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Turkey wants unrestricted access to Gaza from Israel

Only Israel and Egypt will make decisions about Gaza,not Iran or Turkey.

Egypt is an irrelevant country which is powerless against Ethiopia and is concerned with Nile issue. Egypt can try really hard to secure Israel's interests but it brings no results for the Egyptian people. The economy didn't improve, the political status didn't develop, no reform of any sort, no improvements to rights of the people. Only achievement was the blank achievement of securing Israel's interest which is delusional on Israel and Egypt's part. Egyptian regime just reshuffled provincial ministers due to fear of new revolt. A minister today was killed as well, in an inside job meant to swiftly deal with oppositional figures within the regime. Sisi is losing his grip. Are you ready to do military intervention to save him?

Israel however can make decisions as long as US gives it attention. Without US attention and spoiling, Israel would compromise. This will not bring healthy future for Israel. If you live by the sword you will die by the sword. Israel is the only modern nation that employs colonialism/illegal transfer of population. It's a rogue state that will crumble from within.
Egypt is an irrelevant country which is powerless against Ethiopia and is concerned with Nile issue. Egypt can try really hard to secure Israel's interests but it brings no results for the Egyptian people. The economy didn't improve, the political status didn't develop, no reform of any sort, no improvements to rights of the people. Only achievement was the blank achievement of securing Israel's interest which is delusional on Israel and Egypt's part. Egyptian regime just reshuffled provincial ministers due to fear of new revolt. A minister today was killed as well, in an inside job meant to swiftly deal with oppositional figures within the regime. Sisi is losing his grip. Are you ready to do military intervention to save him?

Israel however can make decisions as long as US gives it attention. Without US attention and spoiling, Israel would compromise. This will not bring healthy future for Israel. If you live by the sword you will die by the sword. Israel is the only modern nation that employs colonialism/illegal transfer of population. It's a rogue state that will crumble from within.
Meanwhile, Israel and Egypt do whatever they want with Gaza, nor listen to America and Europe.
Probably not true.Israel holds all the cards,they have the gas,technology,while Erdogan is isolated.Just an article to save face in Turkey for Erdo's failed policies,in the end he will agree with what ever Israeli scraps are thrown at him.Beggers can't be choosy.

Erdogan is like that son of a Confederate general who went after that black soldier, in the latest Tarantino movie,The Hateful Eight..He'll do everything for a blanket.
they murdered 10 civillians carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza in international waters back in 2010

yes you right, civillians have died.
but you ever ask yourself why they died? or what really happened there? huh?
so if you don't know what happened there on board of ship then you have no right to blame the soldiers, you know i'm sure your government told you that they died because of humanitarian help.

the first soldiers that arrived to the ship were armed with paintball guns hhh, yes it's funny, because they did not knew that this IHH members (that has ties with hamas) were armed with knifes and metal poles... they started to attack the soldiers and some was stabbed and thrown to the sea, then came the kidnap of soldier. so they had not another choice to use the guns to protect their self. maybe you hear this first time and maybe not and you can believe it or not its also your choice. put yourself on soldiers side and you would act the same,im promise that you will not stand and watch when someone trying to kill your comrades.
yes you right, civillians have died.
but you ever ask yourself why they died? or what really happened there? huh?
so if you don't know what happened there on board of ship then you have no right to blame the soldiers, you know i'm sure your government told you that they died because of humanitarian help.

the first soldiers that arrived to the ship were armed with paintball guns hhh, yes it's funny, because they did not knew that this IHH members (that has ties with hamas) were armed with knifes and metal poles... they started to attack the soldiers and some was stabbed and thrown to the sea, then came the kidnap of soldier. so they had not another choice to use the guns to protect their self. maybe you hear this first time and maybe not and you can believe it or not its also your choice. put yourself on soldiers side and you would act the same,im promise that you will not stand and watch when someone trying to kill your comrades.

