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Turkey’s air force can barely fly its F-16s - analyst

Exactly number one traitor is tayyip and insAllah will die like a filthy pig...

If the dog's prayers were answered, the skies would rain bones bro :tup: and I dont see it rains bones from the sky.

One has to question though, how many of those lay offs were genuinely justified. I think a lot of the lay offs were because of paranoia by Erdoğan. Hundreds is a big number.

This process contains lots of levels. Not all of the pilots were fired overnight. Police investigation and intelligence services detected links between these pilots and FETÖ. They used phone applications like the ones name "ByLock" in order to communicate between themselves. Then some more applications are comprimised too. Remember that this is 30-40 years old network. They have been comprimised during serious investigations which is still continuing because there are still sleeping cells and unactive members. Confessors help the police work faster.

Why so much pilots ;

- FETÖ placed the pilots who are only loyal to them. Others were forced to leave the AF by several mobbing methods.
- They stole exams' questions to let student pilots to have the best exam results.
- Flight commanders let them pass the test flights. Even if they are worse than others.

With this method, a some particular generation pilots are mostly loyal to FETÖ. They used this very same method to infiltrate to other Army Forces and State institues. It has nothing to the with paranoia of Erdoğan or something. This is damn serious.
Turkey’s air force can barely fly its F-16s - analyst
  • Jan 03 2020 12:55 Gmt+3
  • Last Updated On: Jan 03 2020 12:58 Gmt+3
The Turkish government’s crackdown on the country’s military following a failed coup attempt in 2016 has reached such an extent that Turkey’s air force can barely fly its F-16 jets, defence and historical writer Michael Peck said.

“Fighter pilots aren't cheap,” Peck said in the National Interest on Thursday. According to the U.S. Air Force estimates, training a new pilot to fly a plane like the F-35 costs $11 million, while the years of experience of a veteran pilot is priceless, he said.

“So a nation that throws its fighter pilots in jail is not just wasting money, but also an extremely valuable resource,” Peck said. “Yet in the name of politics, Turkey's government has purged its air force so badly that it can barely fly its F-16 fighters.”

Following the failed putsch, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s government started taking revenge by quashing both secular generals and military personnel linked to the Gülen movement, which Ankara accuses of carrying out the coup attempt, Peck said.

With more than 300 hundred pilots dismissed, the Turkish government started looking overseas to make up the shortfall, Peck said. But, the United States declined Turkey’s request to send over flight instructors. Turkey then sought assistance from Pakistan, which also flies F-16s, but that did not work, and in desperation the government issued a decree in 2017 forcing 330 former pilots to return to the air force by threatening them with the revocation of their civil pilot licenses, Peck said citing an Atlantic Council report.

The weakening air force might also be the reason why Turkey suddenly got very interested in acquiring missile systems, Peck said. Turkey purchased Russian S-400 surface-to-air missile systems despite Washington’s concerns and sanctions threats. Ankara also signed an agreement with Franco-Italian missile maker Eurosam to develop a long-range anti-aircraft missile.

If Pilot is the issue, than they can hire Ex-Paf pilots easily
i fear one day u.s may kill erdogan in drone attack like they killed iranian general
The website, indeed, looks like created by FETO. It is named as ahval, it has english and turkish language options, and strangely they make up names and creates either israeli or european looking websites , using fake references. And finally they write explicitly and tries to seem as they have got strong intelligence .
there are teams of pilots technicians for one plane who have to be ready 24/7 its not possible they fire pilots and there is no one left to fly... writer tried to explain like its a volley ball team those who were ready got fired and now no one is there to play and those who play are not qualified lol...
If Pilot is the issue, than they can hire Ex-Paf pilots easily

Something language and different Air Force norms. Can't induct foreign personnel. Instructors need American permission.

The website, indeed, looks like created by FETO. It is named as ahval, it has english and turkish language options, and strangely they make up names and creates either israeli or european looking websites , using fake references. And finally they write explicitly and tries to seem as they have got strong intelligence .

The base information about the consequence of coup is true, as well as that Turkey sort of forced ex pilots to come back.
Exactly number one traitor is tayyip and insAllah will die like a filthy pig... After him the others inshAllah...

That's not for me to decide, the Turkish people have the right to decide.
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