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Turkey's Economy Cannot Hold Out Much Longer

And what happened after 2014? ;)

after 2013
ERDOGAN fought USA-France and their proxies FETO , PKK-YPG , HAFTAR , etc inside , also in Iraq,Syria,Libya and in the Eastern Mediterranean

only one example
in 2018 TRUMP attacked Turkish Economy to save CIA agent BRUNSON who spent 2 years in prison

and 1 USD has risen to 7.2 TL from 3,6 TL within a few months in 2018

now Turkiye has $1 trillion of GDP .. not bad

2002 ... 9x Turkiye = 1x Germany .... ( Turkiye $240 billion and Germany $2.078 trillion )
2023 ... 4x Turkiye = 1x Germany .... ( Turkiye $1.029 and Germany $4.308 trillion )

You never know. Maybe we'll discover oil and gas ;)

We discovered gas reserves worth $1 trillion in the Black Sea
also oil reserves worth $100 billion in SIRNAK southeast of Turkiye

and more is coming in the Black Sea and in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw Nobody can drill in Turkish EEZ ( MAVI VATAN ) without reaching an agreement with Türkiye

Get along well with Türkiye or even USA-France could not help Greece
We discovered gas reserves worth $1 trillion in the Black Sea
also oil reserves worth $100 billion in SIRNAK southeast of Turkiye

and more is coming in the Black Sea and in the Eastern Mediterranean

btw Nobody can drill in Turkish EEZ ( MAVI VATAN ) without reaching an agreement with Türkiye

Get along well with Türkiye or even USA-France could not help Greece
Sure,you found 1$ trillion and 100 billion there and gold elsewhere and rare earth in another place and the fountain of youth and the treasure of Ali Baba.

And on top of all those riches,your bully President and his goons declare "Mavi Vatan" half of the Greek EEZ and want more.

The only way for someone to get along with Turkey is for Turkey to be weak or under strict supervision from stronger countries. For example,earthquake happens,Turks are suddenly friendly. A few months pass,Turks are back warmongering.

No,your government doesn't want to be friends. When they say "let's be friends",they mean "You give,I take,I say,you agree".
Sure,you found 1$ trillion and 100 billion there and gold elsewhere and rare earth in another place and the fountain of youth and the treasure of Ali Baba.

When Egypt found gas its true for you but when Turkiye found gas its fake four you
really you have big problem and We dont care about your butthurt feelings

And on top of all those riches,your bully President and his goons declare "Mavi Vatan" half of the Greek EEZ and want more.

Turkiye is not Syria or Iraq or Libya
even your daddy USA-France can not steal 1 km2 of area from MAVI VATAN in the Eastern Mediterranean

as like they could not steal 1km2 of area from Turkiye via PKK terror organization since 1985
When Egypt found gas its true for you but when Turkiye found gas its fake four you
really you have big problem and We dont care about your butthurt feelings
Egypt didn't announce ridiculous amounts of oil and gas. Suddenly Turkey found supplies that rival the Gulf countries,Erdogan keeps giving. Suddenly finds 1 trillion dollars worth of reserves,then 100 billion,then gold,then rare earth,
it's like all of a sudden,Turkey is a Gulf monarchy. And you believe all that.

Turkiye is not Syria or Iraq or Libya
even your daddy USA-France can not steal 1 km2 of area from MAVI VATAN in the Eastern Mediterranean

as like they could not steal 1km2 of area from Turkiye via PKK terror organization since 1985
Yeah Turkiye not Syria or Iraq or Libya. Turkiye will eat a cucumber suddenly and wonder "what happened? why? we are supposed to be superpower". How will that happen,I don't know. Through war? Through economic collapse? Through disasters? But your arrogance,your personally and your leaders' is something that doesn't help you.
Egypt didn't announce ridiculous amounts of oil and gas.

as of 2023 Egypt has 2.186 trillion cubic meters while Turkiye has 710 billion cubic meters

if Turkiye has $1 trillion of gas reserves then Egypt has $3 trillion of gas reserves

Our brother Azerbaijan's gas reserves 2.5 trillion cubic meters ( $3,5 trillion )

Our brother Kazakhstan's gas reserves 2.7 trillion cubic meters ( $3.8 trillion )

Our brother Turkmenistan's gas reserves are estimated to be the world's 4th largest with 19.5 trillion cubic meters ( $27 trillion )

and Turkiye has one of the best research and drilling ship fleet in the world
As a result of many years of effort and investments, we found a gas reserve of 710 billion cubic meters in the Black Sea .. not suddenly

sooner or later Turkiye will find trillion Dollars of gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean

Yeah Turkiye not Syria or Iraq or Libya. Turkiye will eat a cucumber suddenly and wonder "what happened? why? we are supposed to be superpower". How will that happen,I don't know. Through war? Through economic collapse? Through disasters? But your arrogance,your personally and your leaders' is something that doesn't help you.

Turkiye = in the last 1.000 years Great Seljuk Empire and the Ottoman Empire which ruled 44 countries including your Greece for centuries .. ( great state tradition )

Turkiye = biggest economy in the region with S.Arabia ( $1 trillion )

Turkiye = only industrialized country in the region

Turkiye = 85 million population

Turkiye = great soft power from Bosnia to Central Asia

Turkiye : the strongest military power in the region

Turkiye : the best Defense Industry in the region

Turkiye : military forces/bases in TRNC , Azerbaijan , Iraq , Syria , Albania , Qatar , Somalia and Libya

and ambitious leader ERDOGAN since 2002
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Turkiye = in the last 1.000 years Great Seljuk Empire and the Ottoman Empire which ruled 44 countries including your Greece for centuries .. ( great state tradition )
Da faq does "Great Seljuk" Empire and "Ottoman Empire" have to do with each other? They are not a continuation of one another.

By your logic,Greeks have ruled more countries and more peoples since Alexander the Great->Successors->Eastern Roman Empire for 2,200 years.

What kind of logic is that? 😂😂😂
Da faq does "Great Seljuk" Empire and "Ottoman Empire" have to do with each other? They are not a continuation of one another.

Great Seljuk Empire , then Anadolu Selçuklu Devleti then Ottoman Empire and in finally Turkiye

By your logic,Greeks have ruled more countries and more peoples since Alexander the Great->Successors->Eastern Roman Empire for 2,200 years.

Alexander the Great was Macedon

and Eastern Roman Empire was not Greek
Eastern Roman Empire was Latin/Roman

There has never been a state called Byzantium in history. The empire called Byzantium is actually the Roman Empire. The people of that empire never used the name Byzantium. The name Byzantium is a name invented by the German scholar Hieronymus Wolf in the 16th century.
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