy with pkk at the moment anyway.

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