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Turkey to Build 3.5 Meters High Wall on the Border with Syria

And what good is a 3,5 m(a truck/bus against it and jump over) high wall,why not 6 m?
And what good is a 3,5 m(a truck/bus against it and jump over) high wall,why not 6 m?

Well people will try to sneak across the border, bringing a truck near the wall and then climbing off over it is not what you call low profile, you will be detected from kilometers away from an aerial surveillance drone or a border posts. And then get shot. And then bleed. And then die. Believe me, not a good way to die.
Well people will try to sneak across the border, bringing a truck near the wall and then climbing off over it is not what you call low profile, you will be detected from kilometers away from an aerial surveillance drone or a border posts. And then get shot. And then bleed. And then die. Believe me, not a good way to die.
Do you know how long that wall will be?
There is always a weakpoint.
Do you know how long that wall will be?
There is always a weakpoint.
There will be movement-detecting-cameras all across the wall.

A truck could be identified from 50kms away.

Even Saudi's border-wall "radar" can detect trucks from that distance, even though the radar is not specialized for that purpose (a general radar for also planes etc).
There will be movement-detecting-cameras all across the wall.

A truck could be identified from 50kms away.

Even Saudi's border-wall "radar" can detect trucks from that distance, even though the radar is not specialized for that purpose (a general radar for also planes etc).
Detect ok,but how many soldiers do we deploy there,will they be there in time or to late?
Every how many km will we have a border unit to interfere when needed?
Im thinking about the length of that wall.
Detect ok,but how many soldiers do we deploy there,will they be there in time or to late?
Every how many km will we have a border unit to interfere when needed?
Im thinking about the length of that wall.
Even if we would be to cover all the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian borders, it would make about 1800kms, lets say 2.000kms.

If we would put one outpost for every 10kms, that would make 200 outposts.

If an outpost would have 10 personnals, that would make 2.000 personnals. 10 would be more than enough but lets say they are very big military outposts with 50 personnals, even then it would make 10.000 personnals at most.

And I think realizing a moving target from 50kms to move to the far point from an outpost (5kms as it would be the middle point between two outposts, thus making that point that farest point for any outpost possible), getting to that point that is 5kms away on a proper road while target is moving on desert/whatnot coming from 50kms away, things would be smooth.

And also, we have lots of cannon batteries, thausands of them, maybe tens of thausands.

We could put 5-10 of them into every outpost, so that the incoming targets could be shot by multiple outposts with multiple cannon batteries.

And even under that most extreme scenario, there would be 2000 batteries and 10.000 military personnals.
Even if we would be to cover all the Syrian, Iraqi and Iranian borders, it would make about 1800kms, lets say 2.000kms.

If we would put one outpost for every 10kms, that would make 200 outposts.

If an outpost would have 10 personnals, that would make 2.000 personnals. 10 would be more than enough but lets say they are very big military outposts with 50 personnals, even then it would make 10.000 personnals at most.

And I think realizing a moving target from 50kms to move to the far point from an outpost (5kms as it would be the middle point between two outposts, thus making that point that farest point for any outpost possible), getting to that point that is 5kms away on a proper road while target is moving on desert/whatnot coming from 50kms away, things would be smooth.

And also, we have lots of cannon batteries, thausands of them, maybe tens of thausands.

We could put 5-10 of them into every outpost, so that the incoming targets could be shot by multiple outposts with multiple cannon batteries.

And even under that most extreme scenario, there would be 2000 batteries and 10.000 military personnals.
Now that would be a Game of thrones style wall. :D

Jokes a side, we should also build a wall along Iraqi border while we are at it against pkk.
They should emplace some seismic devices just incase tunnels are built to counter the walls..
Do you know how long that wall will be?
There is always a weakpoint.

Well it will be along the border, but for security it will probably have border posts every 10km and because Turkey has access and ability to make advance products it might have infrared and thermal sensors like the American Mexican border. Mind you the wall is not meant to stop people from crossing, instead it is meant to harden such a journey for them and lead to detection so action against them can be taken.
Yeah, we should learn lessons from Israel's and KSA's border-wall systems.

simply mine everything make some corridoors and a map keep it sectret and no body can come near the wall except they build a 10 km tunnel
simply mine everything make some corridoors and a map keep it sectret and no body can come near the wall except they build a 10 km tunnel
Mine field is a very bad solution, once placed they are very hard to remove and they stay active for decades and cause damage amon civilians over generations, better use seismic sensors it will be cheaper and less dangerous compared to mine cleaning after the war.
mines are scare and that is what I am counting on..
who said it shoud not remain decades? put there some warnings no sane person would be harmed.. we do not need to put them away if you leave roads as a connection to those ex-nations..

so you have save path and some hidden save path.. it is easier to controle the save path vecause the 10 km mine field controles the rest..

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