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Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'

crappy grammar on my end. :lol:
"We are not afraid to become martyrs."*

I am glad that you corrected because a martyr would look more like a chicken who's about to be slaughtered with these kind of statements
Good for turkey. This time dont make a hue and cry when they get unique welcome from Israel. Just disregard them as non state actors.
crappy grammar on my end. :lol:
"We are not afraid to become martyrs."*

it could be grammer mistake but it is true many of the poppet use innocent for this and they will watch from the behind the screen , they are really afraid to come and face the reality
Good for turkey. This time dont make a hue and cry when they get unique welcome from Israel. Just disregard them as non state actors.

it's no different than the first flotilla, it was organized by NGO and so is this one. I think the PM was asked if he supports NGO actions and such to which he said yes. It's no different than subscribing to UNICEF or save the dolphins and there by supporting the NGO who're trying to aid those in need.

However if the NGO face armed hindrance on such an extent that it causes death then it becomes a "domestic" problem. Everyone knows that.
it's no different than the first flotilla, it was organized by NGO and so is this one. I think the PM was asked if he supports NGO actions and such to which he said yes. It's no different than subscribing to UNICEF or save the dolphins and there by supporting the NGO who're trying to aid those in need.

However if the NGO face armed hindrance on such an extent that it causes death then it becomes a "domestic" problem. Everyone knows that.

Yeah and it is irrelevant that the President of IHH hopes to become a "martyr"? Or that 66% of the medicine had expired long before arriving to Gaza? Who were they aiding exactly the garbage and disposal business?
Yeah and it is irrelevant that the President of IHH hopes to become a "martyr"? Or that 66% of the medicine had expired long before arriving to Gaza? Who were they aiding exactly the garbage and disposal business?

you have to remember that the aid and activists com from different places, so perhaps that's true for some medicine, but I am not inclined to believe in what you say unless you can provide a source, otherwise it's just claims. :)
you have to remember that the aid and activists com from different places, so perhaps that's true for some medicine, but I am not inclined to believe in what you say unless you can provide a source, otherwise it's just claims. :)

Okie doke.
'Gaza Freedom Flotilla' aid included expired medicines, old supplies - Washington Times
Israel is being lambasted from all sides for its Monday defensive operation outside Gaza, with the United Nations Security Council calling for an immediate, in-depth investigation, Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan calling the incident a "bloody massacre" and protestors coming out in droves in cities across the globe to engage in a little peaceful Israeli flag burning.

But what's not being reported by the majority of news outlets is at the very heart of the matter: if the so-called "Gaza Freedom Flotilla" activists were really so concerned with getting humanitarian aid to Gaza, why is much of the supply stock they were bringing totally unusable?

According to Israel National News, the Israeli air force checked much of the 'aid' inventory aboard the ships in the Port of Ashdod and found it to be in such poor shape - the stash included old equipment and expired medicines - that most of it was useless.

And why is nobody questioning the purported mission on the flotilla? Gaza is hardly the Ogaden region of Ethiopia. Israel even spent the days before Operation Cast Lead in 2008 organizing the shipment of humanitarian aid - which amounted to thousands of tons of food and medical supplies, as well as hundreds of thousands of liters of diesel fuel - into the strip.

"International aid organizations and the private sector of Gaza ensure that all the necessary food, medicine and clothing are provided to the Strip via Israel," Israeli Foreign Ministry Spokesman Yigal Palmor said this week in response to criticism of Israel. "In a typical week 15,000 tons of supplies enter Gaza: truckloads of meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, fruits, vegetables ... arrive in Gaza on a daily basis."

The flotilla was found to be carrying ballistic vests, gas masks, night-vision goggles, clubs, and slingshots.[52][53].In the Turkish Report on the Israeli attack on the Humanitarian Aid Convoy to Gaza it states that all passengers and crew as well as the cargo were searched to international standards and no weapons were found to be on the ship.[54]

Two-thirds of the medicines delivered by the flotilla expired between six and fifteen months prior to the raid,[55] and were found to be useless.[56] Some other medicines found on the flotilla were due to expire soon. Additionally, Israel said that much of the cargo, including sensitive medical equipment, was found to have been scattered in the ship's holds, and put in piles rather than packed properly for transport, and consequently damaged.[43] Operating theater equipment, which was supposed to be kept sterile, was carelessly wrapped. The expiring medications and sensistive equipment were kept in frozen storage in the Israeli Defense Ministry before delivery to Gaza.[57]

I really would like to see Turkish frigate escorting the flotilla :D
I really would like to see Turkish frigate escorting the flotilla :D


And beside, didn't you read the title of the post?

Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'

does that mean that turkey will send frigates or that they don't care
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