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Turkey to enter top 10 largest economies by 2023

@ Persian God King.This is more of nationalist comment; Iran does not have good private sector and entrepreneurship development culture like other developed economies and let me tell you about Saudi Arabia, they are improving their economy mix very fast and non hydrocarbon share in their GDP & exports with good pace. I met the business delegations from both Iran & Saudi Arabia last month here in Delhi and have fair bit idea of both the countries can’t say much about other PG tiny nations.

Thank you for your input. It appears only Saudis and people on the inside are aware of the massive Saudi transformation. I would appreciate if you elaborate further so that we all know and learn.
Yes of course, maybe Turkey will over the world after you took over Iraq,cyprus?
stop day dreaming and get back to reality. A "bit" of oil and gas is not enough.
before saying my comment is BS, say why it is BS.

I am desperate to hear your explanation in how you will have a good sustainable growth without oil and gas. please tell me so I can learn.

There is a big difference between taking over the world and having excellent relations with the Azeris, Kurdish-Iraqis or the Eurasian/Turkish countries. There is absolutley nothing unrealistic in the scenarios I counted. Tell me whats questionable for you and I will tell you why I beg to differ.

For your question about sustainable growth without oil and gas, check out BronzePlaques post a few posts above mine.

Why are you so aggressive?
why do you talk before researching? go research Iran economic growth in the 70's then talk BS.

did I said their growth would exactly the same 30 years later? how stupid are you man? seriously?

Pathetic, Even if we research your economie 30 years ago, What good does it do? Tell me please.
Pathetic, Even if we research your economie 30 years ago, What good does it do? Tell me please.

because if you were not an imbecile you would understand, if from 30 years ago Iran continued to grow and the whole sanctions situation never happened then Iran would be much more powerful economically right now.
we are 17th right now, we would easily be in top ten by now.
When did this thread turn to Persian God King trying to prove everyone that he's right and Iran would rule the world if well there wasn't the Islamic revolution?
because if you were not an imbecile you would understand, if from 30 years ago Iran continued to grow and the whole sanctions situation never happened then Iran would be much more powerful economically right now.
we are 17th right now, we would easily be in top ten by now.

yeah so? why should i care? I never happend so boehoe cry me a river
I dont agree because your statement "only countries with large gas and oil reserves can sustain a good growth" is wrong..Japan, Germany, France, Italy, India, UK, China..They are both oil/gas importers..They dont have large gas/oil reserves..But they can sustain good growth rates..So basically to sustain good growth rates, you dont necessarily have to have large oil/gas reserves..

As for Turkey, imho, achieving a rapid but sustainable growth performance during the coming 10 years these issues have to be addressed: Debt dynamics, the employment of rapidly growing population, to shift the large population in agriculture to other sectors, to solve the problems of income distribution and regional disparities, to catch-up the EU per capita national income levels in the membership process.

japan and China and the others right now can import oil without much problem, in ten years time there will be probably be global wars over oil. I am not saying Turley cannot grow right now, I said in few years you will have so much competition over resources. it will be very hard to sustain a good growth if you do not have your own oil+gas.

your growing population would need growing amount of electricty+gas, you would need more and more oil to feed your middle class desire for cars and other produce which need crude.
why do you not understand what I mean?

When did this thread turn to Persian God King trying to prove everyone that he's right and Iran would rule the world if well there wasn't the Islamic revolution?

being in top ten economies is not ruling the world genius, you people are the ones saying you will annex Iraq and cyprus.
hahahah :rofl:

yeah so? why should i care? I never happend so boehoe cry me a river
who said you should care?you asked me a question and I answered it.
sorry but size doesn't mean great economy, NL is an example of this and so if Denmark.