I know pretty much EVERYTHING a civillian can know about the Mavi Marmara and if you haven't noticed yet, I'm not very fond of my government either, so I wouldn't take their words for granted. I discussed this matter with probably dozens of Israelis since 2010, hence I know pretty much every argument by Israel's side. Showing some kitchen knifes and ripped guardrails aren't exactly enough to prove how bloodthirsty the victims were. Especially after the fact that they had captured some of your soldiers and naturally their weapons with them, but guess what they did to them? They dumped the weapons into the sea and treated the soldier's wounds while he was crying hysterically. So if their intentions were to kill, at least a dozen soldiers would have been killed that day.

The most surprising thing however was how amateur the so called best of the best Shayatet 13 commandos were. They simply couldn't handle the heat and acted irrationally despite they knew what to expect prior to boarding the ship. They had these booklets on them about some of the high risk activists, with their photos, information and whatnot.

You might criticize Turkey's intentions by sending that ship and the motivation of some of its passangers then I might even agree with you. But the boarding and the shit show after that was completely Israel's and its incompetent soldiers' fault. I don't know why we are still discussing this even after the fact that Israel has formally taken the blame for it. Let's just move on shall we?
Huh? What? Ever heard of Mavi Marmara? Although Israel extended a formal apology to Turkey but did you know they murdered 10 civillians carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza in international waters back in 2010? What do you think would happen if they pull something like that around Turkish Navy?

And what makes you think that Turkey would give Israel an excuse to slaughter Palestinians by exporting them weapons?

Israel killed 10 enemy combatants, when the Mavi Marmara, in violation of International law, refused the request to redirect the vessel to an Israeli harbour for inspection of the cargo,
to ensure no contraband was present. Any legal goods in the cargo was then to be shipped to Gaza by land.

If the Mavi Marmara crew had followed International Law, then noone
would have been killed, and all legal goods onboard would have ended up in Gaza.
They have 100% of the responsibility of the end result.

International Law states that a vessel can be boarded in INTERNATIONAL WATERS,
as soon as they announce the destination to be a blockaded port.
Israel is REQUIRED to inspect the cargo before it reaches the destination.
Israel has the right to redirect to an Israeli harbour.

Mavi Marmara has NO right to refuse the inspection according to International Law.
The crew resisting the inspection are war criminals.

Violent resistance of the crew, when boarded, according to International Law,
AUTOMATICALLY reclassifies the crew, so they can be treated as enemy soldiers
in a combat situation. I.E: killed.

Obviously, there is a political price to be paid, regardless if Israel is right or not.
Israel may choose to pay compensation, even to relatives of the war criminals killed,
if it is in Israels interest to maintain relations with Turkey.

If Turkey has no intention to ship anything but legal goods, then International Law
gives them the option to let the Turkish Navy escort the ships.
When Israel wants to inspect the ships, the escort simply states that they are under
the protection of the Turkish Navy and gives guarantees the the cargo is legal.
Then the Israeli Navy has no longer any rights to inspect the ships,
and will not even attempt to do so.

Should the cargo contain contraband, then the Turkish Navy are war criminals,
and Turkish military/political leadership can be prosecuted.

The fact that Turkey has not escorted the ships is speaking for itself.
Turkey either does not understand the boundaries of International Law,
or they want to ship contraband, without risking prosecution.
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Seriously what are we doing with Gaza? Don't wr have anything else to do? We should worry about the Turkmens not Palestinians. Saudi Arabia can help them.
He's an EDL member or something like that. If I remember correctly he told me his pro-israel sentiment is based off his anti-immigration stances in Sweden. I don't understand what relation that has to I/P conflict but whatever.
No, it is based on the Palestinians total disregard for International Law.
I am not particularily fond of the current Israeli government either,
but I consider the Palestinian behaviour to be much worse in nature,
even if the end result means that many more Palestinians are killed.

EDL... I have no clue what it is...

As for anti-immigration stances, I think the Palestinians/Arabs should not bring
up this issue. You want to kill immigrants.

