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Turkey threatens action after Syria downs jet

Martian, you sneaky american snake why you worry so much about Turkey Syria?

People complain when I don't post in other forums. When I do post, I get more complaints. This isn't worth the aggravation. I'm headed back to the Chinese Defense sub-forum.

Before I go, let me clarify my point.

1. If the Turkish F-4 Phantom did intrude into Syrian airspace then a low fast-flying fighter-bomber is a legitimate target for Syrian air-defense to shoot down. You, too, would shoot down an invading jet in your country's airspace.

2. If Syria shot down the Turkish warplane over international waters then Syria is the aggressor.

In conclusion, this event hinges on where the Turkish Phantom was shot down. Was it in Syrian airspace or above international waters?
People complain when I don't post in other forums. When I do post, I get more complaints. This isn't worth the aggravation. I'm headed back to the Chinese Defense sub-forum.

Before I go, let me clarify my point.

1. If the Turkish F-4 Phantom did intrude into Syrian airspace then a low fast-flying fighter-bomber is a legitimate target for Syrian air-defense to shoot down. You, too, would shoot down an invading jet in your country's airspace.

2. If Syria shot down the Turkish warplane over international waters then Syria is the aggressor.

In conclusion, this event hinges on where the Turkish Phantom was shot down. Was it in Syrian airspace or above international waters?

Turkey claims that it was in international airspace and offering evidence to prove it. (Syrian radio records and Radar records)
On the other hand, Syria claims that it was in their territory when they shot it. They haven't offered any proof or solid argument yet.

Btw it wasn't a bomber, it was a recon aircraft and flying solo. According to Turkish officials, its mission was to test Turkish radar capacity and has nothing to do with Syria.
well, i saw a video that normal people at the coast had taken it , the phantom was deadly near the coast !!

There is nothing in that video other than some people cheering after explosions.

Can you point out in which second the plane is visible. Maybe i missed it.
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THAT IS WHAT YOU CALL FRIENDLY FIRE , hey relax Syria already said APOLOGY :)
Does Turkey's reason for airspace violation really matter. Both sides acknowledge that the jet left international area at some point. This is clearly a provocation, as Turkey and Syrian regime are basically enemies.
well, i saw a video that normal people at the coast had taken it , the phantom was deadly near the coast !!

It was a fabricated video served by the Syrians to make people believe the plane was shot down by an antiaircraft gun. Were you able to see the plane in that video?
it was from cnn turk :)
the people who was capturing it were half naked at the coast :D
What's Turkey doing flying a phantom? Don't they have newer air craft?

They certainly do, actually Turkey ordered 100 F-35. Currently they have F-16's as main jet with different block models some of them modernized nationally. I have no idea what the F-4 was doing there, it was unarmed, and it was alone, it wasn't even scouting or anything. Turkish FM says it was on training mission, and it violated Syrian borders for only a short time and it was back on its main course again. And while it was being shot at, the jet was on international waters and after it lost controle it crashed on Syrian borders.
if Turkey takes action it might get more messed up but i am sure now turkey will provide more money and weapons

and this is a war of no mercy who ever side it is
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