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Turkey to Israel: Flotilla Not Our 'Concern'

I cant follow you

I dont hate jews.. because i dont even know any jew.. but only thing i know is they killed our citizens, bombed gaza with hundreds of children dead. After this they should not mess with Turkiye. And how do you know that there wont be war? You think Turkiye just accept anything from others? No maybe in Norway but that doesnt work like that with Turkiye!

After the first flotilla drama the army was massing on cyprus prepared and waiting for orders to move. That night Turkiye delivered an ultimatum to Israel demanding release of all the activists. And then 5 big passenger planes of Turkish Air lines landed at one Israeli airport without asking for permission.. Then USA warned Israel that Turkiye is very serious about this and it would probably start a war.. After that Israel immediatly released all of the activists which they earlier accused them of being terrorists and that they would trail them for attacking the soldiers etc.. Dont think Turkiye did nothing.. again i am 100% sure if same thing happens again this time Turkiye will declare war. And then it will be no more Israel.

If the flotilla come.. Just let them Israelis do that again and see what happens.

and then and then and then.............
your thought line resemble to a five years old
Look 500, the ones that got killed on the border area with Iran were smugglers, they smuggle guns, drugs etc the area is known for that. I am sure they are connected with the PKK/Pejak Iranian wing of the PKK. But the flotilla is totally different case.
And we dont treat jews different then the muslim or christian, we are not like that. If Iran, Iraq, Syria or whatever country did the same we would respond ofcourse with war. If you kill babies, after that you kill people who are protesting against these killings.. And then your people celebrating the death of those activists.. The people know what's going on.
5 mins ago u cried that Turkish citizen is Turkish citizen, now u dont care about Turkish citizens kiled by Iran. They are all smugglers. :rolleyes:
this time as a person who know the country and the nation very good. USA, France nobody can stop Turkiye from millitary action.

ya ya ya we will see .. barking dog etc etc :coffee:
5 mins ago u cried that Turkish citizen is Turkish citizen, now u dont care about Turkish citizens kiled by Iran. They are all smugglers. :rolleyes:

They are PKK and they are target for us aswell..
They are PKK and they are target for us aswell..
Three villagers from the eastern province of Van’s Esenyamaç village, on the Iranian border, crossed the border to fetch their animals which reportedly had crossed to the Iranian side. Mehmet Keskin, 19, died at the scene, while 18-year-old Zakir Turgut was injured. Akif Yıldız, 24, went missing after the incident. Turgut was brought to the city of Van by other villagers and hospitalized.

“Three citizens searched for their sheep when the animals did not come back. Iranian soldiers opened fire. This year approximately 20 citizens have died [in a similar manner]. No one has asked why those people are dying,” said Namer Parlak, the district head of the main opposition Republican People’s Party, or CHP.

One Turkish villager killed on Iranian border - Hurriyet Daily News and Economic Review

plz provide poof they are all PKK.
Doh! And what was all that international racket all about then if it is not Turkish government's concern? Everybody from all parties whether Turkey Israel Pakistan etc created so much hue and cry and this was the end result. :lol:
End of the story:

IHH bails out of Gaza flotilla

The Turkey-based IHH group, considered the driving force behind the Gaza flotilla announced Friday its ship the Mavi Marmara will not be taking part in the Strip-bound sail.

IHH Chairman Bolant Yilderim called a press conference and told reporters that "due to technical problems, the Mavi Marmara will not sail this time and we are deeply sorry for that."

IHH bails out of Gaza flotilla - Israel News, Ynetnews

And more good news:

Israel transfers Turkish medical supplies to Gaza

The supplies entered Israel through the Allenby Bridge from Jordan and were sent through the Erez crossing into the Strip.

Maj.-Gen. Eitan Dangot, head of the Coordinator of Government Activity in the Territories (COGAT) unit, authorized the transfer of medical equipment and medicine to Gaza Strip hospitals, sent as part of activities conducted by Turkish humanitarian organizations. The COGAT spokesperson said of the transfer, “Efforts of this kind are made on a daily basis in all levels and areas,” including health, education, agriculture and infrastructure.

The statement noted that the Turkish authorities operate “in full coordination and in adherence to the appropriate procedures.”

There has been a shortage of medicine in the Strip due to an internal dispute in the Palestinian medical system, Israel Radio reported. However, COGAT, in a press release, stressed that the delivery of Turkish aid is completely normative and takes place on a daily basis. The deliver, it said, “is not a result of the medicine crisis in Gaza.”

Israel transfers Turkish medical ... JPost - Diplomacy & Politics

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