In this thread, we are talking about the SIZE of economies. Big countries usually have big economies. Turkey can't compete with Russia, Brazil, Indonesia or even Mexico. If we were to talk about quality of life and living standards, that would be another topic.
In this thread, we are talking about the SIZE of economies. Big countries usually have big economies. Turkey can't compete with Russia, Brazil, Indonesia or even Mexico. If we were to talk about quality of life and living standards, that would be another topic.

if size really mattered then russian should be number 1 economy.
I think it is the population that matters and the resources you country has, iron,oil,gas etc.
I am not saying size does not matter at all, I am saying it is not really a decisive factor.

size would be good if you were an agriculture based ecnomy, but then again depend how much of your Land is good enough for agriculture.
japan and China and the other right now can import oil without much problem, in ten years time there will probably be global wars over oil. I am not saying Turley cannot grow right now, I said in few years you will so much competition over resources. it will be very hard to sustain a good growth if you do not have your own oil+gas.

your growing population would need growing amount of electricty+gas, you would need more and more oil to feed your middle class desire for cars and other produce which need crude.
why do you not understand what I mean?

being in top ten econimes is not ruling the world geniuns, you people are the ones saying you will annex Iraq and cyprus.
hahahah :rofl:

who said you should care?you asked me a question and I answered it.

Sadly for your pathetic statement there are already so many other ways beside Oil/Gas as Fual. Turkey is already focusing on Hydroxin fualed cars and Already has Several Types of Electric MotorBikes. We are even devolping Electric Engines for Tanks. Your really naive if you think such a scenaria will take place just for a couple of drups of oil/gas. And even if so, Your oil will run out soon and then what will you have to 'Sustain' your so called worlds 17th economie?

Its pathetic how you can delusion and fantasy over how 'Strong' and 'Powerfull' Iran WOULD have been if there was no Islamic revolutions or Sanctions. Look at your current status please and then start talking. I dont want to hear your fantasies on how your would have been in the 'Top Ten Economies'.
In this thread, we are talking about the SIZE of economies. Big countries usually have big economies. Turkey can't compete with Russia, Brazil, Indonesia or even Mexico. If we were to talk about quality of life and living standards, that would be another topic.

Look at the SIZE of NL economy, and look at the size of Mexican economy..Size doesnt matter if you know how to manage your resources..Indonesia is just 1 step ahead of us..I agree Russia and Brazil are beyond our level
Sadly for your pathetic statement there are already so many other ways beside Oil/Gas as Fual. Turkey is already focusing on Hydroxin fualed cars and Already has Several Types of Electric MotorBikes. We are even devolping Electric Engines for Tanks. Your really naive if you think such a scenaria will take place just for a couple of drups of oil/gas. And even if so, Your oil will run out soon and then what will you have to 'Sustain' your so called worlds 17th economie?

Its pathetic how you can delusion and fantasy over how 'Strong' and 'Powerfull' Iran WOULD have been if there was no Islamic revolutions or Sanctions. Look at your current status please and then start talking. I dont want to hear your fantasies on how your would have been in the 'Top Ten Economies'.

you like the word "pathetic" too much, I suppose it because it is all you see when you look in a mirror.
as I said you're a Imbecile, how will long will it take for your country to replace enough of your petrol cars with Hydrogen powered cars? your such a moron, this takes decades to accomplish it does not happen over night.

have you even started a proper hydrogen powered car industry yet?

Also don't worry about Iran, we have enough oil and gas for the next 100 years.
All in all, some forummers couldnt catch the drift here..The very essence of this article is a positive prediction, a goal..Politicians put a future goal, thats all..Whether we manage to achieve that goal or not, its our business..Please dont turn this thread in to a dick measuring contest
you like the word "pathetic" too much, I suppose it because it is all you see when you look in a mirror.
as I said you're a Imbecile, how will long will it take for your country to replace enough of your petrol cars with Hydrogen powered cars? your such a moron, this takes decades to accomplish it does not happen over night.

have you even started a proper hydrogen powered car industry yet?

Also don't worry about Iran, we have enough oil and gas for the next 100 years.

Your comments are truelly stupid and foolish to say the least. Didnt say we already have Hydroxine car. Turkey is focusing and studiying building Hydroxine cars which are quit frankly much easier to built then normal cars. We already have several Electric Vessels in Turkey. Infact everytime i go to Turkey i see more people driving Turkish made Electric MotorBikes then normal Fossile fual using ones.

You only could dream about that pathetic statement lolz, Hear that having oil and gas for 100 years :lol:
if size really mattered then russian should be number 1 economy.
I think it is the population that matters and the resources you country has, iron,oil,gas etc.
I am not saying size does not matter at all, I am saying it is not really a decisive factor.

size would be good if you were an agriculture based ecnomy, but then again depend how much of your Land is good enough for agriculture.

I'm talking about the size of the populations! What I'm saying is basic stuff that everybody should know. Apparently not.
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