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Turkey won't allow terrorist acts targeting China on Turkish soil: MOFA

China making Muslims enemies will cost them a lot. We’ve brought many super powers to their knees. Allah Azzawajal is enough for us.
Lanat on any relation which comes at the cost of our Muslim brothers and sisters blood.
East Turkistan will be free IN SHA ALLAH 🔵
LOl, do you speak for all Muslim countries? are the countries below Muslim countries?
If true, then it's a boon for China. But as with everything generally, take it with a pinch of salt. Though I am optimistically hopeful that Turkey would extricate itself out of NATO & EU to become more East centric and become Islamic rather than secular.
Ur optimism is self delusion.. why are some Pakistanis so bent on having Turkey out of NATO? It doesn't work like that. NATO membership is their key to sophisticated US and european tech. There is a reason they have built a dynamic defense production with such a colab.. So Pakistanis as wellwisher of Turkey should wish Turkey stays with NATO and become our doorway to that tech and training not otherwise.
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Can we have open access to these Muslim Chinese peoples for our Islamic organisations to go there and check and see for ourselves what’s been going on in there. We can not just take the word what your government releases, you as a Han Chinese might be okay with it rest of us are very troubled by it you should be too Germans 70 years later still live with the stigma what there grandparents did to others in WW2
China must stop oppressing Uighur's and give them their rights. China must stop putting Uighur’s into concentration camps.
Making Muslims a enemy will be very costly for China any state which makes Muslims their enemy will pay for it dearly.
In Sha Allah East Turkistan will be free!

China against uighurs?

The problem is that if this logic is true, that means China is protecting the interests of Muslims. It creates a paradox, you condemn China, it means you are supporting genocide action against Muslims.

So you want Uighur extremists to have the right to kill Muslims, then want Muslims against China???

FireShot Pro Webpage Screenshot #005 - 'US calls on allies to speak up against China’s abuses ...png

China's abuses of Muslims? Hang on a second. Wasn't the slogan of the Urumqi rioters "Kill the Han, Kill the Hui?" Hui are China's largest Muslim minority. The rioters were Uyghurs. Are the USA going to condemn them for their long history of violence against Muslims?
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