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Turkey's Erdogan moves to sue French Le Point magazine

Bad move from Erdogan.For a leader of a country it's not appropriate to give publicity and fame to trolls,whose goal is to exactly get a negative reaction from him so they can whine later "see,see he baaad","freedom of speach"...

This will only result in such trolling becoming more frequent...

I dislike that about erdogan as well, hes being baited by randoms and is responding smiliar to trump. Ignore these no name magazines they have nothing to say and the french are irrelevant anyway.
meanwhile in turkish press....




if u sit in a glas house stop throwing stones
Erdogan is thin-skinned. Not a good quality for a world leader to have.
Erdogan is thin-skinned. Not a good quality for a world leader to have.

world leader? LOL thats a good joke

There are only two world leader and a half...

Xi Jimping

and thx only to the nuclear weapons they still have Putin
Yes,newspapers including Le Point have all covered,criticized and questionned the government's actions,modus operandi,police brutality and actions etc. during the yellow vests protests. Nice try though.

I guess the French government is criticized by Le Point with the same tone of Vietnamese government being criticized by Nhan Dan (or The People, the voice of Communist Party) newspaper in Vietnam
world leader? LOL thats a good joke

There are only two world leader and a half...

Xi Jimping

and thx only to the nuclear weapons they still have Putin

The "world leaders" term is for every individual who represents and leads their nations respectively on international political arena and we are the world citizens. It's not as you understand, people who run the world. There is no such thing on paper but virtually some leaders naturally have more weight on the table. I hope you got it right.
What's up with these baguets and their butthurt towards Turkey?
What's up with these baguets and their butthurt towards Turkey?

Because Turkiye is sending their terrorists to hell. They are also butthurt that the world cup winners cant top Turkiye in their group for the euro 2020 qualifier.
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What do you expect from a state like France ? Their history was written with genocide, massacres, colonism shames but they are now seeking ways to teach lecture others in terms of democracy and human rights. Their democracy comprehension only covers their benefits. Dictators like Al-Saud and Sisi are their best buddies for milking their money so they need close contact with them, although Al-Sauds are being accused by commiting war crime with killing thousands of innocent people in Yemen and Sisi is an official coup plotter in Egypt. In paralel to their contradicting policy, they continuously attack on Turkey with “killing civilians” and “democracy” arguments which is a big lie in all aspect. Think Even if they do not find anything worth to mention in Syria operation in terms of civilian casualties, they are screaming as if Turkey hits them instead of YPG terrorists. Actually, they do not want a strong Turkiye who put them into place where cowards should be. Their arrogant behaviors do not have any value in our World but All in all, They are afraid of rising Turkiye in general. A likely Turkish agression is going to waste French troops who fall in love with terrorists in Turkish-Syrian borders so they need to hide behind US troops for protection. They think Turkiye poses serious danger to their policy in ME and N. Africa. All titles in their TVs and magazines reflect their butthurt about us. What they want to do is to perform a dirty perception operation instead of spreading truths. They also know that they are in bed with bloody PKK/YPG terrorists. In recent years, Can you imagine they have passed a bill to ban voicing “Armenian genocide is a lie” sentence on TV’s, streets. The people who say something similar to those words are detained and faced trials. What a freedom comprehension, isnt it? What do you expect the magazines of such a butthurt state when their politicians are such biassed and racist ? It seems After they were humiliated well by Hitler's army with losing most of their territory including Paris within weeks, they need an Ottoman slap today. In WW2 times, It was same US saved the back of those guys against Hitler. Today, If France was men of its words, They would have insisted on staying in Syria to feed YPG terrorists alone instead of running with their tail tucked between their legs, then I would have appreciated their courage but Everybody knows that France is a puppy without US protection.
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French getting humilated by the Germans in WW2 is the biggest humilation in history.

Nothing is comparable to it.

French can mock us Turks losing our Empire but at least we did not surrender our country lets not forget the brave people of Kahramanmaras for kicking out the French and their armenian puppets.

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