If i were anti-immigrant, then I would have voted for SD, but no, I am a Liberal.
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I've seen Israelis and Palestinians outside Israel, I've talked to them and seen their actions, here it is:

Calm smart people that let me know their feelings about palestinians sending rockets into Israel and how bad it is to have to hide for cover from those rockets, that they are just trying to protect themselves for the most part.
An interesting question they ask me is: "What would you do if terrorists were launching hundreds of rockets over turkish cities?"

I do understand their position, self-defence.

Have never met a palestinian that doesn't talk hateful of Israel and the Jews.
I once walked in the city with a gang of palestinians after a few beers and they started chanting anti-israel stuff.
One day I was outside a coffeeshop with a palestinian friend and a orthodox jewish man with the black hat and all walks by us with his girlfriend/wife and this palestinian friend goes after him and stops him and loudly says things to the jewish man in hebrew language, then comes back. I asked him what he said to the jewish man and he replies: "I told him I *** his mother".

This is what I exprienced and the main difference between jews/israelis and palestinians.

While Israelis seem to be calm and think first (civilized), the Palestinians seem to act more like ISIS (arabs).
I've seen Israelis and Palestinians outside Israel, I've talked to them and seen their actions, here it is:

Calm smart people that let me know their feelings about palestinians sending rockets into Israel and how bad it is to have to hide for cover from those rockets, that they are just trying to protect themselves for the most part.
An interesting question they ask me is: "What would you do if terrorists were launching hundreds of rockets over turkish cities?"

I do understand their position, self-defence.

Have never met a palestinian that doesn't talk hateful of Israel and the Jews.
I once walked in the city with a gang of palestinians after a few beers and they started chanting anti-israel stuff.
One day I was outside a coffeeshop with a palestinian friend and a orthodox jewish man with the black hat and all walks by us with his girlfriend/wife and this palestinian friend goes after him and stops him and loudly says things to the jewish man in hebrew language, then comes back. I asked him what he said to the jewish man and he replies: "I told him I *** his mother".

This is what I exprienced and the main difference between jews/israelis and palestinians.

While Israelis seem to be calm and think first, the Palestinians seem to act more like ISIS.

You're clearly flamebaiting @sswipe. :rofl:

I give you 5/10 for the effort. :laugh:

No, it is based on the Palestinians total disregard for International Law.
I am not particularily fond of the current Israeli government either,
but I consider the Palestinian behaviour to be much worse in nature,
even if the end result means that many more Palestinians are killed.

EDL... I have no clue what it is...

As for anti-immigration stances, I think the Palestinians/Arabs should not bring
up this issue. You want to kill immigrants.

If i were anti-immigrant, then I would have voted for SD, but no, I am a Liberal.

Israeli Jews aren't migrants, they're illegal aliens that staged terrorist attacks and insurgencies. No different than ISIS. Israeli's executed children in masses and bombed villages with intent of expelling residents.
You're clearly flamebaiting @sswipe. :rofl:

I give you 5/10 for the effort. :laugh:

Just my exprience, not even my personal views.

I have friends that are Israelis and friends that are Palestinians, but lately just Israelis and not Palestinians because I'm not a teenager anymore and try not to associate with aggressive trouble makers.

Israelis I met are more like westerners calm and think first, while the Palestinians I've met are more like arabs and kurds, they are aggresive people that act before they think.
You're clearly flamebaiting @sswipe. :rofl:

I give you 5/10 for the effort. :laugh:

Israeli Jews aren't migrants, they're illegal aliens that staged terrorist attacks and insurgencies. No different than ISIS. Israeli's executed children in masses and bombed villages with intent of expelling residents.
Believe me, if we want to kill you in masses , you were not there, we do everything possible to save the lives of our citizens as you are willing to sacrifice the lives of your people to kill Israelis or Jews.
the difference between us is that we sanctify life as you sanctify Death!
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